The posts are gone so I have no way of verifying what was actually said........But...........I think we might be confusing two different photos and different conversations that were going on simultaneously.
In the first photo which was, if I remember correctly, a specimen held by Wayne T. I think it might have been inferred that specimen was from the Pit Mine but didn't actually say that. I believe both photos were more tuned in to the posts concerning finding gold in silver mines. And whether it was profitable to pursue that route. That's what I thought the photos were more about.
The second photo which came later was Frank's. That's the one that has been reposted recently. Frank said specifically that he wasn't going to say more about that photo. He never said it was LDM mine ore or Pit Mine ore. He just let you look at it. Where it came from or what its supposed to represent was never said. But I think it has more to do with finding gold ore in silver locations than about something else.
I might be off the ranch on that, but that's what I recall off the top of my head.