I have found the Lost Adams Diggings Sno-Ta-hay Canyon


Seriously, just consider yourself ignored from here on, You really have contributed nothing but ignorant slanderous and libalous statements as some last ditch effort to hopefully save whatever dignity or intelligence you may have on this or any other subject. I've never stood down to bullying either, so like the fly that's sitting on the outside of my window and wants in, consider yourself completely ignored, as in ignorant or the same as those we ignore.

Besides, you still haven't answered my questions.

:laughing9: :laughing7: :icon_profileright:

filemaker01 said:

Seriously, just consider yourself ignored from here on, You really have contributed nothing but --deleted-- slanderous and libalous statements as some last ditch effort to hopefully save whatever dignity or intelligence you may have on this or any other subject. I've never stood down to bullying either, so like the fly that's sitting on the outside of my window and wants in, consider yourself completely ignored, as in --deleted-- or the same as those we ignore.

Besides, you still haven't answered my questions.

:laughing9: :laughing7: :icon_profileright:

I've raised legitimate questions, such as the one about the Egg Nebula, and you've ignored me. I've posted opinions, backed by scientific evidence from the USGS, and you've ignored me.

Please site an example of a libelous or slanderous statement I've made. I haven't made any. You are the only one I've seen here making nasty little insinuations about people's character.

I've also never used foul language. Nothing I've said has been auto-deleted as in your reply.

In my opinion your accusations are unfounded (no surprise), out of line, and hypocritical.


You asked:

"If anyone knows of any great books on earth mounds or actual scientific methods of researching such things I would really like to hear from you and your suggestions."

You might try"Catawba Valley Mississippian: Ceramics, Chronology, and Catawba Indians", by David Moore.
He has a lot of information on the mounds. That is just one of the many fine books on your subject. I must admit I'm surprised that you are seeking such books at this late date in your research. :read2:

Many of the Indian mounds found in the Southwest, and especially New Mexico, are refuse mounds.

Good luck,


I'd think a guy who studied archaeology and cultural anthropology at the college level would know all about "great books on earth mounds or actual scientific methods of researching such things". Isn't that what they teach in archaeology class?

G'morning: I am in the last stages of my lovely flue, so still not all there -- S H A D D U P !

In the early 50' 60 I was investigating as Treasure north of Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico. One of the men with me casually mentioned that a farmer nearby was leveling his field and that there was a large mound there. When the tractor was moving the dirt around it was uncovering huge amounts of Indian artifacts, but no one was interested.

Naturally I had to go, and found it just as he said. The field was covered with intact and broken ceramics, stone axe heads and figures. There was no one there. I quickly filled a wooden tomato box with unblemished stone axe and hammer heads and another with intact ceramics.

I offered them to the local museum, but they simply said "thanks, we are full of them."

Secondary thing, when I was investigating another treasure near Guatabampo, Sonora, I noticed several perfect stone axe heads holding down the chicken coop of a nesting hen. When I asked him where did he find them, that they were tools of his ancestors. H gave a little condecending laugh and said "wherever a lightning bolt strikes the ground, devine energy melts the sand into this form" ??

Interestingly enough I found that the Lightening does melt the sand in to tubular forms, but obviously not into axe heads.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. well it is on topic to an extent, Who knows how many laboriously, hand written documents lie moldering in various Archaeological dept.'s I know that several of my reports have never had the courteousy of a reply.


I have also followed this thread from your original post, and looking at the map and Google earth image was not convinced even then,
whilst they look similar there are to many differences for me to agree that you had found the correct canyon,
the diffrences you put down to a major earthquake, if there had of been an earthquake of that magnitude there would have been much more debris scattered around the area huge boulders, earth slip which would have shown up quite easily on GE, and it appears from your research that you never even bothered checking if there had in fact been one that was simply an assumption on your part, the same regarding the astrological signs, and star placing's,

all of which when questioned you ignored as the answers would not fit your so called find,
and as AZ says you have tried to denigrate anyone who questions you,

now you say they don’t have the right equipment, stating how much better it is than that shown on your laptop, and that it is your video card’s that are the reason and that anyone else's are obviously inferior, quoting your academic level as a computer expert,

you also say in your first mention of your state of the art computer that it has 4 gig of ram, then later in another post just a couple of days later change it to 6 gig,

again that raises several questions,

first off, it does not matter what cards you have or how many, the limiting factor for any system regarding ultimate resolution is the resolution of the monitor, you cannot go past that no matter what the rest of the system is capable of, which is probably the reason your old laptop is not as good as your monitor,

