Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

UMM and 45...Gets Confusing Sometimes!!! I completely agree about counties and little known can get frustrating. Records were kept by churches and sometimes country Doctors and even families at times just used their bibles which I'm sure you know. I've checked and continue to check any place there could be a record of anything.

UMM..I've tried different spellings of both...they both used different variations and spellings of their names. For this topic my auto correct changes both Howk and Houk so I just picked Howk to use instead of putting both names...usually I'll just put JFD here instead of FD or both. I got tired of all the aliases so I just picked one lol! I'm familiar with Chilhowie too. Have you requested the guy you are searching for..his separation papers stating he was KIA? If they shipped him back by train, there should be a manifest. Even from the train line too. Ours included who took charge of his body and where he was to be buried. They had one for a gggUncle of mine that was shipped by train to Osceola, met them at the depot and took him home for a service and burial in the family cemetery.

St Clair County Missouri used to be called Jackson Township...Roscoe/Rosco and Montegaw/Montegu Springs that JFD writes of is there as is the County Seat of Osceola, Missouri and many small towns that have either been encompassed or became officially part of other towns or they were flooded by Truman Lake. So far I've found great care taken on records and cemeteries in all of the towns. I still search family cemeteries that were not moved or affected.

Jackson County Missouri is Where Lee's Summit is and JFD writes of there. I've checked there,Greenwood and Lone Jack too. Cole Younger is buried in LSMO. As well as Benton and Henry Counties I've checked.

Cole Younger and his family members lived in both places.

JFD has mentioned both in his writings which has lead me to believe that he could be part of the Younger family in some way. Lewis Dalton married a sister of Cole Younger.

Jackson County and Jackson Township are often confused with each other in history. Same with St Clair County, MO and St Clair, MO. which still get confused. Genealogy researchers often question which is which. I've checked there too.

Howk/Houk is out of Arkansas for the most part. He is easy to trace, he's been in some trouble. He was always a dime player. He thought he hit the big time when he met JFD. He believed JFD and his stories of KGC depositories and locations. They go back together way before Meremac...JFD actually used Meremac to get away from Howk but when he became no use to Meremac, they dumped him back on Howk. It is such a convoluted story. A house of smoke and mirrors built on lies. It's worked for them though...

I've done this type of work for 28yrs and I nor anyone I've worked with have EVER known of anyone who has no beginning middle or end. Just to go through life with 70+ aliases and Never have a starting point?? Or Anything legal??? It's the strangest thing. Most people who assume aliases use some form of their name. Since A lot of families use family names as a first or middle name. Like JFD could be Dalton Younger or some variation. Like Grat Dalton used a shortened version of his name.

Most men usually had some kind of military service up through Vietnam unless they were the only son. Or a brother had been killed. He has No Record of service. I know that wasn't really enforced until the Sullivan family but oftentimes one son would stay back to help the family. Civil War was different a lot of times so he could of been just too young for anything. He says he signed up on his 15th birthday in MO and states where...there is no record of him. Although he first said he was born and enlisted in Texas.

He was fascinated by the Daltons but also used a lot of Younger stories and locations. I'm betting he was somehow related to Youngers. I dont think he was a brother of Cole, but someone fairly close in age, within 7, + or - 2 yrs. that had heard the stories and knew the locations. He was pretty accurate on locations, like Roscoe...Not many people have heard of that tiny town unless you are a Younger history buff or lived there or close by. Now it's more well known for fishing but years ago..Montegow Springs or Chalk Level was the reference point. He was a bit off on the small detail of where John Younger was physically shot and died...not by much but if someone isn't familiar with that area they wouldn't know it.

I get a headache every time I think about! Better go take an aspirin..


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Well... today; I did R & I on photos/"pics" of J. Frank Dalton... where I could see the hands... NO missing digits; PROOF of the REAL Jesse James is missing digit of the left middle finger above 1st joint, past knuckle.

Exactly! They didn't get that part Right did they!!

