I am "ruling out" JFD as JJ... HOWEVER! JFD as a "Body Double" for JJ, well... he knew TOO much! I DID enjoy the BLACK BOOK up to a point, tho... got me into KGC & JJ and gangs. Local "connections" is a WOWSTER!
When I get home My Copy of the BLACK BOOK Should be there..excited to get it!!
Reb...I'm glad you brought up JFD...I Agree 100 percent..I Like the Local History and Claims too. I've had great help these last few days and am learning more about my neck o the woods.
I really have tried Very Hard to confirm JFD to be JWJ..I wanted to believe that too. I know my research and posts on JFD have not been popular with some folks and believe me...if there was Any Truth to that claim I would of said that first and stopped.
I decided to act like I had never heard of him before. I made myself Ignore Every Single Scam Artist that was involved in his life and just researched Him. I even ignored what my own family had said about him when they were at Meremac in '48 and '49. Grandparents in '48 and Parents in '49. I ignored what I Saw in '71-'72 that made No Sense to me, even being that young when I made my Dad stop there finally...actually my Mom made him stop so I would shut up about going to Jesse James Hideout...I still remember what he said when we parked after telling the parking lot staff 'Don't Put That Damn Bumper Sticker On My Car"...He said to my Mom that he couldn't believe this Carnival Side Show was still around. lol...It still is.
With the type of work I do professionally I have access to many, many databases that contain directories, records, photographs and files from the past to present. For every documented claim, there is either a very well documented counter claim OR a Very Well Documented Confirmation of the Claim. Both can be researched. I Just Cannot Twist The Facts To Match the Stories Concerning JFD. Can't Be Done.
The Databases Now are Nothing Like they used to be...Even in the last 5-10-15 years there is So Much More Detailed Information Available...Facial Recognition is here and a great tool. I get paid to do this stuff and track people...I Have to be thorough...I'm not getting paid for this, but I still want to be thorough because we are trying to trace Jesse James..Outlaw to see where he was and had been. There are serious JJ, KGC,CSA Treasure and History Hunters out there and Kids. Hopefully US wading through all the Horse Ships will save even one person the trouble of this topic.
I also work with Innocence Projects and that isn't always someone current or even alive. I found out by Accident that Two of my gUncles were in Leavenworth because they were Moonshiners. I was tracking someone else when that happened and I printed all of the information out and showed it to my Grandmother and asked why That tidbit was never mentioned
when I was doing our genealogy...I was told they went back to Virginia and were 'working with family' during that time. Part of that was true.. I just wasn't told the Rest of The Story...lol!
Reputable Writers of magazines and books back then used what access and information they could and were given during those times and I sure am not going to fault them for that. Nowadays We Can Research Their Sources...Couldn't do that then. Questionable Writers just made stuff up that was more exciting based on the high points of what Reputable Writers Printed. Sounded Factual And More Indepth.
But later what information JFD was fed was Publicly Available Sensationalized Information. He didn't know Anything Personal about JWJ..Outlaw. Not Even JWJ's Boot Size... He was off by 3-5.5 sizes depending on when he was asked. JFD made good guesses but JWJ had extraordinarily small feet for a man his height...he wore a size 7.5 boot which were authenticated and twice entered into evidence in court and once a pair of his boots were produced at an appearance by JFD, by his Daughter in Law disputing his claims. During one of the Meremac/Turilli/JFD Fraud Lawsuit Cases the Judge asked JFD to put on those boots..His foot wouldn't even clear the boot shaft. One reason they lost the lawsuit. He didn't know Franks Full Name or Even Who HE/JWJ was named after. Plus many other personal things that you just wouldn't forget.
I did attack JFD for scamming people and it wasn't right for him to do it. He was hardly alone though. He knew, as others did that there wasn't a way to disprove his claims very easy in smaller towns...He eventually would get found out and move to another smaller area and start over again. There were Many people who were confidence men...Like there are today. A lot of them today are Cyber Criminals, Phone Scammers or they pray on the elderly in person saying they need home repairs badly and end up either taking their life savings or the deed to their home or charging 5x the cost.
I don't think JFD had Any Idea what he got into with Meremac etal and then Orvus Lee Howk. JFD was a minor league imposter and they were Major League Scammers. Actually I feel bad for his final months, he was used horribly bad for others gain and is Still Being Used to this day for others to profit.
All that aside...
I agree with Reb that he could of been a stand in and 'maybe' even a distant relative of JWJ..Outlaw. The missing part of the left middle finger is something that impostors couldn't really get right. It's too documented. Even the most determined imposter isn't going to cut his own finger halfway off before seeing how profitable his scam is going to be. None have come forward so far.
ECS... 'It's Possible' he used the name Bud Dalton around JWJ etal...he sure couldn't of used the name J. Frank Dalton with that crowd. They Knew. Nor would they have wanted him to be posing as anyone famous. They Hid Their Own Names and John and Frank Dalton were well known names too. Also, many sources document that the 'gang' wasn't always made up of the same guys.
It 'Could of Been JFD' aka Bud Dalton of Ouachita Mountains Brass Bucket Fame. That was 1876ish I think. He was in Oklahoma and Texas a lot. I know he wasn't in Missouri, Tennessee or Virginia in the 1880's and James' were.
It's kinda curious that if JFD did partake in that robbery, why was he so destitute always...The etched contract on the bucket says it belongs to all who sign. Maybe I'm wrong but to me it would mean that each guy who signed was entitled to
1/12th of the total bank. If someone died then others would get part of their share if it wasn't going to the deceased's family.
The James Family, including JWJ himself profited in many ways by keeping JWJ..Outlaw dead. Organizations JWJ belonged to profited by keeping him dead. His wife was happy to not have to move around and hide and he needed to be dead for that.
JWJ could do a lot of things for big money staying dead. He knew his name was a Brand that was valuable...It still is. His mother made money never leaving the farm, his brother made money touring, even the Ford brothers profited by claiming to have killed him. All of that was out in the open. The bigger payoff would have been the organizations he belonged to that were Not out in the open.
JF Dalton profited by keeping JWJ alive and getting paid to tell stories. Albeit, not much compared to JWJ..Outlaw.
And That went against JWJ's immediate family that were still living including his wife,children and grandchildren.