It was in the 2nd year of the CONFEDERATE WAR...

Another interesting theory that has NO direct connection to the writing, publishing, and Lynchberg advertising for sale of Ward's 1885 Beale Papers.

Dont worry, you will gladly hunt for the rest of your life telling yourself that

When the true answer lies ....well in what I just showed harm in disbelief is there?

My post agreed that branding was not old(Spanish). So for me the stones ,like use of term stampeding were not either meaning stones are recent.
If you have a brand registered to a Beale, show its relation to stones or papers or why use only one possibly misread brand "that appeared to look like the letters TJB"
That's speculation, and pounding a square peg through a round hole. A good fit depending on your purpose and future use.
Hey there were named Beal(ish) brands, bet you didn't even look under Beal in the index and put them to work fitting somewhere.
. cattle brand JTB&f=false

There are NP brands too,how far from same mine or other signs?How about any ranch with a heart brand, and mine locations or a next sign from them ?
Read it how you want to read it, then read it as registrars read them. If you can tie James Anderson to a Beale by a registered brand then your pic. has merit. If you are tying the Anderson ranch to the stones by their brands use strictly as a landmark to a mine and thus to the stones brand and Reavis , date the registering of their brand and see if it fits a cover story period correctly.. upside down is just one perspective, does not make things relate any more than a personal translation of the stones.
The open bottom of your pic could have had a gate at one time. Add three more gates and the whole would have a great use for sorting and more. Maybe upside down to you but not to me.

From the previous offered Wiki.
"ath with these men to keep their secrets. Although terms in the Beale can be used in a certain context of timeperiods of dialects and linguistic tastes in spelling in the Beale, leading one to believe they were much older affairs, the specific words 'stampeded' were used, while including a branding iron symbol in the stones. This is part of the hinting of the fact these are two different timeperiods discussed, and that the operation occured at a certain timeperiod closer to the later 1880's, when cattle were brought out to the areas to be raised in ranches, not when New Spain was in control over the territories in the 1820-30's.

As the rest of the information at hand was given due value, the other codes on the stones and the images scribed became more apparent, including a western brand that read 8 BAR n BAR P, or 8 - n - P, which was found to be a code to signify a particular western cattle rancher's brand. When formed into the metallic branding iron shape, this coded brand formed an image that appeared to look like the letters TJB, a family name brand from the area near the mines in AZ."

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When the true answer lies ....well in what I just showed harm in disbelief is there?
No harm in belief unless one wastes time and money in search of an illusion.

Reavis was kind of busy when Beale pamphlet came out.
Probably did not want any fraud suspicion of his activities(creating stone Peralta maps for instance) afterwards after doin time, then boogieing to California,especially any thing related to the Peralta's.
Nor would he have been too welcomed sniffing around strangers property looking for mines. Having played both sides in the war may not have garnered much support either. May not be his creation,those stones. His type work; maybe.

James Reavis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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My post agreed that branding was not old(Spanish). So for me the stones ,like use of term stampeding were not either meaning stones are recent.
If you have a brand registered to a Beale, show its relation to stones or papers or why use only one possibly misread brand "that appeared to look like the letters TJB"
That's speculation, and pounding a square peg through a round hole. A good fit depending on your purpose and future use.
Hey there were named Beal(ish) brands, bet you didn't even look under Beal in the index and put them to work fitting somewhere.

There are NP brands too,how far from same mine or other signs?How about any ranch with a heart brand, and mine locations or a next sign from them ?
Read it how you want to read it, then read it as registrars read them. If you can tie James Anderson to a Beale by a registered brand then your pic. has merit. If you are tying the Anderson ranch to the stones by their brands use strictly as a landmark to a mine and thus to the stones brand and Reavis , date the registering of their brand and see if it fits a cover story period correctly.. upside down is just one perspective, does not make things relate any more than a personal translation of the stones.
The open bottom of your pic could have had a gate at one time. Add three more gates and the whole would have a great use for sorting and more. Maybe upside down to you but not to me.

