Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
- #41
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(GRIN) IF... "BT" WAS "code" for part of the CSA TREASURY to be utilized for the re-building of VMI; after the CON-
FEDERATE WAR, it explains why NSA was so interested in the Beale Cipher(s) & "BT". NSA under W. Friedman (NSA) sent
agents to Lynchburg, Va. in the 1940's asking ppl what THEY knew about "it"... NOTHING! LOL! THEN, NSA on DECODED (TV show on DOI/"BT") said "BT" was in New Orleans, under water (Katrina); PROBABLY the OLD US Mint taken
over by the REBS during the CONFEDERATE WAR (1st CSA Mint). MAY have had Jean Lafitte's treasure, and Mexican Treasury, too... DUNNO, (SHADES ON...)
FEDERATE WAR, it explains why NSA was so interested in the Beale Cipher(s) & "BT". NSA under W. Friedman (NSA) sent
agents to Lynchburg, Va. in the 1940's asking ppl what THEY knew about "it"... NOTHING! LOL! THEN, NSA on DECODED (TV show on DOI/"BT") said "BT" was in New Orleans, under water (Katrina); PROBABLY the OLD US Mint taken
over by the REBS during the CONFEDERATE WAR (1st CSA Mint). MAY have had Jean Lafitte's treasure, and Mexican Treasury, too... DUNNO, (SHADES ON...)