Is the Pit Mine really the Lost Dutchman mine?


I am having a difficult time keeping up with this one. Seems like a case of self-inflicted drama here on this thread. Why did you take down your posts? You never do that!


It seems we have someone posting here who is trying to do some harm. The word is getting around the Dutch Hunting Community very quickly.

It's true. On my own, I would never do that!

Take care,



It seems we have someone posting here who is trying to do some harm. The word is getting around the Dutch Hunting Community very quickly.

It's true. On my own, I would never do that!

Take care,


Did this "someone" also delete their posts stating they wanted to do harm? I have never seen that.

Also - how can someone do harm when nothing illegal was done and the pit mine is conjecture / fabrication?

None of this makes sense.

Okay, so there you have it. I wasn't far wrong from a feeble memory.

So..........why do you'll think you are being played? I don't see that.

The question was from the beginning do you (collective you) think the Pitt Mine is the LDM. That was an open question, not a settled fact.

My answer is "could be". My research, granted not up to par with the old hands here, shows a whole string of mines in a fairly straight Northwest line through that whole section. The Pitt mine is one of them. Probably the same volcanic heated stream/seam throughout. And it matches up pretty danged close to where the Horse map says they are.

There is a second "stream/seam" which follows a SS/West line further west of the Superstitions.

So where are you getting played? Only if you are playing against yourself.

I read Bills post. It said that we were getting played. I asked him to explain it because I don't have time to waste with bottom-feeders and their agendas.
I am surprised that you didn't comment on the posts that have been deleted.

Your knowledge of Superstition history, geography and now geology is making me weak in the knees.

Did this "someone" also delete their posts stating they wanted to do harm? I have never seen that.

Also - how can someone do harm when nothing illegal was done and the pit mine is conjecture / fabrication?

None of this makes sense.

Don't feel bad. I am completely lost on this thread.


It seems we have someone posting here who is trying to do some harm. The word is getting around the Dutch Hunting Community very quickly.

It's true. On my own, I would never do that!

Take care,


Who and what kind of harm? I am stumped.
Hey Joe, remember the honor in plain speak.

Joe can do as he pleases. He is under no obligation to do otherwise. Hope you recover fast Joe. You know what you know and they never will. Reminds me of the desert owl at night. Who, Who.

I'm throwing a BS flag on that play. Its getting deep in here, LOL


Until all the gold is found, stacked and accounted for, all theories are fair game. Even half baked ones like mine.

I'm throwing a BS flag on that play. Its getting deep in here, LOL

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Until all the gold is found, stacked and accounted for, all theories are fair game. Even half baked ones like mine.

BS? I think that you need to learn to recognize and accept a complement. For someone who has never hiked the Superstitions, your knowledge of local history, geography and now geology is far more extensive than most on TNet, that includes me.

The women in my life seem to glaze over when I talk about the SWA and it's more often than not a one sided conversation. So, you are far from a novice and your ideas are anything but half baked.

Joe can do as he pleases. He is under no obligation to do otherwise. Hope you recover fast Joe. You know what you know and they never will. Reminds me of the desert owl at night. Who, Who.

Wow, now you are the mouthpiece for cactusjumper? If that's the case, TNet has just lost one of its best and replaced it with a bumbling "where" bird. You know the sound they make? "Where", "where", "where!"

Good lord, it's no wonder your in the mess your in.

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Hey Victor, I'm just kidding you.

Thanks for the compliment but I know nothing of geology and very little of geography.

For instance, I don't know if the uplifts in that area are lava based or heated water/vapor based. The locals do, but I've never seen it, tasted it or run the gravel through my hands. In that regard, I'm totally clueless. It makes a difference in where to find the gold, how deep, what weathering to look for and such. Don't even know enough to tell you why it makes a difference. I just know that it does.

I do read a lot. I collect an eclectic set of trivia points in doing so. Never know when one of them is going to pop out in conversation.

I'm currently reading Daniel Connors first hand account of the J. R. Walker expedition to the Territory. Circa 1862. Interesting read and reveals much first hand info as to activity, or lack thereof, in the general area.

That's whats so disappointing. In all this, there are those who work to understand history and those who are indifferent to it.

"Playing ya'll"? Sometimes I wish you would be more direct.
I read all your posts and spend time thinking about your ideas and believe that you believe the things that you write about.
So, who is playing us and why?

If I am being played, why would I want to participate on TNet?

Hal, I was just referring to this thread not all of Tnet!

And when people post things that don't seem to fit the current agenda they seem to disappear whether that's the powers that be or their own doing no one knows.

I was just making a comment based on the removal of the photo's of the ore samples which seem to be the same as the Dutchman's Ore after taking a closer look at the matchbox and the small photo left on here.

Typical type of dirty Dutchman Ore I find down here so it may be common.

Anyway I didn't mean to start an uproar over a wise crack.

Hal, I was just referring to this thread not all of Tnet!

And when people post things that don't seem to fit the current agenda they seem to disappear whether that's the powers that be or their own doing no one knows.

I was just making a comment based on the removal of the photo's of the ore samples which seem to be the same as the Dutchman's Ore after taking a closer look at the matchbox and the small photo left on here.

Typical type of dirty Dutchman Ore I find down here so it may be common.

Anyway I didn't mean to start an uproar over a wise crack.

Not sure that you started any uproar. I am just trying to understand this whole Pitt Mine he said she said thing. I am honestly having a difficult time keeping up. That shouldn't come as a surprise.