From the previous offered Wiki.
"ath with these men to keep their secrets. Although terms in the Beale can be used in a certain context of timeperiods of dialects and linguistic tastes in spelling in the Beale, leading one to believe they were much older affairs, the specific words 'stampeded' were used, while including a branding iron symbol in the stones. This is part of the hinting of the fact these are two different timeperiods discussed, and that the operation occured at a certain timeperiod closer to the later 1880's, when cattle were brought out to the areas to be raised in ranches, not when New Spain was in control over the territories in the 1820-30's.

As the rest of the information at hand was given due value, the other codes on the stones and the images scribed became more apparent, including a western brand that read 8 BAR n BAR P, or 8 - n - P, which was found to be a code to signify a particular western cattle rancher's brand. When formed into the metallic branding iron shape, this coded brand formed an image that appeared to look like the letters TJB, a family name brand from the area near the mines in AZ."

I am still waiting to see your cards....I call your bet

Reavis was kind of busy when Beale pamphlet came out.
Probably did not want any fraud suspicion of his activities(creating stone Peralta maps for instance) afterwards after doin time, then boogieing to California,especially any thing related to the Peralta's.
Nor would he have been too welcomed sniffing around strangers property looking for mines. Having played both sides in the war may not have garnered much support either. May not be his creation,those stones. His type work; maybe.

James Reavis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sounds like you are accepting the wary knee'd maybee's as fact finally.....

just buck up and get into the mode of looking for yourself instead of discrediting others with wandering agrguments about how the Spanish branded their herd.....

Please dont try to derail my work ...its as futile as your own speculations against my obvious similarities.

You lost my point when I compared the differences between the times of the overall feel of the Beale Papers with older dates listed, compared against the fact the word Stampeded and the Brand was thrown in proving a more cowboy timeperiod.

Right when James Reavis actually was plotting their theft of the gold......his hands were full alright, of 30 men's blood and sweat, as they stole it and ran off to fund the post Confederacy KGC, leaving a trove for each of the families....the share each was entitled to when mining.

They made two deposits, so count the marks on the Latin Heart Stone......only two different marks there too

guess that might be a similarity to you...... (I) and ((I)), and the fact the Heart also makes the terrain out perfectly in VA as well......just coincidence......

When you break each one down, yet fail to debunk the whole. what does that make your nitpicking accomplish?

Oh I get it, they told you it was North of Santa Fe, but it couldn't be that it was exactly 300 miles West in the Superstitions, could it?

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No harm in belief unless one wastes time and money in search of an illusion.

Yeah it would be a waste of your time from all the way in Florida.......good thing I am real close out here in Vermont

Sounds like you are accepting the wary knee'd maybee's as fact finally.....

just buck up and get into the mode of looking for yourself instead of discrediting others with wandering agrguments about how the Spanish branded their herd.....

Please dont try to derail my work ...its as futile as your own speculations against my obvious similarities.

You lost my point when I compared the differences between the times of the overall feel of the Beale Papers with older dates listed, compared against the fact the word Stampeded and the Brand was thrown in proving a more cowboy timeperiod.

Right when James Reavis actually was plotting their theft of the gold......his hands were full alright, of 30 men's blood and sweat, as they stole it and ran off to fund the post Confederacy KGC, leaving a trove for each of the families....the share each was entitled to when mining.

They made two deposits, so count the marks on the Latin Heart Stone......only two different marks there too

guess that might be a similarity to you...... (I) and ((I)), and the fact the Heart also makes the terrain out perfectly in VA as well......just coincidence......

When you break each one down, yet fail to debunk the whole. what does that make your nitpicking accomplish?

Oh I get it, they told you it was North of Santa Fe, but it couldn't be that it was exactly 300 miles West in the Superstitions, could it?

