I have found the Lost Adams Diggings Sno-Ta-hay Canyon

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
ORO, one thing always makes me curious. The remark is made that it has a hidden entrance so is difficult to find and enter ??

Shucks ORO, if you were walking along a cliff and suddenly spotted a large OOP delta, you would just HAVE to investigate no?

A canyon the size of the zig Zag one, would be a natural collector of water from the storms, it would have to exit and it would carry along a tremendous amount of soil, and rocks to be deposited in the main exit. Among this debris would also be Gold, if present inside. Over the years this delta must have accumulated enough materiel to be of a large, readily spotted size

Any reasonable prospector traveling along would readily spot it, and go check it for signs. He would find the hidden entrance while doing so.


Just curious.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Well a delta with no visible source might be cause for investigation, but a delta may not form the way it would stand out either. It could be inside a curve, or obliterated by floods etc. Then too remember the original version, Gotchear stood directly in front of the entrance and no one could see it until he stepped into it. It has to be so difficult to see that you can stand in front of it, look right at it, and not be able to pick it out, since we know that was the case with the Adams party. At least as far as the story goes, in the opinion of many all of these lost mines are just stories.

Also we do not know the size of the zig-zag canyon except by guess work; it could be quite small or quite large. It is not safe to make assumptions about how big it ought to look or what size it will be, before seeing it.

So I guess I have to respectfully disagree. :dontknow: I don't think that finding Adam's canyon is going to be easy by any measure.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:


What's interesting is that AU isn't even really looking at the same area, what's more there are those who just want to argue for their own personal reasons; mainly not wanting to be wrong about their own area they say is the lost Diggings. He's obviously not even looked at my website closely enough to study to know what its saying. You make a great point Oro, the fact is as my site states, the LAD is the most claimed site to be found and reported to be found to the government, forums, etc, every year which is a point I wrote about in the website.

One guy actually has a video recorded on YouTube that is linked to an area near Pie Town on Google Earth that shows seven freshly made very obviously hatchet marks on the tree that couldn't have even been alive yet during Adams time, where the guy standing next to the tree is all but holding the hatchet he used to make the marks, then he counts the marks as if they somehow even relate to Adams or the twenty two men who were part of the original Adams party before they split up after finding the canyon. The guy in the video states, too funny, the first name of who he believes is the real Adams, John Quincy which is incorrect anyway.

Ten of the original Adams party men after finding the canyon went to a colony towards Fort Wingate to fetch supplies only they returned with so much ammunition and weapons and other stuff that when Chief Nana saw the goods, he ordered the men killed for trespassing on Apache soil against the current then treaty. Adams buried the men where he found them in the ravine where a friend of mine found their remains as well as old supplies and more in the gulch we now call Dead Man's Gulch then Adams walked towards the cabin they built out of logs and stone fireplace as he saw the smoke rising above the Cygnus effigy mound. The Adams party hid the gold under the fireplace in a small opening that already existed and was used by the Native Americans to store their own food and goods they built the stone fireplace over. Adams walked towards the burning cabin where he saw smoke coming up over the top of the Cygnus mound and hid up on the highest point above the pumpkin patch that night with Brewer as they watched the cabin smolder and burn with Native Americans dancing around the cabin. Adams and Brewer tried to get to the gold the next day after the Apache left and the coals were too hot for them to dig out the gold due to them using logs to build the cabin with. Then Adams and Brewer walked on foot instead of riding horses which was a very wise move as the Apaches came back looking for every man they counted before the raid. Adams and Brewer (or a different survivor other than Brewer depending on which book you want to believe) then walked directly south in cowboy boots that fell apart within a few days considering the terrain they walked over, about 114 miles where they were found near death fighting over a rabbit naked as recorded in the military records found by Ron Jensen and then myself after researching. We both found the same map drawn by Adams he gave to Dr. Sturgeon who treated him and Brewer. Anyway, Adams after recovering killed one of the warriors who was part of the party who massacred the Adams party, as he rode into the fort on one of the horses traded to Gotch Ear thus Adams was charged with murder, escaped and went back to the Adams colony where the heart of LA is located, he owned a furniture and goods transport company, my book will give his real name. Second, AU I'm sure is completely unaware even the location I'm talking about in my website so besides he's just one of those who has to be correct even though the entire world sees through his visions or whatever. Some people just like causing or stirring up to cause more but most see through them. We call it Academically Immature, although we all have to start from the beginning in any education beyond high school, but then sometimes when people actually go to college and learn real research and take the proper classes they do begin to understand more about what others are talking about who have already done so for seven years and has over thirty years experience. I'm sure though there are those who also have potential if they will just calm down and take their time to understand what is being discussed or even the real location and why etc.

