not sure mick..i have never made the climb up to it...its in the dacite cliff's by dons can see it from the highwayDoes that one have Silver ore related to it,
Babymick1 thanks
not sure mick..i have never made the climb up to it...its in the dacite cliff's by dons can see it from the highwayDoes that one have Silver ore related to it,
Babymick1 thanks
for those not familiar with andy synbad..he lived on apache trail north of the mammoth mine...he spent his life looking for treasure in the mountains...he financed his hunts by holding yard sales on his property....he is probably most well known for his involvement in the excavation of the spiral staircase on the southwest face on the superstition mountain
The " Padre's " name was for a specific mine/tunnel or for all the mines from that region ?
Waltz was talking about at least two rich gold mines , the shaft and the tunnel . We have to decide which mine we would like to call LDM , the shaft or the tunnel ?
For both , Waltz gave clues to Julia and Holmes , but to Julia , from what I can see in her map , told and maybe drew the path from the shaft ( three pines ) to the tunnel ( the final X ) . This path , in Julia's map is somehow ( intentionally or accidentally ) reversed .
Good questions Marius.
It's my belief that it refers to the very specific region where several very rich chimney deposits exist(ed), and that they called it the "Padre's Mine" for sake of simplicity. It's probably safe to assume that Miguel didn't bring over a hundred men to just work one or two chimney deposits, but to work that region, and others as well- and some worked the forge, some worked the smelters, and others hunted food, took care of the animals, and procured water.
I am guilty of adding to this confusion- I should not have said LDM = Padre's mine, because what we refer to as the LDM is just one of the chimney deposits that Waltz either rediscovered or was led to, whereas the Padre's mine appears to include the LDM as well as the other chimney deposits in that specific area.
And as far as the shaft and tunnel- if I'm not wrong, they are both the same. The tunnel was begun when the shaft became too hard to work.
marius....the place you describe is in rogers canyon.....right up the canyon from the pit mine.....Arthur
I will tell you and to the others how these two mines are placed . This is the result of my research ( don't ask more ) and everybody is free to take it seriously or just to get a loud laugh .
If you ever will find the roofless two rooms stone house in a cave's mouth at the base of a cliff , then from there to the tunnel are fifty yards across the gulch and ten degrees east to north , and from the tunnel to the shaft are 75 yards and forty degrees south to east .
These are the real clues to the LD mines .
marius....the place you describe is in rogers canyon.....right up the canyon from the pit mine.....
I'm not talking about the Indian two room house in a cave that Bicknell signed on its logs , but about another stone house ( my avatar ) which is not in a cave , but outside in front of a cave .
The house which I am talking about , is not a house , but was a church . The rooms are so small that you can't set a bed in them .
marius...if the place you describe is located in the superstitions ..then it has eluded me and thousands of others..because i have never heard of it existing...the only roofless house in a cave at the base of a cliff that i have heard of is the one in rogers canyon
I'm not talking about the Indian two room house in a cave that Bicknell signed on its logs , but about another stone house ( my avatar ) which is not in a cave , but outside in front of a cave .
The house which I am talking about , is not a house , but was a church . The rooms are so small that you can't set a bed in them .
Marius - what convinces you that it is a church and not a natural rock formation or native american ruins? Just curious what things you've seen or found there that gives you that assurance.
I can't give away my research . You can to take my word as a seal or as a joke . That ruin was the Santa Fe church . Is a small church , which maybe was made for the miners and the Padres who worshiped it .
marius...if the place you describe is located in the superstitions ..then it has eluded me and thousands of others..because i have never heard of it existing...the only roofless house in a cave at the base of a cliff that i have heard of is the one in rogers canyon
I can't give away my research . You can to take my word as a seal or as a joke . That ruin was the Santa Fe church . Is a small church , which maybe was made for the miners and the Padres who worshiped it .
Things that make you go "Hmm..." Submitted for general perusal.
I admit this is WAY down in the weeds, but does anyone care to comment on this mining claim? (Fair warning, it's not Waltz)
I noticed some names were underlined...was reminded of a letter from Jim Bark to Northcut Ely regarding "Gid Roberts, an old prospector friend of the family...". (Thanks, Cubfan)
View attachment 1538232
Things that make you go "Hmm..." Submitted for general perusal.
I admit this is WAY down in the weeds, but does anyone care to comment on this mining claim? (Fair warning, it's not Waltz)
I noticed some names were underlined...was reminded of a letter from Jim Bark to Northcut Ely regarding "Gid Roberts, an old prospector friend of the family...". (Thanks, Cubfan)
View attachment 1538232