Thanks Kace. I'm pretty sure the Confederate vet I spoke of is buried with his wife south Of Chilhowee in the Carrsville Cem. Just no record. Funeral home in Chilhowee has record of receiving body, just not where he's buried. No record in Carrsville or any Cem. at Chilhowee. His kids were buried there too. He ran a store after the war. State Hist. Soc. (I think) has record of his service. He lived about 3 miles from where I grew up and I knew his Grandson.
I have a book, published locally in the 60's about the Roscoe shootout. The Younger s were well known and liked before the war. Cole's Dad had several thousand acre's and had the Livery in Harrisonville. Cole got to be more well known after the Battle of Lone Jack. He rode up and down the line passing out ball and powder from wicker baskets over the withers of the horse. Some of the Union troops knew who he was. He then kept a couple of Union Officers from being executed by his fellow Partisan Rangers and took one Officers watch,pistol and money to his sister in Warrensburg. This act didn't hurt him when it came to parole hearing.
I think the Younger's had an Uncle that lived between Oceola and Roscoe. Best I can determine, there were many Younger kids so lot's of relation all over Western Mo.

Thanks Kace. I'm pretty sure the Confederate vet I spoke of is buried with his wife south Of Chilhowee in the Carrsville Cem. Just no record. Funeral home in Chilhowee has record of receiving body, just not where he's buried. No record in Carrsville or any Cem. at Chilhowee. His kids were buried there too. He ran a store after the war. State Hist. Soc. (I think) has record of his service. He lived about 3 miles from where I grew up and I knew his Grandson.
I have a book, published locally in the 60's about the Roscoe shootout. The Younger s were well known and liked before the war. Cole's Dad had several thousand acre's and had the Livery in Harrisonville. Cole got to be more well known after the Battle of Lone Jack. He rode up and down the line passing out ball and powder from wicker baskets over the withers of the horse. Some of the Union troops knew who he was. He then kept a couple of Union Officers from being executed by his fellow Partisan Rangers and took one Officers watch,pistol and money to his sister in Warrensburg. This act didn't hurt him when it came to parole hearing.
I think the Younger's had an Uncle that lived between Oceola and Roscoe. Best I can determine, there were many Younger kids so lot's of relation all over Western Mo.

I'd like to get a copy of that book on the Roscoe Shoot Out. Is that the name of it? Do you remember who wrote it?

You're right on the Very Large Younger family!! That seemed to be the trend then..

Dad said it was because there was no tv or central heat in the house...


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Original Roscoe Gun Battle Monument.webpNewer Roscoe Gun Battle Monument.webp

Roscoe gun battle monuments

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Yeater-Cleveland Cemetery.webpJohn Younger.webp

Everyone else in the cemetery is buried east/west and John is buried southeast/northwest!! Why?

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The first part of my adventure is coming to an end tomorrow it looks like, I've got to get back, so I'll be heading home...and looking forward to part two!!

This has been such an exiting and rewarding trip, I'm so thankful for being able to have done this and I'm even more thankful for the guidence I've had and for you guys who have answered my questions patiently. Thank You!

One of the things I had found before this trip that got my curiosity up...I took to get it identified and dated by an older historian who deals in 1800s era watches, coins and jewelry.

It's a mans...mid to late 1800's Repousse'/Repoussage Necktie or Neckerchief Ring with Chasing. Men could dress up a bit by putting the ring around their ties or neckerchief!!

Evidently it was popular for the professional man and for the outdoor man. If the outdoor man was doing something that he felt he needed to be more presentable in public or town, he would put the ring on his Neckerchief. In some instances the necktie or neckerchief ring would signify membership in a club or group.

I've learned something new everyday!

1800's Bling...


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View attachment 1505747View attachment 1505748

Everyone else in the cemetery is buried east/west and John is buried southeast/northwest!! Why?

I have no idea why, but I've always thought that was strange!

Thanks for posting All the pics...


PS..I wonder if any of the old timers in Roscoe would know the answer to his stone placement?? If I remember right and I very well could be wrong, but his Grave wasn't the first one in the Yeater-Cleveland cemetery was it? I'll see if anyone I know might know is very strange. Thanks Again for Posting Those Pics!

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Before Photo Touch Up...


1966.. According To The Esteemed and Ever Astute Sheriff Oran Baker of Granbury, Hood County Texas..J. Frank Dalton bore 32 Bullet Holes from his Forehead to His Knees which were consistent with known wounds Jesse James had received and this observation was backed up by yet another Texas lawman saying that After Years In Law Enforcement, an officer Knows what to look for...


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That is J. Frank Dalton...? Dunno. looks different than 1948... (confession); NEVER heard of ANYONE surviving a shot between the eyes. Electric Shock Scar...?

That is J. Frank Dalton...? Dunno. looks different than 1948... (confession); NEVER heard of ANYONE surviving a shot between the eyes. Electric Shock Scar...?

It isn't JFD...I was kidding. This is an actual Civil War Confederate Soldier though that survived 54 years after being shot in the forehead. Part of the shot fell out 17yrs after being shot and then two pieces of lead fell out 31yrs later.

