It was in the 2nd year of the CONFEDERATE WAR...

I use to travel "a lot"....and,...I know a lot of professional contacts and resources. By "documented" I mean something that is a matter of record that can likewise be confirmed and supported by other documents and/or records. What you eventually learn is that the victors always write the history and that they often often embellish upon these documents and records to present the subject in their favor. Many "factual" authors make a living embellishing upon the facts. This is extremely common, so....don't believe a lot of what you read until it can also be supported by the losers, or opposition. As for oral record, maybe nice to know but it's basically "worthless" and at it's best it might contain partially accurate information or clues. Remember when you were a kid and the teacher sat everyone in a circle and she had the first person start a paragraph until every person in that circle had recited that same "exact" paragraph. By the time it got to the end it was never the same paragraph and many of the details had been altered or omitted. Well, this is the natural result of the "oral" passing of information. Even today some documents are intentionally altered for a variety of reasons, some being honest attempts, but most being credited to mistakes or gain or personal avoidance. Early explorers nearly always embellished upon the facts so they could continue to receive funding or gain favor. Just saying, the truth is a very elusive creature.

Info is good enough for me... it's "local"; I can "check into it" (research it, personally).

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I have already provided info on the CONFEDERATE WAR in this "Thread", and was hoping to add whatever "Scoop" had found... BUT! I can do I & R in the research libraries; I can "walk the grounds" alluded to in BOTH the "BE" & CONFEDERATE WAR aspects of this "mystery"... so can Franklin; SO!

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I have already provided info on the CONFEDERATE WAR in this "Thread", and was hoping to add whatever "Scoop" had found... BUT! I can do I & R in the research libraries; I can "walk the grounds" alluded to in BOTH the "BE" & CONFEDERATE WAR aspects of this "mystery"... so, can Franklin; SO!

Have at it. :icon_thumleft: I'm sure there's a lot of interesting local history there.

POSSIBLE time-line; CONFEDERATE WAR: 1st (1863) & 2nd (final... 1865) deposits made of "Richmond Stores" in Bedford County, VIRGINIA by Comp. I CSA (Campbell County Rangers); the final "deposit" was as Richmond, Va. "fell"... at THAXTON SWITCH (V & T Rail Road).
Prez. Jeff Davis had asked Sec. of War, where the best places (caves, etc) in the WESTERN part of VIRGINIA to send "Richmond Stores"... Lynchburg, Va., Bedford County, Va., etc. NO other places were considered. (From OR). 1865, SOUTH surrenders. 1869 - Robert E. Lee "over-nights" with his friend, Paschal Buford (vet of War of 1812, with
"french connections"...) "roughing out" BEALE PAPERS, as "COVER-UP". 1882 - Frank James (as James Warren) meets with other REBELS at the Arlington in Lynchburg, Va., to discuss "business". Ferdinand C. Hutter is author of BEALE PAPERS, with cousin JB WARD to apply for copyright in March, 1884; copyright for BEALE PAPERS is granted in March, 1885. Ferdinand C. Hutter died; BEALE PAPERS released for "mass market" in 1885; 20 years after the "surrender", in 1865. MORE to come... HART Bros, NSA, Innis, Viemeister, etc.:icon_thumleft:

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So where are these documents that say Hutter was the author, and the ones that tell about the secret CSA deposits? Are they letters, CSA documents, etc.? Heck, those records alone will bring you a small fortune. Can't believe you were able to actually find confirmed records/documentation on the whole thing where so many before you have failed. Awesome! :icon_thumright: Glad we're past all the speculation and finally have someone with conclusive proof.

YEP! I AM OK with R & I "info"! ALL added TOGETHER!!

More POSSIBLE time-line: Hart Bros (Clayton & George) ORIGINALLY titled HART PAPERS... THE BEALE PAPERS, according to a web-site, as a "important historical document" of two TH'ers searching for the Beale Treasure; they were from Roanoke, Va. "Working from 1898 to 1912, they had DIRECT ACCESS to the agent for the author", JB Ward. "Their study" was published by George Hart, Sr. in 1964, (HART PAPERS sezs 1952)... check it out at Page 11 AND! "Google" HART PAPERS - George Hart, Sr. WITHOUT the Beale Expedition ("BE"). More LATER!

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In the 1940's, NSA agents under William Friedman surveyed ppl on the streets of Lynchburg, Va. asking what THEY knew about the Beale Treasure/Beale Ciphers/BEALE PAPERS... NOTHING! NOTHING revealed from NSA... it WAS during WWII, ya know! HA!
Then, the HART PAPERS was released in 1964 (?!?)... BUT! Written in 1952 by George Hart, Sr.? 1964... Pauline Innis "started" the "CRAZE" for the Beale Treasure, with the release of GOLD IN THE BLUE RIDGE. From Roanoke, Va. & "connected" with William Friedman (NSA)... living at the WATERGATE, in DC (?!?) "smells" like a "Spy Thing"/NSA... for the MASS MARKET (PUBLIC). MORE, later.

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In the 1940's, NSA agents under William Friedman surveyed ppl on the streets of Lynchburg, Va. asking what THEY knew about the Beale Treasure/Beale Ciphers/BEALE PAPERS... NOTHING! NOTHING revealed from NSA... it WAS during WWII, ya know! HA!
Then, the HART PAPERS was released in 1964 (?!?)... BUT! Written in 1952 by George Hart, Sr.? 1964... Pauline Innis "started" the "CRAZE" for the Beale Treasure, with the release of GOLD IN THE BLUE RIDGE. From Roanoke, Va. & "connected" with William Friedman (NSA)... living at the WATERGATE, in DC (?!?) "Smells" like a "Spy Thing"/NSA... for the MASS MARKET (PUBLIC). MORE, later.

Exploring "How A Legend is Born" are we. :laughing7:

Exploring "How A Legend is Born" are we. :laughing7:

NOPE! Just MY I & R "journey"; Quest for the Beale Treasure, and what I have found; laying the "ground-work" for the NEW Oliver Stone movie... TBJ. LOL! I will be "deep throat", like that guy in JFK (Donald Sutherland); overwhelming ppl with FACTS! "It" was a REBEL THANG! To be released in 2018...

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Peter Viemeister's (RIP) books are NEXT! THEN! Will "do" OTHER "locals"...:icon_thumleft:

"Rebels Without a Cause" comes to mind. :laughing7:

HA! You ARE a FED!

Big Brother is watching. :laughing7: You won't find us listed, but we are the USHTWA....."United States Hidden Treasure Watch & Authority." Look for us in the Bedford area, dark sunglasses, black suits, etc., know the deal.

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