What's interesting is that AU isn't even really looking at the same area, what's more there are those who just want to argue for their own personal reasons; mainly not wanting to be wrong about their own area they say is the lost Diggings. He's obviously not even looked at my website closely enough to study to know what its saying. You make a great point Oro, the fact is as my site states, the LAD is the most claimed site to be found and reported to be found to the government, forums, etc, every year which is a point I wrote about in the website.
One guy actually has a video recorded on YouTube that is linked to an area near Pie Town on Google Earth that shows seven freshly made very obviously hatchet marks on the tree that couldn't have even been alive yet during Adams time, where the guy standing next to the tree is all but holding the hatchet he used to make the marks, then he counts the marks as if they somehow even relate to Adams or the twenty two men who were part of the original Adams party before they split up after finding the canyon. The guy in the video states, too funny, the first name of who he believes is the real Adams, John Quincy which is incorrect anyway.
Ten of the original Adams party men after finding the canyon went to a colony towards Fort Wingate to fetch supplies only they returned with so much ammunition and weapons and other stuff that when Chief Nana saw the goods, he ordered the men killed for trespassing on Apache soil against the current then treaty. Adams buried the men where he found them in the ravine where a friend of mine found their remains as well as old supplies and more in the gulch we now call Dead Man's Gulch then Adams walked towards the cabin they built out of logs and stone fireplace as he saw the smoke rising above the Cygnus effigy mound. The Adams party hid the gold under the fireplace in a small opening that already existed and was used by the Native Americans to store their own food and goods they built the stone fireplace over. Adams walked towards the burning cabin where he saw smoke coming up over the top of the Cygnus mound and hid up on the highest point above the pumpkin patch that night with Brewer as they watched the cabin smolder and burn with Native Americans dancing around the cabin. Adams and Brewer tried to get to the gold the next day after the Apache left and the coals were too hot for them to dig out the gold due to them using logs to build the cabin with. Then Adams and Brewer walked on foot instead of riding horses which was a very wise move as the Apaches came back looking for every man they counted before the raid. Adams and Brewer (or a different survivor other than Brewer depending on which book you want to believe) then walked directly south in cowboy boots that fell apart within a few days considering the terrain they walked over, about 114 miles where they were found near death fighting over a rabbit naked as recorded in the military records found by Ron Jensen and then myself after researching. We both found the same map drawn by Adams he gave to Dr. Sturgeon who treated him and Brewer. Anyway, Adams after recovering killed one of the warriors who was part of the party who massacred the Adams party, as he rode into the fort on one of the horses traded to Gotch Ear thus Adams was charged with murder, escaped and went back to the Adams colony where the heart of LA is located, he owned a furniture and goods transport company, my book will give his real name. Second, AU I'm sure is completely unaware even the location I'm talking about in my website so besides he's just one of those who has to be correct even though the entire world sees through his visions or whatever. Some people just like causing or stirring up to cause more but most see through them. We call it Academically Immature, although we all have to start from the beginning in any education beyond high school, but then sometimes when people actually go to college and learn real research and take the proper classes they do begin to understand more about what others are talking about who have already done so for seven years and has over thirty years experience. I'm sure though there are those who also have potential if they will just calm down and take their time to understand what is being discussed or even the real location and why etc.
This is why we have real professionals who try to overlook certain problem makers but also know enough about real studies of real mounds to know there is no rhyme or reason as to why they are even made and most times by whom. It's only recently being understood how mounds and even the pyramids which are also earth mounds created with stones, line up with various stars while at the time they were built, various constellations looked different than today which is another reason why the mounds are so important to study. The mounds are now verified by various government entities who are now as I write researching the same mounds and have been sending me replies with great pictures I hope to put on the website soon and we are setting up various meetings next week for a later date, so good things are happening.
It's just that so many people believe they are correct about the LAD location and some are even making money out of it without any basis in fact. Even my website states the LAD is the most reported site to be found by prospectors in the world, literally thousands a year to various agencies. Not only did Ron Jensen in fact find the real treasure hidden by the Adams party, but he wrote about it on the site he made as there were also over 300 mineral rights claims filed in the same canyon soon after but for some reason expired and Jensen hasn't been seen since or at least as far as I can tell. The area is also a ranch but on BLM land, however the effigy mounds make it illegal to mine or file a claim as well as the fact it is a ranch land and besides there are ancient living quarters there as well although it's not yet know who made them but they do look Zuni.
As I wrote many various government officials long ago, if you look at when I started this thread here in this forum on my first post in 2010, I have since been working on this long before since the eighties researching and found the canyon shortly after Jensen did but I never went there personally since as I am now disabled physically but 100% all there upstairs and do have degrees to back up my research and hypothesis. I also worked for various forestry services and other departments etc etc besides my education and experience and researching mounds. All this will be in my book I hope will be out soon but I'm waiting on just one or two more things I'm researching and may even have found the real Adams journal, I'm not going to talk about until I actually have it in my hands again.
Seriously, as you know I'm sure, always be weary of those who know nothing about the person they heckle, and especially go through such lengths to prove someone wrong when they are most likely looking at an entirely different area in question or just are so afraid they are wrong about the location they think the LAD is located as so many other thousands of people, they even stalk that person online on Google Earth and other forums to try and have the conversation stopped or will say or do anything to try anyway. I'm 52 years old and have over ten years full time college besides worked for so many government agencies that even a real US President trusted me to work directly under him and with his personal aides on other projects that were serious national interests at the time, you may also read about me in the future regarding, I don't make empty claims, I only mention this about me so you understand the truth and there really is no other way to tell anyone except to just state facts and move onto better other research knowing more about that person.
It really is nice though that you are taking the time to understand more about what I’m writing about on my website and about the LAD and here on this thread, these really are great forums, I think the best around, there will be more, so any input will be great.
Thanks Oro, seriously,
Ron Jensen's site: