Im thinking about calling it quits altogether (rant #2)

I wasn't doing to respond to this as you are in the wrong hobby. As we said we do this for the excitement of the hunt and not the $$$ we might get from selling the items. There is no "break even Point." You can count on recouping the cost of your detectors and equipment with one nice find, but then there is the next target. I was lucky in being able to travel up and down the east coast years ago and found enough to pay for detectors, food, my van and sock some away, but like I said it depends on the time you put into the hobby and your luck. I mainly only searched the salt beaches and you with the AT PRO you can search the swim beaches where you are in Ohio. One cheap gold ring will pay for the ATP if you sell it to a refinery like ARA.

Maybe then you will understand what the others were talking about.

We the People.JPG

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Thanks for the advice all, though some of you missed the problem is chiefly getting landowners permission. For those of you who think I'm whining, why did you get onto a thread called (2nd rant) ?really? You yourself have never complained on this site? If you do( SoCAL, and Terry), be sure i'll be there to give you a taste of yourself. Cheers.

Wow I didn't know double A batteries where 200 now for the at gold lol
It's a made for Nokta only lithium huge :censored: that is not bought at the dollar store, no. wish it was.

Thanks for the advice all, though some of you missed the problem is chiefly getting landowners permission. For those of you who think I'm whining, why did you get onto a thread called (2nd rant) ?really? You yourself have never complained on this site? If you do( SoCAL, and Terry), be sure i'll be there to give you a taste of yourself. Cheers.


You feeling better now? Ready to go back out there and start swinging? Sell that GPR and get a Tesoro Vaquero and you'll be a lot happier.

If you got a detector to make money, that's the wrong reason. Most hobbies are just hobbies, they are for enjoyment. As far as finding enough to quit, why quit. Why would I want to stop having fun? You can't give up because a few people don't give you permission, the ones you ask don't own everything around. My brother and I have been told no by some people and yes by other people. So just because some say no, that doesn't mean you should quit.

Thanks for the advice all, though some of you missed the problem is chiefly getting landowners permission. For those of you who think I'm whining, why did you get onto a thread called (2nd rant) ?really? You yourself have never complained on this site? If you do( SoCAL, and Terry), be sure i'll be there to give you a taste of yourself. Cheers.

I think you have larger issues that you don't realize. As for gaining permission, you have look at yourself. I have friend who can talk his way into gaining permission almost every single time. It's all in how you present yourself.

6k for a gpr ??? I dont know anyone that would go buy a gpr for metal detecting i think your dreaming of big treasure with no real idea of what the hobby is..good luck

Its a D.P.R..


Reminds me of my fish finders.

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Yeh i think thats a little over kill for coin hunting or looking for a few rings in the surf....

didn't you read his first post? He's not. He got into this expecting to dig up buried hoards. Why else would a person spend $6000 on some monstrosity of an unproven and unknown "detector"?

didn't you read his first post? He's not. He got into this expecting to dig up buried hoards. Why else would a person spend $6000 on some monstrosity of an unproven and unknown "detector"?

Why would someone expect to find buried hoards all over the place like there a common thing? unless he had some lead on a buried hoard and im talking a good enough lead to buy a 6k machine ...its nice to dream big but in all reality theres not going to be hoardes or gold and silver every place you hunt most likely you will never find anything on that level maybe its best to give up while your behind

How did you ask for permission? Have you given them a business card to call you if they change their minds? Don't just show up at their door in camo and detector with shovel in hand. Sometimes it takes a couple visits and offer to do some chores to get to be friends with the land owner. Like firearm hunters gain admission by delivering a pie or doing a chore for the farmer. Offer to carry out any trash you find. In other words become friends first. There are many places to hunt in your area and not all need permission. But if you think you need to break even, don't take up professional Bass Fishing either. Hope you find the hobby your looking for. View attachment 957560View attachment 957560


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dustyrails: My latest big quest is for the lost 1758 gold and silver on the Great Trail in the general area of Minerva OH. That's 2 tons (yes 4000lbs) of Gold and silver. That would pay for the machine. My first rant thread confessed that this indeed is a dumb move unless one's relatives left him/her a map because you can be in the right area without swinging in the right spot. I also mentioned in that thread that one should not expect to hit it big thinking he's going to leave his kids an inheritance. Giving up while behind was what I was debating here.

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yes Terry I feel better having slept for third shift work tonight. Ready to swing again, though reluctant about buying more stuff right now.

How did you ask for permission? Have you given them a business card to call you if they change their minds? Don't just show up at their door in camo and detector with shovel in hand. Sometimes it takes a couple visits and offer to do some chores to get to be friends with the land owner. Like firearm hunters gain admission by delivering a pie or doing a chore for the farmer. Offer to carry out any trash you find. In other words become friends first. There are many places to hunt in your area and not all need permission. But if you think you need to break even, don't take up professional Bass Fishing either. Hope you find the hobby your looking for. View attachment 957560View attachment 957560

This is good advice I will try this.

My latest big quest is for the lost 1758 gold and silver on the Great Trail in the general area of Minerva OH. That's 2 tons (yes 4000lbs) of Gold and silver. That would pay for the machine. My first rant thread confessed that this indeed is a dumb move unless one's relatives left him/her a map because you can be in the right area without swinging in the right spot. I also mentioned in that thread that one should not expect to hit it big thinking he's going to leave his kids an inheritance. Giving up while behind was what I was debating here.

You know theres more treasure leads then there is treasure but if youve read of these treasures so have hundreds or thousands of people before you ...hes more leads then you can hunt in a life time..

that being said i hate to see anyone doing something they dont want to do even if its something i love doesnt meen everyone will love it ...if you dont enjoy the time spent on the hunt then you should find something you would enjoy

View attachment 956710I've been detecting since 1966, and in that time I've found silver and gold, rings and coins, jewelery and clad money, but the photo shows my personal very best find. I did the research, I found the location, I know those were dropped by a soldier engaged in a firefight, I know who he was fighting, I know the company he was in, and I know the day they were dropped. To me that was one of the bigger thrills of my life. You might not understand that, but there are people that post on this forum that very well know what I'm talking about. I've also researched a place that has a high chance of finding someones stash of hidden money, the person died and it was know that he'd burried money on the place, but I haven't been able to get permission to look for it. Even if allowed to hunt, and his stash was found and amounted to something, those bullets would still be my favorite find. It's the rush you get when it all comes together, the hours of research, the long walk, crowned with the find that proves you did it. I love history, and I personally like to find artifacts, so I guess in the end it's the fun of the hunt, not knowing for sure ahead of time what's going to come out of the hole. If you are in it just for spectacular finds, you will be sadly disappointed, there is a lot more clad out there than there is silver. But the silver and gold is there to fine, you just have to go look for it, and if that isn't fun, then you probably should sell your equipment and use the money on a different hobby, because it's never going to be like the TV shows.

Well said Bosn. I think the example you provided is one of the best I've read. I look forward to getting out there and finding my "best find" as well. Of course, not having started yet, I could imagine a horseshoe from the civil war would equate to my best find LOL.

Permission, The big STOP sign! OK, I will admit it I have been turned down twice. One turn down proved to be the wrong location, I got instant permission at the right location. The second rejection was by someone that was looking themselves.
For yard hunting I use a picture (worth 1000 words) that gets me permission. I think it's the greed factor. I ask, show the picture, and point out that the ruby ring is worth $3K. Works every time. Frank...


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