Discover a related relic fitting stones in the Tonto basin and a cache, it would be easier to backtrack on maps than going forward has been.
Just solid rather than soft findings.
San Sabá had it's pamphlet, and expeditions, and number 30 ect...just popular writing back then borrowing from other reports and enhancing them.. Locations varied greatly regardless of actual sites.
Texas Jim Bowie was part of expedition searching for the S.S. mine, so claimed, though robbery could have been a motive as well. TJB fits. Heck even a knife on stone near the heart, maybe it's his knife and your TJB pic is a bow and arrow pointing to Texas.

Got to sell stories and it was not hard to do.A whole lot of borrowing and embellishing was the norm, with actual locations of little consequence.
We'll know you are right when the ends are reached. Wherever and if those ends are found.
A big project tying Beale papers to Peralta stones. Looking forward to your confirmation of your interpretation..

I have bucked up and walked the Az. desert decades ago. Well southwest of the Sups., closer to Yuma poking around leaving "looking" not loaded up, but curiosity satisfied. Do not expect to return as desert walking is over, beyond visiting relatives if I do.

San Saba.

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Discover a related relic fitting stones in the Tonto basin and a cache, it would be easier to backtrack on maps than going forward has been.
Just solid rather than soft findings.
San Sabá had it's pamphlet, and expeditions, and number 30 ect...just popular writing back then borrowing from other reports and enhancing them.. Locations varied greatly regardless of actual sites.
Texas Jim Bowie was part of expedition searching for the S.S. mine, so claimed, though robbery could have been a motive as well. TJB fits. Heck even a knife on stone near the heart, maybe it's his knife and your TJB pic is a bow and arrow pointing to Texas.

Got to sell stories and it was not hard to do.A whole lot of borrowing and embellishing was the norm, with actual locations of little consequence.
We'll know you are right when the ends are reached. Wherever and if those ends are found.
A big project tying Beale papers to Peralta stones. Looking forward to your confirmation of your interpretation..

I have bucked up and walked the Az. desert decades ago. Well southwest of the Sups., closer to Yuma poking around leaving "looking" not loaded up, but curiosity satisfied. Do not expect to return as desert walking is over, beyond visiting relatives if I do.

San Saba.
View attachment 1140994

And THIS "re-calls" the E.F. Beale Expedition in 1858 or so... under orders of US Secretary of War... Jefferson DAVIS!

Its all falling into place, with more clarity then ever......

Just wait till all the denial is gone folks and we can see the trail they made out west, the theft of the gold, the entire sham laid out over a period of years.....

Something drawn out this long from the times of Jackson and Calhoun, then to the orders of the Secessionists to rob the land and wealth of the Natives, then onto the furthering of these policies in removal acts and other forms of eugenics and genocide of millions....

you do realize this entire movement to these mines has caused the civil war, the death of thousands of natives, the creation of the federal reserve, the creation of the monopoly of partnering banks and mogul enterprises using our people as a tool for their own demise, the great depression under the Business Plot, and would you believe it.......

.......Prescott Bush, grandaddy to 'ol Bush Jr, was even tied into funding the Nazi Germany, throughout the entire WWII affair in the atlantic, his Standard Oil was fueling them before the US joined the war, and while they were even fighting eachother, he still was fueling this all from their takeover of the entire US and now they want the world.

these players are still in action, even if they walk around hunched over acting like seniors

Someone went in and erased it out of jealousy...

So funny....

