Wayne, thanks for posting the episodes from Charlie LeSueur's series. Interesting stuff.
Whether you are of a mind the LDM has been found or hold out that it hasn't been, one thing should be crystal clear.
What Joe, others, and to a smaller degree; even I have been telling you is true.
Please note that in the first clip posted, minute 1:26 and forward Mr. Feldman tells you in no uncertain terms he obtained a US Forest Service Treasure Trove Permit to excavate an old Spanish mine based on Ted Cox's research. Period, end of story. Nothing about ....just cleaning out an old spring or improving the water flow for wildlife out of the goodness of his heart. Although those collateral benefits did happen and were anticipated in the issuance of the permit.
Joe has told you that, Dave has told you that, and I've told you and shown you a copy of the permit. Regardless of what spin others may want to put on this aspect of the story, I sincerely hope the words right out of the horse's mouth (so to speak) can put the issue to rest for even the most doubting among you.
Don't confuse the Roger's Spring permit with the Pit Mine excavation. Related; but two different places. If you read Mr. Feldman's body language he tells you that in the clip. He clearly draws a distinction between Roger's Spring (the permit site) and what he believes is the LDM. Watch the eyebrows and the shift in body weight, they tell volumes.