It was in the 2nd year of the CONFEDERATE WAR...

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: :wink: TY, "Scoop"... NOPE! Not yet! Franklin & I met PV in his bookshop (before PV died late March... RIP) & I asked PV about his "sources" for the CONFEDERATE TREASURE COVERUP, as I had heard the same stuff from "locals"... he just smiled, and said NOTHING. HA! I gave him a copy of REBEL GOLD, and a pic of a "BIBLE TREE" found in Bedford County, Va.; took Franklin to see it, and think I gave him a "pic", too. We didn't have time to explore the area, as I had LOTS of stuff to show him... BUT! ANOTHER time... MAYBE! DID show him LOTS of empty "bean pots", tho. There are TWO mounds with a road right between them, an OLD log cabin that a SENTINEL coulda lived in... LOTS of wells with WHITE STONES as a "lined vault"... AND! It is ALL very near GOOSE CREEK, SOUTH!
There is an OLD "colonial FORT" (earthen breast work); The tree of "interest' was BEECH... GREAT tree for carvings, MAY have been boy-girl "crap" tho... :dontknow: OH! Forgot the white square STONE, quartz or feldspar, with a DRILLED hole in it, NEXT to GOOSE CREEK! :wink: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: LAST "post" for tonight... gonna STORM, later! BYE! :hello:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D NO real problem last night, here in Lynchburg, Va. The "Earthen Breast Work" above reminded me of Fort Early, here in Lynchburg, Va... "U" shaped; it was facing WEST, at the "site of interest". Will have to do MORE R & I. :wink: :coffee2: Coffee? :wink:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D If COLONIAL Fort facing WEST, it would be "against" Monacan Nation (aka Indians), who had a HUGE burial mound in Montvale/Bufords area; STRANGE that it was NEVER mentioned in the "BP"... Monacan Nation DID kill some Quakers, who tried to "set-up" a community/Meeting House in that area. TOO close to SACRED GROUND for the Monacan Nation... AND! If CONFEDERATE WAR, then against Yanks coming from the WEST... :dontknow: THIS is interesting... :wink: :icon_sunny: 8)

The Beale Treasure Code, was not just in the Doi, But the Doi was wrote around the code. Lol. Look at the back of a two dollar bill. Rolled up paper on table, three codes hanging off. Franklin is holding his glasses lol with lenses, just like the one that was in the bag, with key. Buy them two dollar bills up, there going to be worth money. Lol.. They were signing to the conditions.

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D If PV (RIP) was still with us, I would make a trip to Bedford City and chat with him MORE, about the CONFEDERATE WAR "theory", and about his book CONFEDERATE TREASURE COVERUP (Beale Treasure). He KNEW something! :o :wink:
:coffee2: :read2: :coffee2: Coffee? :wink:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Bit of snow, last night... gonna make YELLOW snow later. :D :wink: ANYWAY... back to Lynchurg, Va. "area"; James Beverly Risque, James Beverly Ward, the Hutter Bros. (CONFEDERATE WAR) are ALL "connected". James Beverly Risque (GRANDFATHER of Ward, & the Hutters), had a Farm/Plantation on Dreaming Creek (500 acres) of Bedford/Campbell Counties near New London, Va. and willed it to his daughter Adeline, her husband (Giles) and their son James Beverly Ward... of the "BP"; JB Ward grew up there & is buried there. His Hutter cousins, James Risque Hutter, Edward S. Hutter, & Ferdinand C. Hutter used to play at Hunter's Hill Farm/Plantation, according to PV's (RIP) book, THE BEALE TREASURE - A HISTORY OF A MYSTERY, pg 143-172... AND! After the CONFEDERATE WAR, Ferdinand C. Hutter "worked for the Internal Revenue Department in Lynchburg as chief clerk to Capt. J.H. Rives."
(p. 201). FURTHER! "The Wards, the Hutters, & the Hazlewoods (Newton) all lived in the Lynchburg area, and ALL were Episcopalian....
Hutter (Ferdinand) & Hazlewood were BOTH members of the MASONS in Lynchburg at the SAME time." (p. pg 201-202). JB Ward was ALSO a MASTER MASON until suspended for non-payment of dues. :o :wink: MORE, later... :icon_sunny: 8)

:icon_thumleft: ;D INTERESTING info from R & I; "google" DESCENDANTS OF JOHANN LUDWIG HUTTER, 1726; look at # 20 Ferdinand Charles Hutter, # 23 Edward Sixtus Hutter, & # 24 Col. James Risque Hutter. INTERESTING that info on ES Hutter was from newspaper from RAGLAND posession; PV's (RIP) book was "info" from the RUGERMAN family! HA! :wink: :coffee2: :read2: :coffee2: Coffee? :wink:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Back now... to the CONFEDERATE WAR, SECRET SERVICE of the CONFEDERACY, and... CAPT. John Y. BEALL, CSA PRIVATEER (gov't sanctioned pirate for the CSA). :o ALL "loot" to be given to the REBEL gov't. CSA Navy operating on Lake Erie, centered in CANADA! (Windsor, Sandusky Bay "area"). BEALL was caught & later hung in New York on Dec. 16, 1864... after being convicted of piracy & being a SPY! Executed on Governor's Island, New York. For MORE info... "google" THE SECRET SERVICE OF THE CONFEDERACY by John W. Headley. :coffee2: :read2: :coffee2: Coffee? :wink:

Sometimes our own passion is a very lonely thing. :thumbsup:

:D So, yer VERY, VERY lonely? Is the TIKI BAR at the HEARTBREAK HOTEL "down there"? :sunny:

Right now the tiki bar is full of spring breakers, bikers, snow birds, race fans, and beach bunnies. :help:

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Tiki Bar was ROWDY last night; "Spring Breakers" broke the banks (parents were NOT amused...), bikers were in the mood for ANARCHY, snow birds were singing... "THIS bird has flown" (Beatles), race fans were DRIVEN by all that MEAN Bee Ale, AND! Beach bunnies went TOPLESS! :o :wink: Back on "topic" LATER... :icon_sunny: 8)

MEANWHILE, Back to the CONFEDERATE WAR; Ferdinand C. Hutter worked for the Internal Revenue Dept. after the CW, and would have known of "sudden wealth"; NONE reported... LOL! (Grin, here).

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(GRIN) CONFEDERATE WAR & POPLAR FOREST together! This weekend at Poplar Forest, REBEL re-enactors did a burial of William Christian Hutter (this past Sunday); the Hutter family were owners of Poplar Forest 1826-1946. "Google" Hutter AT HOME NewsAdvance Monday April 2, 2012. (WINK)

(SMILE & WINK) Back to the "cover story" & "it was in the second year of the CONFEDERATE WAR"; Brad Andrews has a GREAT article, A THEORY ON BEALE & THE BEALE PAMPHLET (download on Page 16: Beale Ciphers Analysis)... don't let J-Lo distract you. LOL! (CHEESY GRIN & WINK). ANOTHER web-site of "interest" is New Result: The Beale Treasure Story is Likely to be True & Ferdinand C. Hutter, CSA is "focus" . Ron also has interesting thoughts on HIS web-site; "google" The Freemasons and The Confederate Treasury. As Ron wrote... "Clearly, here is an opportunity for MORE research." ENJOY! (WINK)

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(WINK) LOTS of "inside" (family history) & "outside" info (books, etc.) available... HISTORY from Lynchburg, Bedford County, Va. and surrounding areas. (SMILE)

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