In November, of 2014, while investigating numerous cyphers and codes, Amateur Codebreaker and Forensic Archaeologist James William Simpson, of Eldorado Enterprises Inc., from Princeton, NJ, deciphered sequences in numbering systems hidden in the Beale that correlate to the measurements of distances and degrees of inclination from a starting point, to locate the two troves. Finding direct relation to a converging point in the west, the starting point they charted their journey from, Simpson tracked the location to a well known area of Arizona, in the Superstition Mountains.
There in the mountains of AZ were found a series of stones, the 'Peralta Stones', that had been carved into a series of maps featuring a code scribed into the bottom of one of the stones, 2 = 3 - (mine symbol) - 18 = 7, a code that had eluded searchers for years. These numbers were found by Simpson to be the exact times that Beale's men went on a 2 year contract, in a 'perilous enterprise', leaving for the mine in the 3rd month of March, arriving at the mine to dig for 18 months, returning one trove to VA, then returning to mine for another 7 months to return a second trove to VA, to return to be massacred in the valley, now named for the bodies found there. On these stones were statements in poorly translated Spanish that also said 'Esto Bereda Es Muy Peligrosa' (Perilous Enterprise), and 'Busca Por El Mapa' (Look For The Map), and also 'Busca Por El Corazon'(Look for the Heart). Simpson discovered these were not all the same type of stone, or the same trail, as there were variances added to the map stones that matched in AZ, yet the heart stone descriptions did not match. It matched elsewhere, at the end of a 4 mile trail.
As the rest of the information at hand was given due value, the other codes on the stones and the images scribed became more apparent, including a western brand that read 8 BAR n BAR P, or 8 - n - P, which was found to be a code to signify a particular western cattle rancher's brand. When formed into the metallic branding iron shape, this coded brand formed an image that appeared to look like the letters TJB, a family name brand from the area near the mines in AZ.
Seeing the direct coded markings etched into these stones, as derived from statements in the Beale Codes, and interpreting the stones as a map to the mine areas in AZ and the locations to 'Walk The Line' in VA as well, Simpson easily located the entire series of 8 mines in the Superstitions and the Vault that held the hidden troves they had robbed, while charting the direct course to the two locations in VA using codes in the Beale, listed as mileage and degrees of inclinations. Once the individual arrived at the location in VA, the trail stones were then followed from the church in Bedford, VA, to the area of the Heart. There the Latin Heart Stone is used to locate the two troves from the different terrain found described in Latin, and from the inscriptions (I) for the first grouping of stashes, and ((I)) for the second grouping of stashes. Note the unique marks on the stone has two different sets and individual counts for a number of personal stashes in each of the two areas in roman numerals denoting weights in pounds of gold and silver.
As the trail of mounting evidence was followed through the entire series of clues of the numerous carved mapping stones, and while using the Beale Codes as a guide to describe the actual affairs going on in both of these 150+ year old mysteries, these markers became more obvious to Simpson, matching a trail of stones that were laid by thieves, who were making their getaway from the area, after murdering their own labor, leaving the stones in scattered areas along a trail, yet planting others in key locations, to seem like they were attacked by Apaches. The other problem was they were crafted from a fairly modern era of tool making, from after the Apache made peace and surrendered, and one stone, the Horse Stone, was crafted from a type of White Granite that was only known to be found in VA. After reviewing the names in the Beale and their history, and noticing that all of the directions and charts were scaled and coded in a very cunning way, to leave hints for the simple minded to understand, and to confuse the intelligent, Simpson was able to pick up on their intended trail of deception, as they were planting information along the way to hide their identities behind a historical, and a faulted timeline of events, as one finds in the Beale. These overly obvious statements at times were clearly integrated into the Beale Codes in certain places to make the common man who wrote them seem more affluent, and from an older era, using types of records and information that were easily referenced by clerks in their offices and other locations around the country at the time in books.
Drafted to seem as if it was from an earlier time, the Beale was pre-arranged by the ringleader of the Arizona Land Grab, James Reavis, who both used the native Apache Tribes as a scapegoat for the murder of their 30 men while in AZ, and attempted to lay claim to the title to the land charter that was once owned by New Spain. In a failed effort to continue the affairs of Manifest Destiny in the west, during the eras of John C. Calhoun and Andrew Jackson, the KGC's roots were being founded in a secret military order just outside of DC in the foothils of Bedford, VA, and were laid there in a Confederate Union, in ceremonies surrounding burning effigies, mocking the death of the Knights Templars of France. Using pseudo-religious occult ceremonies, and military orders and hierarchies, the Knights of the Golden Circle took archaeological stone carvings found in Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia, thought to be the works of early explorers found in the early to mid 1800's, and crafted a faux Charing Cross legend surrounding a few acclaimed new 'biblical discoveries', to convince their followers they were God's Chosen, following a trail of golden 'speaking stones' out west, in a religious order that was being guided to take over the entire southern US, and parts of Brazil, using Christianity as a guise.
