NOT into the "Dalton Theory"; I stand by my own R & I. Will NOT be bullied to believe in the "non-existence" of Charley BIGELOW; Not BIGALOW...
Reb..I don't think Anyone is Bullying you... We've all had different approaches and beliefs on this topic of James and Dalton. I still remember when you announced on This Very Thread that after having time to look at more information you proclaimed Dalton a fraud.
If anyone is doing real research on a subject, you've got to pull back the onion layers. There's plenty of Big Onions of repetition on this topic. There's also Smaller Onions where those looking to prove or disprove the assassination as history reported it and as John James,Dalton and Houk and others made claims that Have to look at everything. Just because History reported it one way and others looking to profit from writing books another way and say it a lot Doesn't Make Either True.
For a second look at the James Family and Dalton and Courtney Camps.
JWJ Family:
Fact: They never wanted to exhume JWJ's Grave at Kearney for DNA testing. Why? The Dalton, Courtney, JMJ, Chase and Gerlt camps claimed it was because they knew DNA would prove it wasn't JWJ buried there. That he didn't die, but lived on under a different name and had other wives and many children.
Fact: The James family Knew that the JWJ 1902 and 1978 exhumations and re burials would have posed questions and doubts regarding the 1995 exhumation and DNA testing would have been questioned even if a disgruntled County employee hadn't made his claims because of the 1902 JWJ exhumation and re burial at Mt Olivet and the 1978 exhumation. At that time in 1902 there was not any chain of custody/handling and the remains and casket were extremely deteriorated like they were in 1978 when I was there. Understandable. The original JWJ Grave was dug up later and partial remains were found and analyzed.
Fact: Bud H. And the fake James' boys Lied to the judge and got caught when requesting exhumation of JFD and dug up Holland, then saw that there was another casket there, but still took Hollands casket and remains off the cemetery grounds to 'an undisclosed location' without telling his family or the judge. The Other casket was disturbed..nobody knows for sure what was taken but not documented and supposedly Holland was re buried. That still disturbed Daltons supposed Wooden Casket. Bud also removed the temporary marker from Daltons grave prior to the current marker. That whole thing was a hot mess. Understandable why another exhumation probably will never happen and Granbury makes a lot of tourism $$$.
Fact: That lets Both of them out for absolute, unquestionable DNA testing. Although BDD and Bud wanted to use known JWJames descendants for DNA comparison
Fact: Courtney's Family Has Had DNA testing and proved he was JLC and Not JWJ. BDDuke got caught lying and showing altered photoshopped pictures of JLC and the JWJames family and the judge naturally got mad and stopped any exhumations. Understandable.
Fact: Naturally there is a question of WHO is in the Casket Photo. The village of Bigelow,Mo is very close to Kearney and St Joe. It's Tiny...Blink and you miss it although there is a Hunting-Fishing lodge there now. But it's Never been a Big Metropolis. Those folks really do laugh and shake their heads when asked about Charley Bigelow where most folks are generational and know everyone. That's Understandable.
Fact: Bigelow, Mo could sure use the tourism money that would be sure to come by going along with those writers who claim that it was Charley Bigelow killed by riding on the coat tails of John James/Houk/Daltons claims that CB was killed to take Jesse James place. They could of even put a memorial marker up... They didn't, because then they'd have to prove he ever existed. Understandable.
Fact: The St Joe home where the shooting took place makes a small fortune every year and it's been moved at least twice and on top of that... what they claim was the kill shot bullet hole in the wall couldn't have been and has been challenged since they opened and made that claim. Just about $$$.
Fact: You are just as entitled to believe whatever you want to as anyone else. I was hoping you had other searching ideas is why I asked you and volunteered to pull hard copies... it was never to Bully. I know by reading non sensational books, documents and articles, many have looked for any existence of Charley Bigelow, like I have and know Baker has and no body has ever found where he existed. Kentuck, clearly has looked and posted information. Baker is doing it due to his hunt... he has to Try to get at the truth himself and not rely on others. I've made him the same offer as I did you regarding pulling factual hard documents in Missouri if he was able to find anything. He can't.