Is the Pit Mine really the Lost Dutchman mine?

Maybe one day I'll prove that the PSM's do lead to a treasure area Babymick1...IT could

Though you will not see me soliciting funds for such a venture...I have already stated my price...I doubt there will be any takers...rofl...

After all...Who would believe someone who is on a lot of people's ignore list...hehehe

Good Night ya'll...

I don't ignore anyone, one day they might make sense.

No Way

Did you know that if you look at Weavers Needle from the ridge above the Pit Min you will see Jacob Walt`s doodle in reverse. doodle 2.webp

But there are other places out there Chuck, where the needle looks the same as when the drawing is reversed.
And this is from a high point to the north of it.....not from the east, where the pit mine is.

100_0205 needleview.webp

I doubt he meant for the drawing to be viewed in reverse anyway, so it certainly suggests that the matching point of view should be accessible from somewhere to the south of WN....but not necessarily due south. I also think the upthrust feature to the left of the needle is important to finding the exact view as Waltz remembered it at the time he was making the drawing.

waltz drawing.webp

Then again, this and other photos and ideas are based on a belief that drawing is a view of Weavers Needle, whereas it might be of another peak or even just a rock formation that he considered important to their finding his mine or caches.

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This GE shot works too. Aint there a hole in Miners Needle to the south? Closer to town too.doodle.webpdoodle 2.webp

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But there are other places out there Chuck, where the needle looks the same as when the drawing is reversed.
And this is from a high point to the north of it.....not from the east, where the pit mine is.

View attachment 1537604

I doubt he meant for the drawing to be viewed in reverse anyway, so it certainly suggests that the matching point of view should be accessible from somewhere to the south of WN....but not necessarily due south. I also think the upthrust feature to the left of the needle is important to finding the exact view as Waltz remembered it at the time he was making the drawing.

View attachment 1537605

Then again, this and other photos and ideas are based on a belief that drawing is a view of Weavers Needle, whereas it might be of another peak or even just a rock formation that he considered important to their finding his mine or caches.


Does anybody know the context the doodle came from, I believe the doodle is presented in the wrong context, Or people
Just assume or making it fit somewhere. I just don't don't believe it's a doodle from the mine. When he's trying to relate how to find it. You don't nowhere it is yet.

kindda putting the cart before the horse.


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I have never gone by any other username than deducer. My only involvement with the LDM forum is that when I did my initial research, I read every thread in that forum, and most of them more than once or twice.

The pattern is the same, pretty much most of the time- a troll gets involved and the thread quickly derails, killing off the discussion (as it does here, sometimes).

So I would believe a Troll would be someone like Dave, Who explains what taillings are to you after years of research.

How bout just a enormous Thanks, Dave

babymick1 There are no Trolls there in fairy Tells.

but there are some Twisted fellas here.


Does anybody know the context the doodle came from, I believe the doodle is presented in the wrong context, Or people
Just assume or making it fit somewhere. I just don't don't believe it's a doodle from the mine. When he's trying to relate how to find it. You don't nowhere it is yet.

kindda putting the cart before the horse.


It is the view up the hill to the south of the mine .

I still believe it's this view, drawn from a fading memory:

It fits with how and where Julia and Rhiney started their search and it also fits the instructions that Adolph Ruth carried with him.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

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You both have a valid point, But not a solid context to the meaning of the doodle,
to what order it was to be used in, Why would someone even mention the view from the mine if you already found it by then, it seems alittle pointless.



You are absolutely correct- the spelling is in fact Syndbad. My mistake for misreading it- everything is handwritten and not easily decipherable.

Anyway, I was only going to quote the parts of it as it pertains to the discussion I was having with Marius- as far as it pertains to the Peraltas involvement in the mountains, and the scope of their operations- it was quite massive. So I'm not sure it justifies a completely new thread. There are many interesting things in the manuscript including the fact that the LDM was actually called the "Padre's mine" by the Mexicans. It predated their presence in the Superstitions.

Fair warning to Jim and others, the manuscript, while it is a fascinating story that contains many details, doesn't contain any information about the LDM itself, nor does it offer any explosive clues. It did confirm several suspicions that I had about how exactly the Peraltas came to be in the Superstitions. Let's say they had a little "divine" assistance, so to speak.

The " Padre's " name was for a specific mine/tunnel or for all the mines from that region ?
Waltz was talking about at least two rich gold mines , the shaft and the tunnel . We have to decide which mine we would like to call LDM , the shaft or the tunnel ?
For both , Waltz gave clues to Julia and Holmes , but to Julia , from what I can see in her map , told and maybe drew the path from the shaft ( three pines ) to the tunnel ( the final X ) . This path , in Julia's map is somehow ( intentionally or accidentally ) reversed .

I still believe it's this view, drawn from a fading memory:

It fits with how and where Julia and Rhiney started their search and it also fits the instructions that Adolph Ruth carried with him.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo


One day , all the LDM hunters , have to understand how when Waltz said " the first gorge on the south side of the west end of the range " , didn't means the first side canyon ( like Hogs or Hieroglyphic ) , but a canyon which goes deep into the range .
Of course this is only my opinion .

You both have a valid point, But not a solid context to the meaning of the doodle,
to what order it was to be used in, Why would someone even mention the view from the mine if you already found it by then, it seems alittle pointless.



You are the first one, in my memory, to suggest that the drawing is done from the location of the mine. It's you who have mistaken the context of the drawing. Waltz drew the largest, most impressive, view/landmark close to the mine. He gave them, basically, the same instructions that Adolph Ruth carried with him. Once into the correct area, they would be able to see his drawing.

Go to the base of the drawing and take the canyon at its base south. Take the first ravine/canyon on the left (east) side of the canyon to the top of the ridge. There you will find...........

Many of the "Waltz" clues have been created by Dutch Hunters. I know this for a fact. Take the simplest directions and follow them.

Good luck,


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You are the first one, in my memory, to suggest that the drawing is done from the location of the mine. It's you who have mistaken the context of the drawing. Waltz drew the largest, most impressive, view/landmark close to the mine. He gave them, basically, the same instructions that Adolph Ruth carried with him. Once into the correct area, they would be able to see his drawing.

Go to the base of the drawing and take the canyon at its base south. Take the first ravine/canyon on the left (east) side of the canyon to the top of the ridge. There you will find...........

Many of the "Waltz" clues have been created by Dutch Hunters. I know this for a fact. Take the simplest directions and follow them.

Good luck


No I'm not suggesting that, I'm not even suggesting go to the base, I'm a firm believer that view is meant for only one place A known place to all in Waltz's Time you follow the military trail and cut in to the range at that view, Or the rest area now of course. There you pass a barn not there now but the wind mill is. You know the place. I've just been reading
old posts we're some suggest it's the view from the mine, I believe Waltz's had a easy travel most of the way back then
till he got near the mine. Cause he said he can see the trail the whole time more or less, but you can't see him.


Hey Joe

Do you know the ledgen of a Keyhole mine, and it would be of silver ore, cause There is a mine of that effect, up where you told me those silver mines were. It's shaped like a skeleton key hole,
just woundering if you knew the ledgen of that since Mr Tuttle mentioned it in one of his Facebook videos

babymick1 never heard the ledgen behind it.

I'll see if I can find the pic of it, it's what drew me to the area.


Here it is the Keyhole

babymick1 it's silver ore not much left of it though!

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