While fueling vengeance for the Spanish American Wars, and filling thousands with a craze for gold, their intention was to remove the entire Native population from their lands, and relocate them to other areas, to secure certain areas for mining the richest claims in the country, like in Dahlonegha, GA, and the Spanish and Apache Mines in AZ. They sent numerous families out to the west using the printing press as a tool to inspire the 'Gold Rush' in California, while their intention was to relieve the gold and silver mines of AZ of their stores, while using this 'Treasury' to form a series of 8 Slave Trade Colonies, under the guise of numerous leaders and diplomats, businessmen, and even members of Congress and the White House Cabinet.
Having been employed as a Confederate Soldier and travelling to both Santa Fe, and to New Orleans, Reavis became familiar with the coding and mapping techniques of the Spanish and the markings in the cliffs, and the historical image of the previous Commanders of the times who were involved in laying the roots of the Secessionist movements were passed along amongst fellow Confederate Soldiers as tales to pass the time. Using these identities as covers for his post-Civil War affairs, Reavis was part of the operation to continue the secret order they were pledged to, under the strictest of terms, which were even listed word for word in military format in the Beale. Reavis swore an oath to the death with these men to keep their secrets. Although terms in the Beale can be used in a certain context of timeperiods of dialects and linguistic tastes in spelling in the Beale, leading one to believe they were much older affairs, the specific words 'stampeded' were used, while including a branding iron symbol in the stones. This is part of the hinting of the fact these are two different timeperiods discussed, and that the operation occured at a certain timeperiod closer to the later 1880's, when cattle were brought out to the areas to be raised in ranches, not when New Spain was in control over the territories in the 1820-30's.
Reavis was known by the Federal Authorities investigating him afterwards as a fraudulent Real Estate Agent working in St Louis, MO area, who concocted the entire "Don Peralta" story, and planted faked charters and land claims in city clerks' offices around the country, including crafting faked identities of Spanish Nobility, so that when others were cross-referencing his filed claims for authenticity purposes of issuing the new US Titles, he would seem to be in the legal standing to be the person to inherit the entire valley of Phoenix, and parts of the lands taken from the Apache in the Tonto National Forrest during the expusions of the 1860's. Arranged all on behalf of his previous argreements with Confederates, he was subservient to a higher group that never revelaed its identity, and commanded him through hidden coded messages in his division of the KGC after the Civil War. He was able to make one trip to AZ to secure the old Peralta Ruins, and from the work in the old Spanish Stone Cross maps found there from 1791, he was able to track the locations of their mines and vaults there. After he returned to St. Louis, he finished the rest of these tales, and prepared to hire each of the 30 men himself, with a few that were not keen to the execution of the offered contract in their perilous enterprise.
As they mined out west, they first crafted the map stones to show their trail, then returned to VA to select a place for their troves, carving the area's terrain into the stone in Latin, to make all of the stones appear as if they were old Spanish Miners who were doing the digging and were found dead with the stones nearby, slaughtered by the Apache. This was the heart stone to be placed inside of the map stones, and marked with the locations and terrain descriptions on one side of the stone, as they placed a single trove in VA. Gathering the White Granite from the ridge in VA to craft the Horse Stone for an additional map overview of the areas, they returned for their second leg of their three part journey. When they formed their second location in VA, and buried the trove there, the second letter was delivered to the office of Mr. Morris, who then had in his possesion, the final coded map to the 2 areas, and the locality of the mines out west as described in the dates listed in the second letters. By reversing the movements on the US map to the focal point, one finds the "Locality of the Vault" they mined from to be located in AZ.