even if your monitor has the highest resolution that is currently on the market which is about 2650 by about 1900, that's the best you can get even if your graphic card is capable of double that, most single cards can go quite a bit higher than that so there is simply no need for two or three,
all multiple cards do is increase frame rate speed for gamers and are designed exactly for that, they do not and cannot increase resolution past what the monitor is capable of,

also 4 gig of ram is the minimum recommended amount to run windows 7 , most computers even laptops sold anytime in the last couple of years have at least that amount fitted as standard, even the cheapest have 2 gig and can be fitted with another 2 gig at a cost of no more than about 30 to 40 dollars,
i have 8 gig in mine and my son has 32 gig, and runs ram drive, and he has a uni degree in computer games and 3D graphics design, he also questions your knowledge in computing,

also Google earth uses many satelite images from a variety of sources, some with a resolution of -0.45 up to +65 these are changed to give an overall resolution of +15, to make the whole thing seamless when viewing, and is the reason that it is blurred when approching ground level, and except for a few places in cites won't go any higher than that, nor can it be deblurred, iv'e asked this question to the programmers at google on the GE forum,

regarding the Navy College you mention, yes i have seen this marked in google on a mesa not far from the area you indicate !, but i'm now struggling to find it again !


BenThereDoneThat said:
lastleg said:
Phil, great spoof. To draw out the likes of Don Jose, the Oros and Spring is quite impressive. :headbang:

Maybe you went a little overboard with the claim of serving with the CCC but otherwise most of your methane floated above the


Possible there just missing our old pal Blind Bowman, this is the next best thing for entertainment purpose's and right along the same line of thinking and presentation that went on for years and years! And we all know how that ended.....

Ah, but there is a difference; Blindbowman put his boots where his rather outlandish words had gone, and was man enough to come back and tell everyone that he had been wrong. Not too many are willing to do that. :-\

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Roy and John,

I had to eat some crow with Blindbowman. He did show up and make a final trip to his "location". Whatever his......problems, he did have the guts to give us his story face to face. Unfortunately when he showed us the exact location on a topo', it was obvious that he was right on top of an old (barren) Crawford claim.

He has dropped in on us a few times since the Rendezvous, but I believe he realizes he is beating a dead horse. I expect the same thing will eventually happen with Phil.

Take care,


Oro is correct as usual. BB showed up for the outing and afterward lost his companion. Very sad indeed. Reason I called it a spoof
is that I read all of Phil's posts and came to that conclusion because if he were to be proved sincere, condolenses are in order.

Hi joe Oro LL and all,

Yes i must admit BB showed up at the rendevious, and i'll give him 10 out of 10 for that, that took a lot of nerve, but exactly like Phil he also totaly believed he was correct,

but Phil like BB on the LDM is ignoring evidence that others on here have provided to some of his claims brings his research into question, to many assumtions on his part without checking the facts,
and ignoring facts when they are presented,



Once I found out exactly where bb's "hole" was, it logically followed that he had been reading some of Chuck Crawfords stories. :read2: Never once believed "Da Plane" story.

Unfortunate how many people like bb are out there. Some of them end up much the worse for wear, and in some cases dead, by trying to follow those works of fiction. Those stories are still being manufactured today, by some well known Dutch Hunter characters. :o

Take care,


Hi Joe,

i do remember him having diffent heights that the plane was flying at in various posts, and i think quite a few of the things he wrote were made up to convince readers on here that he was correct with his theory,

but as you say it's those that try to follow and end up taking chances with their lives where things like this cause the problems,



cactusjumper said:

Once I found out exactly where bb's "hole" was, it logically followed that he had been reading some of Chuck Crawfords stories. :read2: Never once believed "Da Plane" story.

Unfortunate how many people like bb are out there. Some of them end up much the worse for wear, and in some cases dead, by trying to follow those works of fiction. Those stories are still being manufactured today, by some well known Dutch Hunter characters. :o

Take care,


:o :o :o :o :o
At the risk of drifting ever farther afield from the Lost Adams topic, would you care to name a few names? I will hold you harmless regardless of what names you might mention as a statement of personal opinion and thus not subject to any kind of slander provocation, thank you in advance.

Also a good point was raised about this claim of having found the Lost Adams and then proceeding to show a place, tending to lead others to go there is something I do not approve of. Regardless of the fact that Filemaker01 has stated please do not go there etc having posted the info is tantamount to telling the public here lays a fortune for the first to go pick it up and someone (or several) are apt to get into serious trouble. This is one of the reasons why I would like to see some kind of solid evidence taken from the site, like some gold panned from the canyon, and none has been forthcoming. It is a bit irresponsible to go onto public forums making such claims as we have in this case without the solid proof, not even a statement that it is now claimed and legally no one could go digging, so it has amounted to a public invitation to go.

