Trees are not "marked"; they just "point" to the CSA Cemetery. I know the location of "BT" that Lynchburg City employee or two dug into, years ago. MHO is that they just didn't dig down far enough... shoulda gone down @ 6' like a REAL burial in a cemetery. They stopped when they found "just horse-shoes & nails"... HA! Distraction! There IS a plaque in the Old City Cemetery on this... we can also talk to Ted, the Director of OCC. PERSONALLY, I just think it is just "left-overs" from Richmond, Va. "stores" $$$$$$$$$$$$; transferred to Lynchburg, Va. when it became STATE CAPITAL of VIRGINIA for 4 days in April, 1865... the REST of CSA Treasury (for VIRGINIA) is/are "points WEST" of Lynchburg, Va.
KEEP IN TOUCH! Can meet with you ANYTIME, up to July 16th (wife's BD); planning to go to Outer Banks, N.C. as BLACKBEARD is "calling us"... da Bugger. LOL!