As they were searching for a way to show a whereabouts of the location to the person reading the Beale Codes, as Reavis feared the possibility of death or even arrest, they combined hints and direct cyphers into a storyline that could be published and sold to anyone in VA, while secretly alerting the families of these men and others in the area, so they could continue their agendas using the amounts left behind for their next of kin. After reading the tale and finding the bodies, they were to begin a new phase of driving the indian out, being inspired to continue to fight the 'Savages' with a cleverly crafted tale of their deceased children left for them to ponder. The Witch Stone can easily be seen as a reference to the invention of numerous Superstitions to keep people clueless.
When looking from the point of view of the Beale Codes alone, you see they created a "Key" that was hidden as the word SINJ, formed by the capital letters of a sentence that described the key to finding a location, a "Direct Object" to look for when in the area, being the ridgeline and the keyhole shaped area found at the end of the 4 mile path, where you are to insert the Heart Stone into the Map, to guide you to the final location via the english translations of the shapes they describe. While seeing this in a clear path, Simpson was able to interperet some markings, as well as finding a series of boulders along the way that featured unique carvings, showing these direct objects spoken about in the Key, formed in the shape of the areas' surrounding treelines and rivers, complete with a few other terra formed workds thrown into grooves in the ground. When they chose the areas, they crafted the trails as seen from the tops of ridges, and from previous maps made from the times, showing the exact likeness of the terra-formed rivers, ridges and valleys as described in the Latin Heart Stone.
The physical clue to show you the direction to find the Heart, can be located through the charting of the course taken from the mines, using the stones and the decipherments that are printed in the letters, and if by chance the searcher was looking from the discovery of the box delivered to PA, by using the key by itself, combined with clues from tears in the original document, one could locate the series of markers and chart through the areas to the final locations, but would have trouble locating the two final troves. A person but was later verified scientifically to be chemical of origin, and not from the ink of the document. This was a hole chemically singed into a specific copy of the Declaration of Independence, hidden in a box with an actual skeleton key, with a single lens from a set of antique glasses in a leather pouch. Inside of the box, a false bottom was made to house the DOI, the key and eyepiece. This was a symbolic coded system to hint to the finder to 'see through', to show the location revealed, as the DOI was laid over the map of the area near Bedford County, VA. The rest of the cypher leads you through the clues using mapping directions to find all points of reference to the 2 troves' final resting places.
Although they were able to make two trips to VA to bury the plundered ore that was mined quickly during their brief monopoly, and they were able to pass along hidden maps and clues, these troves were never recovered, until now, as the singed copy of the DOI was found in the late 1960's at a Pennsylvania Flea Market, sold as a novelty and kept for years until a faded watermarked signature was noticed and the tears were further examined. The Peralta Stones were not found until the 1950's, with numerous men losing their life searching blindly for these troves and mines in AZ, only to be scared off by the invention of the Confederates themselves, the Legend of the Apache Thunder God and the Black Hand, 'protecting' the mines. The KGC were so worried about loosing their territorial mines and funding resources in the area, that they crafted numerous legends around the mines, reporting through military reports, the deaths of many of their own men, who were actually killed in secret at the hands of the US Army. One legend was the feared 'Black Hand of the Apache', which was created by the KGC from a symbol dating to the latin phrase Mano Negro, as a fear tactic, so that Spaniards and Mexicans would think it was the Jesuits guarding their mines, and so that white settlers would fear the Superstition of an unknown enemy of 'Angry Savages', which was never actually verified to exist. This was made to intimidate all who saw it and were close to their operations.
Through further reseach into the numerous affairs of the KGC and the Confederate Army in the Southwest, it became apparent that the agent in charge in St. Louis was none other than the above mentioned James Reavis. The final clue derived from the ciphers messenger, implicates the famous Jacob Walz (Waltz), as an accomplice of these men, as the acclaimed Agent that delivered the final segments of the Beale Letters, James B. Ward himself, the same extremely tanned gentleman featured in tales in the Beale.
It is well known that there was an extensive 'Business Plot', and a Black Hand, another name for the extortion rackets they formed to take over these lands. This by no means was a single person's plot though, as Reavis was acommpanied by a few other associates locally, who were known to hide a stash of magical ore and plated gold bars, without ever having filed a mine claim in the area. After seeing the levels of secrecy, the anonymity practiced, and the use of rotating shifts of men, Simpson was able to interpret these ciphers as a cover story, and completely document the movement of every stage of their illicit operation, including the murder of their men. — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2601:6:2A01:F300:B9E3:5A4C:E14:CE74 (talk) 01:53, 3 April 2015 (UTC)

