It was in the 2nd year of the CONFEDERATE WAR...

Many of the posted website's arguments are even without any foundation or logic. And some of his conclusions are, well....

"Several arguments were given as proof of proposition 1. Two separate and independent arguments were given as proof of proposition 2. Together, propositions 1 and 2 serve as proof that the treasure story is likely to be true." .....laughable! His entire argument in arriving at this conclusion is based on uncertainties and speculation,....and yet the end result is that, "it's likely to be true." :laughing7: On top of this, as far as I can tell, the majority of his personal research has been absorbed through the writings and speculations of other authors as he is constantly referencing them. I think I'll past on that site's, "good info".

BETTER than ANYTHING that YOU have "posted", tho... LOL!

ANOTHER "local" from Roanoke/Vinton, Va. area (WEST of Bedford County, Va.) is Claudine Fulton Ellis... THE BEALE TREASURE CODES: The Key; based on family info from Upper Goose Creek Valley near Buford's/Montvale, Va. area & EASTERN Roanoke County, WEST of BRP. THIS book has REFRESHED the "Quest" for "BT" for MANY ppl; especially "locals"... Albert is NEXT!

A lot of mine has the documentation, records, etc., and you know that. :laughing7:

Which coulda been faked... NOTHING in Bedford County NOR Lynchburg, Va. to "entertain" YOUR "theory"; So you SAY... I have "seen" NONE of your "documentations, records, etc".

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Which coulda been faked... NOTHING in Bedford County NOR Lynchburg, Va. to "entertain" YOUR "theory"; SO YOU SAY... I have "see" NONE of your "documentations, records, etc".

But you have been told where to find some of them. Have you even bothered to look? I doubt it, much easier to read things from a book. They are there if you're only willing to look. From some of our past discussions I think you know I wouldn't say they were there if they weren't. No fakes, not a chance of that considering where they are found. You only need follow up, take a look around for yourself. Chance that road yet explored. :icon_thumright:

What IS interesting tho, is that subsequent R & I MAY indicate a different "explanation" for "BE", "BP", "BC's", etc; as of NOW... I am satisfied that "IT" was a REBEL THANG... we'll see. I MAY write a CD book, TODAY... based on "what I know"... THEN! In the future, have additional info to "consider". For instance, in the beginning, I believed the "BP" about the "BE" + the 3 Ciphers, etc. I have FOUR CEO boxes of info developed since 2005 or so... HOWEVER! My background in Civil War history (being from the Shenandoah Valley & REB re-enactor) enabled me to see "something else" in the "BP" & with that "insight" do R & I into the "SECOND YEAR OF THE CONFEDERATE WAR". The RAGLAND memoirs, the HUTTER(S) "history", etc. Ferdinand Charles Hutter, I salute you! YEE HAW!

What IS interesting tho, is that subsequent R & I MAY indicate a different "explanation" for "BE", "BP", "BC's", etc; as of NOW... I am satisfied that "IT" was a REBEL THANG... we'll see. I MAY write a CD book, TODAY... based on "what I know"... THEN! In the future, have additional info to "consider". For instance, in the beginning, I believed the "BP" about the "BE" + the 3 Ciphers, etc. I have FOUR CEO boxes of info developed since 2005 or so... HOWEVER! My background in Civil War history (being from the Shenandoah Valley & REB re-enactor) enabled me to see "something else" in the "BP" & with that "insight" do R & I into the "SECOND YEAR OF THE CONFEDERATE WAR". The RAGLAND memoirs, the HUTTER(S) "history", etc. Ferdinand Charles Hutter, I salute you! YEE HAW!

Sending you something.

TY. Sending responses back...

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We don't care about that stuff, other agencies take of that small stuff. Just don't get too close to us, buddy, we are everywhere! :laughing7:
Treasure cops,Great. What do you guys want, wait till someone finds something then steal it. Is that how you got your tally,lol. Now, we know. Your a government paid, Pirate. Justintime..

Treasure cops,Great. What do you guys want, wait till someone finds something then steal it. Is that how you got your tally,lol. Now, we know. Your a government paid, Pirate. Justintime..


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Treasure cops,Great. What do you guys want, wait till someone finds something then steal it. Is that how you got your tally,lol. Now, we know. Your a government paid, Pirate. Justintime..

Don't I wish! :laughing7: Pension, health care, and a card that says, "I can get away with anything!"

1863 Lynchburg, Va. when Robert Morriss died... INTERESTING times!

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :wink: WHAT was deposited? HA! RAW Gold, Silver, then Jewelry? NOPE! EASY to explain... GOLD as in... Mexican Golden Eagle Coins; PROBABLY from the MEXICAN TREASURY, after the Mexican War of 1848... it went MISSING! Robert E. Lee was CAPTAIN, in the US ARMY, then! :wink: AND! British Sterling SILVER Coins (loan in 1860's) :wink: French coins... Napolean III Franc GOLD Coins (loan in 1860's); AND! JEWELRY donated to the CONFEDERATE "CAUSE" by SOUTHERN ladies! :icon_thumleft: :read2:
I'm sorry I can't remember the name of the book but a civil war officer (?) wrote a book on the battle tactics of Alexander, which was a great read. In it he happens to mention that a lot of soldiers carried an account of Cortez' invasion of Mexico and they followed the same route and visited the same sites and used the same tactics to conquer Mexico. I think it wouldn't be a stretch to think that a few of the soldiers did not take the final step in the account and and force "Montezuma" to give up a room full of gold.

Conquest of Mexico was in 1848... sounds like the treasures of MAX, during the CONFEDERATE WAR; he was the son of Napoleon. "Google" Maximilian's GOLD; THEN... The Lost Treasure of the Emperor of Mexico. HH!

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Conquest of Mexico was in 1848... sounds like the treasures of MAX, during the CONFEDERATE WAR; he was the son of Napoleon. "Google" Maximilian's GOLD; THEN... The Lost Treasure of the Emperor of Mexico. HH!
Thanks for the info. My brother and his wife live in Big Spring Texas and although the frreeway to Midland Odessa ruined the Big Spring that was probably where they were headed for water for their oxen. Either that or hueco tanks (there is a 15th century dam in the spring making a pond of water still intact)

YW; I guess St. Loo advertised a "Operation Rescue" for the Emperor of Mexico (Max) during the CONFEDERATE WAR, and TJB & others responded... TJB was "elected" Captain, and "OFF" they went!

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