It is surprising how often we see someone come forward with similar claims, most commonly for the LDM rather than the Lost Adams, based mainly on satellite imagery and/or solved clues, maps etc without having done any of the boots on the ground part, and no gold to show for it. Almost as if we have people who wish to claim the honors and fame of discovering the lost mine, without doing the hard part.

No offense intended to our mutual amigo Filemaker01, I would encourage him to do further research on-the-spot with a gold pan before trying to attract so much attention. I have no interest in claim jumping your site, and I am far from convinced that it is the lost Adams. As to the effigy mounds, if that is what they really are (and I fail to see anything other than natural formations) then it would require on the spot research not just studying them from the air. I don't know how to put this any more plain.

Also Springfield is right on the many different versions of this story, including one which has no zigzag canyon, and that none are direct from Adams himself so we are working from secondhand and third-hand sources, with all that goes along with that. Personally I prefer the oldest sources available and have one that I don't plan to share, but we all have our own ideas about what is best.

My apologies for drifting somewhat off-topic, and for any imputations about what is proper for posting on a public forum, this is just personal opinion and NO offense was intended.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

cactusjumper said:
Roy and John,

I had to eat some crow with Blindbowman. He did show up and make a final trip to his "location". Whatever his......problems, he did have the guts to give us his story face to face. Unfortunately when he showed us the exact location on a topo', it was obvious that he was right on top of an old (barren) Crawford claim.

He has dropped in on us a few times since the Rendezvous, but I believe he realizes he is beating a dead horse. I expect the same thing will eventually happen with Phil.

Take care,


Of course there are still those out there who believe Crawford found and removed everything from there. :)

@furness (and filemaker01 - if he's interested enough)
I am afraid you beat me to the punchline - I was going to say (more or less) exactly the same - and I have been using linux and more graphics adapters than I care to remember since 1996. It doesn't matter how much ram or adapters you have - you still cant see more or better than what GE delivers to you - full stop. Even most laptops today have a better resolution than what you get with GE.

From Phil's snotahaycanyon.com website:

"The computer mainly used in research of the images in this website of the effigy mounds in question is also considered to be much more advanced technically than the average computer used by private individuals. We have in fact found that the same images can’t be seen on computers with the average graphics cards contained within the average laptop or other smaller computer driven devices. We also have found that using a higher technically advanced computer is absolutely necessary as well as other various programs developed for the study of such effigy mounds in order to make any honest studies and to make any fair hypothesis of the effigy mounds themselves."

But then in the very next paragraph, he says,

"So far we've found over sixty to ninety percent of anyone viewing this website can actually see the mound imagess others can't."

I'm a little confused about how a much more technically advanced computer is required to see these effigy mounds, yet over sixty to ninety percent of anyone viewing the website can actually see them. Evidently, I'm missing some part of this logic.

The fundamental issue is not whether or not the things Phil claims to see are visible on my computer, I can plainly see what he's outlined:


Image courtesy snotahaycanyon.com

The issue is whether this is a random feature of the natural topography and vegetation (which I believe), or a man-made creation, Phil's conclusion, for which there is no archaeological evidence whatsoever from the site. A faster computer or better graphics card won't make any difference, I can see what Phil is showing us, I simply don't believe it's a man-made creation in the absence of any supporting physical evidence from the site. If there were digging tools, evidence of a massive community to do the work, pottery shards, food storage and preparation sites, bones, etc., all in the appropriately dated layers, then perhaps we could have a discussion about the merits of this claim. But to merely peruse some Google Earth imagery, and make claims about massive earthworks based simply on one's perceptions, that is not how the science of archaeology or cultural anthropology works. Cultural anthropologists and archaeologists all do real field work, conducting digs, studying the artifacts in context, making comparisons with other similar artifacts, and then draw their conclusions.

I'm just going to add a bit to the Blindbowman saga.

After all was said and done - he showed up - showed his hand, and put boots on the ground.

Something that I respect, and cannot say about everyone. At least we didn't get to hear "I found it but nobody is allowed in there".


mrs.oroblanco said:
.....At least we didn't get to hear "I found it but nobody is allowed in there".

Wait'll you try to poke around in there. Knowing the mindset of Catron County, NM, ranchers, I can just imagine how the guy on County Road A001 at N 34deg15', W109deg2' would react when all these gummint types show up in their shiny new SUV's to begin sifting through his back yard. You'll get a genuine dose of "Git out!!"

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