...Prescott Bush, grandaddy to 'ol Bush Jr, was even tied into funding the Nazi Germany, throughout the entire WWII affair in the atlantic, his Standard Oil was fueling them before the US joined the war, and while they were even fighting eachother, he still was fueling this all from their takeover of the entire US and now they want the world.

these players are still in action, even if they walk around hunched over acting like seniors
Senator Prescott Bush was indeed censored in the US Senate for his German company investments, but if you are attempting to tie this into your rambling conspiracy theory of the Beale Papers, it would be nice if you had your facts right.

From your post above,"set of antique glasses in a leather pouch. Inside of the box, a false bottom was made to house the DOI, the key and eyepiece. This was a symbolic coded system to hint to the finder to 'see through', to show the location revealed, as the DOI was laid over the map of the area near Bedford County, VA."

A matter of trying multiple maps to find one with a scale that fit the D.O.I. singed/acid burned view through window, and or confirmed by trying distances on each; or was there a clue to what map to use?

Senator Prescott Bush was indeed censored in the US Senate for his German company investments, but if you are attempting to tie this into your rambling conspiracy theory of the Beale Papers, it would be nice if you had your facts right.

As straight as the Golden Rule to be honest

The facts are historically tied into the American Foreign Legion, where a select few were using the recent political shifts to filibuster a revolution in the US through their business affiliations, and were supposedly granted access to 100 million in funds for this operation from associates in numerous cities, who were all related at one time to the same KGC business associations.

Taking one step back further, we see that the same individuals on the list of the Business Plot backers list then shows that they were the same players looking to inherit the Banking Monopoly in NYC that crippled the nation and drove us to economic depression and, funding also the October Revolutions in Russia

The other forms of manipulation at the hands of this organization date back further to the inception of the Federal Reserve and the creation of the Confederacy as a tool for the expansion of the control over the country at the hands of the Federal Reserve.

Even though Jackson had his hand in all of this with Calhoun, he still left the country with a hint in one of his speches claiming he saw the country being destroyed by this monster of a conspiracy, ever growing deeper. They all spoke of the most evil thing on earth being the Jesuit Order.

Now we see they were very interested in the money involved in the KGC, under these slave states and were invested into it all, so they sent some of their hired men out west to steal the mines they once used for their gold operations, the Jesuit Vaults and Mines in AZ, and they made numerous missions there to secure both the Jesuit Crosses in Santa Fe, locating the Peralta Residence and creating a forged land grant claim around the mystery of these men, who appeared to have credentials planted ahead of time. It even mentions they went to St. Louis to acquire the executables for the mission, and fabricate a series of tales to escape the coming investigations of the theft of the gold stored there.

They were truly being commanded from a higher order and even the Pope is being implicated in the assasination of Lincoln in documentaries as we speak, with more evidence coming to light concerning these affairs to enslave America as one of their colonies, after the War of 1812.....they never forgot, and they have been trying to claim ownership of this land since they were ousted for their policies by the original founding fathers..... fact remains a mystery to me as of reading something online of Thomas Jefferson's sons to a slave he owned, was named Thomas Jefferson Beale.

Another Beale to contemplate as being exactly from that time, and carrying a load through Bedford County, stopped and checked into the Inn there at Buford's in 1819, who was also known to have made a trip out west at some point the records showed.

