Gold Member
The Aztec were known to have traded far to the North of Tenochtitlan. I believe if you look into some Blue Seashells the Aztecs used for adornment came from (if I am not mistaken) deep in the US. Some finds also defy explanation. Like what is left of this (what looks like) an Aztec Cat Monument:
View attachment 1192071
Big difference between Aztec trading and Aztec mining. Metalworking came into western Mexico first. It came to the Aztec from, for one, by way of the Tarascans who were enemies of the Aztec. Although metalworking (copper and Bronze) was used in large portions of Mexico, it was not adopted by the Aztec in the Valley of Mexico until a few hundred years before the Spanish arrived.
That would seem to negate extensive mining by the Aztec, especially as far away from the Valley of Mexico as Arizona. On the other hand, I do believe the Aztec conducted trade far into North and South America. Metal was one of the tributes paid by those peoples conquered by the Aztec.
One of my sources is "The Aztec" by Michael E. Smith.
Take care,