I like plain speak. I also feel that I owe it in return to anyone taking the time to read my posts.

This thread is providing information and education that money just can't buy. I hope people are paying attention ............ to how people are acting and reacting in this thread. Ask yourself why are they doing the things they are doing; why are they saying the things they are saying.

"Someone trying to do some harm" ? You must mean the phone threat to RG1976 because he planned to visit the Pit Mine? Or maybe it's the innuendo?

You be the judge; draw your own conclusions ................. don't drink the Kool-Aid. I'm thinking we still have a few more chapters in this book about the "Pit Mine."

What mess am I in Victor. I have couple million fans and 10 Tnet members posting negative comments. Other than your balloon and Google earth posting what have you ever added. The one thing that burns your ass more than anything is there are things you will never know about the true history of the Superstitions. Things that are common knowledge in the inner circle. Joe can sit back and smile at your fumbling about. I know I do.

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Ive been a member here less than a month. During that month I've made 2 "fairly decent - but not amazing" videos with my cell phone - going out to areas used by "the production company" to satisfy my curious mind. When I put the videos here on Tnet - the response was good. To be honest, I was shocked - given the amount of initial criticism I received for wanting to fly a drone to check in the Jesuit Bat Cave for that silly cross.

Truth be told - Ive had some fairly decent convo's with "sarge" in PM's - he's provided me locations to shoot (not show related) - given me tips on dealing with snakes - and I feel, a concern about my safety after this silly threat. I don't have any issue with Frank - nor anyone else on the cast - after all they are "paid actors" - doing a job and earning a small financial reward. If anyone has any issue - take it up with the production company. At least that is what I have come to realize.

After my 2nd video - I became hooked on all this dutchman stuff. The stories I would read here, the people that I have talked to - both in person / via phone / via PM. I decided that it'd be fun to continue to make videos, but take things away from "the show" and attempt to focus on the lore & legend of the superstitions.

If you remember, I posted a week or two ago "does anyone have any ideas of good places to shoot" and the emails started to come in.

I listed out 3 areas that I thought would make good videos

Pit Mine
Native American Circle with a supposed "mine" under it.

I thought it'd be a good way for me to contribute to Tnet - continue to make some new buddies - and maybe even make a few bucks with the ads from google that now play before my videos.

At the end of the day - all this Pit Mine stuff has really turned me off. Its clearly a sensitive subject for a few people here - and still begs the question "if nothing happened at the Pit Mine - why the hidden agenda of covering things up". Sarge and Joe both deleted their posts - Joe made it seem like he was "told" to do it by someone else.

So with all that being said - I have no intention of getting involved in all this Pit Mine stuff. Something that started out "fun" has turned into something that people feel like they need to hide / cover up / threaten me / etc.

It's ridiculous that I even have to type all this out. Its like dealing with 5th graders that are trying to keep the other kids off the swing set.

If I freaked someone out by wanting to add the Pit Mine to local lore and legend in my next video - then my apologies. When the idea was submitted to me via PM here on T-Net - I had no idea it would lead to all of this.

I believe its a personal sandbox issue. Which is all good. Folks that have spent a lifetime at this think the rookies haven't paid their dues in blood, sweat and heartache to be included in the inner circle.

Okay, fine. You guys don't owe anyone full disclosure. What you share is your own decision and yours alone to make. There is no right or wrong decision on that. Personally, I'm thankful for what wisdom you are willing to share and understand completely your reluctance to share everything you know. As I said from the beginning, this is just a puzzle to solve for me. Unfortunately time, distance and age prohibit me from being an on-site player.

We rookies can still poke around the edges and come to our own conclusions. Doing that means re working theories and ideas where you have already been. What isn't fair is to mock and ridicule our un-anointed attempts to weigh the information that is "out there". If you are unwilling to share your findings on a subject, unfortunately you are rightly subject to being bored to tears while we rehash old plowed ground. That's just the nature of the beast.

Ryan anyone who would hike the upper bat cave trail is ok in my book. At times I'll post a little something and if upsets people I'll take it down. Gold photos upset some. They get upset because after years searching they found nothing. The thought of someone picking up a 30 oz piece is more than they can handle. The Pitt mine is just a filled in weed covered hole now. No interest for me. However there could be something near that does. My buddy Jack planted a little seed in my brain and its growing. This is not the time of year though.
Ryan I don't mind helping. Some day we will take a ride and we can visit sites others will never find.

Post what you wish to post within TN rules, if some members don't like it they can read something else..

What mess am I in Victor. I have couple million fans and 10 Tnet members posting negative comments. Other than your balloon and Google earth posting what have you ever added. The one thing that burns your ass more than anything is there are things you will never know about the true history of the Superstitions. Things that are common knowledge in the inner circle. Joe can sit back and smile at your fumbling about. I know I do.

About the mess. To be clear, and honest, I was writing about your credibility concerning the Superstitions and finding lost treasures. Nothing more. For me it has diminished to the point of indifference. So, go ahead if you must and make it 11 TNet "". That's ten and one TNet insults Frank, and a couple of funny pokes Hal. Wait Frank, I don't want to be banned before you.

Everything in red: This is absolutely true. It burns more than my backside to know that I will never fully understand what happened historically in the Superstitions. But that history has little to do with you. You are a self-confessed thespian performing before an audience of millions. Now that I understand it, I am ok with it.

As far as your inner circle, it is fitting as you seem to like walking & talking in circles.

Joe sitting back and smiling at my fumblings about? What kinda of circle are you boys playing in?

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