He didn't know he was stepping into a den of wolves, who were eager to craft him into their drama it appears, as the tale of a colored son of 'a dark complexion', a mulatto or quadroon of the times, became the front for a group of country boys that went as sour as their mash whiskey.

They claimed he came through town, an unknown, and that he had some estute features that showed he was of an educated class. But why print all of the papers and deliver them to a bunch of people who wanted to keep you enslaved? ..... there are so many characters in this all that it becomes obvious the actual history being written in the Beale is a front crafted from a book from people's identities of the times.

but hidden there is a code to find a series of mines in the west.....and in the west, a series of stones to correlate the mines to the Vault troves in VA

I dont have to defend myself are on the defensive...

As straight as the Golden Rule to be honest

The facts are historically tied into the American Foreign Legion, where a select few were using the recent political shifts to filibuster a revolution in the US through their business affiliations, and were supposedly granted access to 100 million in funds for this operation from associates in numerous cities, who were all related at one time to the same KGC business associations.

Taking one step back further, we see that the same individuals on the list of the Business Plot backers list then shows that they were the same players looking to inherit the Banking Monopoly in NYC that crippled the nation and drove us to economic depression and, funding also the October Revolutions in Russia

The other forms of manipulation at the hands of this organization date back further to the inception of the Federal Reserve and the creation of the Confederacy as a tool for the expansion of the control over the country at the hands of the Federal Reserve.

Even though Jackson had his hand in all of this with Calhoun, he still left the country with a hint in one of his speches claiming he saw the country being destroyed by this monster of a conspiracy, ever growing deeper. They all spoke of the most evil thing on earth being the Jesuit Order.

Now we see they were very interested in the money involved in the KGC, under these slave states and were invested into it all, so they sent some of their hired men out west to steal the mines they once used for their gold operations, the Jesuit Vaults and Mines in AZ, and they made numerous missions there to secure both the Jesuit Crosses in Santa Fe, locating the Peralta Residence and creating a forged land grant claim around the mystery of these men, who appeared to have credentials planted ahead of time. It even mentions they went to St. Louis to acquire the executables for the mission, and fabricate a series of tales to escape the coming investigations of the theft of the gold stored there.

They were truly being commanded from a higher order and even the Pope is being implicated in the assasination of Lincoln in documentaries as we speak, with more evidence coming to light concerning these affairs to enslave America as one of their colonies, after the War of 1812.....they never forgot, and they have been trying to claim ownership of this land since they were ousted for their policies by the original founding fathers..... fact remains a mystery to me as of reading something online of Thomas Jefferson's sons to a slave he owned, was named Thomas Jefferson Beale.

Another Beale to contemplate as being exactly from that time, and carrying a load through Bedford County, stopped and checked into the Inn there at Buford's in 1819, who was also known to have made a trip out west at some point the records showed.

He didn't know he was stepping into a den of wolves, who were eager to craft him into their drama it appears, as the tale of a colored son of 'a dark complexion', a mulatto or quadroon of the times, became the front for a group of country boys that went as sour as their mash whiskey.

They claimed he came through town, an unknown, and that he had some estute features that showed he was of an educated class. But why print all of the papers and deliver them to a bunch of people who wanted to keep you enslaved? ..... there are so many characters in this all that it becomes obvious the actual history being written in the Beale is a front crafted from a book from people's identities of the times.

but hidden there is a code to find a series of mines in the west.....and in the west, a series of stones to correlate the mines to the Vault troves in VA

I dont have to defend myself are on the defensive...

??? !!! ??? It ALL began, "In the SECOND YEAR of the CONFEDERATE WAR"... the SECRET!

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JFK was in process of eliminating the Federal Reserve. Look what happened to him. Funny how everyone can remember what they were doing that fatal day.. that is, except HW Bush. Then evidence and even a picture of him there appears... Sorry for the side tracking. I was once deeply interested in JFK's murder.

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