Is the Pit Mine really the Lost Dutchman mine?

Hal, is that the site of the last treasure hunt?

Welcome to Dutch

No. I don't think that it is. It was a legal placer claim, filed by Baker And Feldman in 84. The source of whatever they discovered, I believe, is depicted on the Horse Stone as a dot. That dot could very well be a lost Spanish mine. It could be Mexican. It could even be Jesuit or Mormon.
It an unknown thing.

It would be something to learn if the Rafter B was successful and the history of its discovery.

are those closeups of the stones in the museum???cause my pics of those stones dont look anything close to that horses arse

Yes. I took the photo in the museum.
Then I placed it as a layer in Google Earth.
And on another layer, on top of the Horse Stone image, Baker and Feldman's Placer Claim Map.
The composite is what you are seeing with each layer having a % transparency.

Mighty Suspicious...........:icon_scratch:


do you mean this photo

Where did the pretty pit mine ore pictures go? They were giving me motivation!


Probably has something to do with someone trying to use our posts to harm others.

I will no longer post on the subject.

Good luck,


Where did the pretty pit mine ore pictures go? They were giving me motivation!

I would say that people are drawing conclusions again based on their own conjecture and speculation .........

Are you one of those people?

Joe Ribaudo
In fairness, I think that everyone is. How can we not be when pictures are posted without captions or explaination or, stories told that contradict the official Forest Service position? There is a thing called deception by omission.

What happeded to your pictures of the Pit? I thought that they were great. Where are Franks photos of the samples from the Pit? Equally awesome. And from his friends collection? What happened? I don't think anyone is using posts to attack other members.

You have members bragging about the Pit, about what was taken illegally, if indeed anything actually was taken, and no one is suppose to respond?

Anybody notice the Pit Ore pictures posted is not the same as the Cigarette Lighter Ore in composition?

Somebody's playing ya'll.

Big playground that's all we have.

Anybody notice the Pit Ore pictures posted is not the same as the Cigarette Lighter Ore in composition?

Somebody's playing ya'll.

Big playground that's all we have.

That's whats so disappointing. In all this, there are those who work to understand history and those who are indifferent to it.

"Playing ya'll"? Sometimes I wish you would be more direct.
I read all your posts and spend time thinking about your ideas and believe that you believe the things that you write about.
So, who is playing us and why?

If I am being played, why would I want to participate on TNet?

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That's whats so disappointing. In all this, there are those who work to understand history and those who are indifferent to it.

"Playing ya'll"? Sometimes I wish you would be more direct.
I read all your posts and spend time thinking about your ideas and believe that you believe the things that you write about.
So, who is playing us and why?

If I am being played, why would I want to participate on TNet?

Edited your Post.

Please try to keep the Tourette syndrome under control :unhappysmiley:

The posts are gone so I have no way of verifying what was actually said........But...........I think we might be confusing two different photos and different conversations that were going on simultaneously.

In the first photo which was, if I remember correctly, a specimen held by Wayne T. I think it might have been inferred that specimen was from the Pit Mine but didn't actually say that. I believe both photos were more tuned in to the posts concerning finding gold in silver mines. And whether it was profitable to pursue that route. That's what I thought the photos were more about.

The second photo which came later was Frank's. That's the one that has been reposted recently. Frank said specifically that he wasn't going to say more about that photo. He never said it was LDM mine ore or Pit Mine ore. He just let you look at it. Where it came from or what its supposed to represent was never said. But I think it has more to do with finding gold ore in silver locations than about something else.

I might be off the ranch on that, but that's what I recall off the top of my head.

The fact is no one knows where the matchbox ore was mined. My photo is a example of what prospectors hold onto. Waltz was a prospector. I don't know where the piece I photographed was found.

The posts are gone so I have no way of verifying what was actually said........But...........I think we might be confusing two different photos and different conversations that were going on simultaneously.

In the first photo which was, if I remember correctly, a specimen held by Wayne T. I think it might have been inferred that specimen was from the Pit Mine but didn't actually say that. I believe both photos were more tuned in to the posts concerning finding gold in silver mines. And whether it was profitable to pursue that route. That's what I thought the photos were more about.

The second photo which came later was Frank's. That's the one that has been reposted recently. Frank said specifically that he wasn't going to say more about that photo. He never said it was LDM mine ore or Pit Mine ore. He just let you look at it. Where it came from or what its supposed to represent was never said. But I think it has more to do with finding gold ore in silver locations than about something else.

I might be off the ranch on that, but that's what I recall off the top of my head.

Photo 1. Car Interior
Caption: "Pitt Mine ore"

Photo 2. & 3. Home Interior
Caption: "Wayne is holding that. Here is a piece of ore I'm holding. About 30oz. I'm not talking about this piece"

I am not sure why these post were taken down. Seems like a legal prospecting sample from the Pitt and an unknown sample from a private collection.
A caption would have helped but why the controversy?

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Photo 1. Car Interior
Caption: "Pitt Mine ore"

Photo 2. & 3. Home Interior
Caption: "Wayne is holding that. Here is a piece of ore I'm holding. About 30oz. I'm not talking about this piece"

I am not sure why these post were taken down. Seems like a legal prospecting sample from the Pitt and an unknown sample from a private collection.
A caption would have helped but why the controversy?


You are correct. That was the caption.

Good luck,


Okay, so there you have it. I wasn't far wrong from a feeble memory.

So..........why do you'll think you are being played? I don't see that.

The question was from the beginning do you (collective you) think the Pitt Mine is the LDM. That was an open question, not a settled fact.

My answer is "could be". My research, granted not up to par with the old hands here, shows a whole string of mines in a fairly straight Northwest line through that whole section. The Pitt mine is one of them. Probably the same volcanic heated stream/seam throughout. And it matches up pretty danged close to where the Horse map says they are.

There is a second "stream/seam" which follows a SS/West line further west of the Superstitions.

So where are you getting played? Only if you are playing against yourself.


You are correct. That was the caption.

Good luck,



I am having a difficult time keeping up with this one. Seems like a case of self-inflicted drama here on this thread. Why did you take down your posts? You never do that!

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