Battle of Chickamagua

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WOW! How DID J. Frank Dalton die...?

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"Old Age", probably... Did HE have the wounds of Jesse James & middle left hand "missing digit...? HE had stays in mental institutions... any records...? Inquiring minds wanna KNOW!

WOW! How DID J. Franklin die...?

That depends on who you choose to believe...There Was Not An Autopsy Done On JFD.

What is known is that JFD was going blind and started getting more infirm before leaving Meremac, they couldn't use him anymore and had gotten unfavorable court rulings against them due to their claims of him being Jesse James. Meaning they lost to Stella James Twice.

They released him back to Orvus Lee Houk/Howk who was his agent/manager who had promised JFD to take him to Granbury, Texas to die and be buried. That was JFD's wishes. OLH did start towards Granbury by car, making sure to stop at every small town between Meremac and Granbury charging Adults .25¢ and kids .10¢ to pull a sheet back to see Jesse James.

Orvus Lee had called Estes funeral home in Granbury saying they were going to arrive by train, this was 9 days prior to JFD's death. Estes funeral home had an ambulance meet them at the depot and they took JFD to a friend of Houk/Howk's house, Sam Roush/Rausch. OLH propped up JFD there and charged a quarter or dime to see him.

JFD died nine days later.

So, the story splits on cause of death, no one really knows for sure since an autopsy wasn't done..There is very good reason to believe he had arsenic poison due to the open sores, burned feet, blindness etc. There are also letters that OLH wrote saying he planned on taking JFD to His curiosity shop in Colorado to display JFD's mummified remains as Jesse James...He had a mummified Indian on display. That would explain why Ben Estes did not due an autopsy.
I do not think Ben Estes was involved in anything shady.

You can believe that JFD was being poisoned by arsenic when he started getting more infirm and OLH thought he could make more money by displaying JFD's remains and recoup some of the money he spent chasing KGC treasure by following JFD's lies or believe JFD died of natural causes.

If it weren't for the letters that OLH wrote, I'd believe natural, but the letters about taking JFD to Colorado and strapping a coffin like box to the top of the car, the funeral wasn't paid for, no headstone and the casket was just wooden, not leadlined and with no vault kinda makes you think OLH thought JFD wouldn't be there long.

Estes funeral home tried to keep temporary markers up on JFD's Grave but they kept getting stolen.

No one really knows how old JFD was.. Houk/Howk and JFD scammed each other and the public. Houk gave the information on JFD's death certificate and that made him 107yrs old to match with the Jesse Robert James lie. They had claimed before that he was 103yrs old.


"Old Age", probably... Did HE have the wounds of Jesse James & middle left hand "missing digit...? HE had stays in mental institutions... any records...? Inquiring minds wanna KNOW!

J. Frank Dalton, did Not have the wounds of Jesse Woodson James..And He had his middle finger intact. He didn't have a rose tattoo on his chest covering the known bullet wound that JWJ had gotten when he tried to surrender after the war according to people who had seen him dress. I've never seen a photo of him without his shirt on. He did have a bloody nail on his index finger that looks like it came from a hammer hit.

We see what a bullet to the forehead can do, JFD or JWJ didnt have that wound, unless it was something that only trained Texas Rangers and Sheriffs could see. Jeez. I'm sure that front page news paper headline is framed and hanging in Oran Baker's grandchildren's, as well as others homes....

Law Enforcement records show that JFD was admitted to institutions in Texas...Longview is one, and also hospitals around Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas due to his wild claims of being Billy the Kid and all the famous Dalton family then Jesse James.


ONE thing that I remember reading was that MANY Marshals, Deputies, Texas Rangers, etc were former Knights of the Golden Circle who KNEW Jesse James; "covering" for him by "looking the other way". "Trained"...? PROBABLY... by "Q", KGC, et al. The OLD, ORIGINAL Texas Rangers were PROBABLY Knights of the IRON HAND... FEARLESS!

As stated before... after John Howard/Jeremiah Mason James was murdered in 1882 (as Jesse James), the REAL Jesse James "assumed" his cousin's identity, becoming the FARMER, Jeremiah Mason James... freeing him (JJ) up to do his 2nd Degree "Work" of the KGC, as being "in charge" of KGC $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$; 2nd Degree KGC was on the STATE LEVEL, Financial Degree Knight. Where was Jeremiah Mason James from, as a farmer...? Illinois, I think; hmmm...

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