Bit of snow, last night... gonna make YELLOW snow later.

ANYWAY... back to Lynchurg, Va. "area"; James Beverly Risque, James Beverly Ward, the Hutter Bros. (CONFEDERATE WAR) are ALL "connected". James Beverly Risque (GRANDFATHER of Ward, & the Hutters), had a Farm/Plantation on Dreaming Creek (500 acres) of Bedford/Campbell Counties near New London, Va. and willed it to his daughter Adeline, her husband (Giles) and their son James Beverly Ward... of the "BP"; JB Ward grew up there & is buried there. His Hutter cousins, James Risque Hutter, Edward S. Hutter, & Ferdinand C. Hutter used to play at Hunter's Hill Farm/Plantation, according to PV's (RIP) book, THE BEALE TREASURE - A HISTORY OF A MYSTERY, pg 143-172... AND! After the CONFEDERATE WAR, Ferdinand C. Hutter "worked for the Internal Revenue Department in Lynchburg as chief clerk to Capt. J.H. Rives."
(p. 201). FURTHER! "The Wards, the Hutters, & the Hazlewoods (Newton) all lived in the Lynchburg area, and ALL were Episcopalian....
Hutter (Ferdinand) & Hazlewood were BOTH members of the MASONS in Lynchburg at the SAME time." (p. pg 201-202). JB Ward was ALSO a MASTER MASON until suspended for non-payment of dues.

MORE, later...