This is why we have real professionals who try to overlook certain problem makers but also know enough about real studies of real mounds to know there is no rhyme or reason as to why they are even made and most times by whom. It's only recently being understood how mounds and even the pyramids which are also earth mounds created with stones, line up with various stars while at the time they were built, various constellations looked different than today which is another reason why the mounds are so important to study. The mounds are now verified by various government entities who are now as I write researching the same mounds and have been sending me replies with great pictures I hope to put on the website soon and we are setting up various meetings next week for a later date, so good things are happening.

It's just that so many people believe they are correct about the LAD location and some are even making money out of it without any basis in fact. Even my website states the LAD is the most reported site to be found by prospectors in the world, literally thousands a year to various agencies. Not only did Ron Jensen in fact find the real treasure hidden by the Adams party, but he wrote about it on the site he made as there were also over 300 mineral rights claims filed in the same canyon soon after but for some reason expired and Jensen hasn't been seen since or at least as far as I can tell. The area is also a ranch but on BLM land, however the effigy mounds make it illegal to mine or file a claim as well as the fact it is a ranch land and besides there are ancient living quarters there as well although it's not yet know who made them but they do look Zuni.

As I wrote many various government officials long ago, if you look at when I started this thread here in this forum on my first post in 2010, I have since been working on this long before since the eighties researching and found the canyon shortly after Jensen did but I never went there personally since as I am now disabled physically but 100% all there upstairs and do have degrees to back up my research and hypothesis. I also worked for various forestry services and other departments etc etc besides my education and experience and researching mounds. All this will be in my book I hope will be out soon but I'm waiting on just one or two more things I'm researching and may even have found the real Adams journal, I'm not going to talk about until I actually have it in my hands again.

Seriously, as you know I'm sure, always be weary of those who know nothing about the person they heckle, and especially go through such lengths to prove someone wrong when they are most likely looking at an entirely different area in question or just are so afraid they are wrong about the location they think the LAD is located as so many other thousands of people, they even stalk that person online on Google Earth and other forums to try and have the conversation stopped or will say or do anything to try anyway. I'm 52 years old and have over ten years full time college besides worked for so many government agencies that even a real US President trusted me to work directly under him and with his personal aides on other projects that were serious national interests at the time, you may also read about me in the future regarding, I don't make empty claims, I only mention this about me so you understand the truth and there really is no other way to tell anyone except to just state facts and move onto better other research knowing more about that person.

It really is nice though that you are taking the time to understand more about what I’m writing about on my website and about the LAD and here on this thread, these really are great forums, I think the best around, there will be more, so any input will be great.

Thanks Oro, seriously,


Ron Jensen's site: http://www.lostadams.com

I thought about this earlier and should have mentioned:

Some people like AU obviously have inferior graphics cards and may not be able to see the mounds on their computers very easily. I'm running a system with four quad core 3.75Ghz CPU's and three GSA Graphics Cards by XFX and motherboard, using four gigs of RAM, serious high end computer I built myself while in my fifth year of computer science courses full time, supercomputing and serious programming, I can see excellent graphics while others with low end laptops, tablets etc, may not see or show as in depth as I see, but I did see the same mounds on my other computer laptop 3.2Ghz CPU quad core, and my Pentium 4, 2.8 Ghz I'm also using for Linux / Unix Apache server. Every government entity can also see the mounds on Google Earth but they also use other software and ground penetrating imaging that can also see the mounds much clearer that i posted on my website http://www.snotahaycanyon.com , however my machine does produce the mounds you can see on my website with any computer since I lowered the file sizes dramatically.



Oroblanco said:
Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
ORO, one thing always makes me curious. The remark is made that it has a hidden entrance so is difficult to find and enter ??

Shucks ORO, if you were walking along a cliff and suddenly spotted a large OOP delta, you would just HAVE to investigate no?

A canyon the size of the zig Zag one, would be a natural collector of water from the storms, it would have to exit and it would carry along a tremendous amount of soil, and rocks to be deposited in the main exit. Among this debris would also be Gold, if present inside. Over the years this delta must have accumulated enough materiel to be of a large, readily spotted size

Any reasonable prospector traveling along would readily spot it, and go check it for signs. He would find the hidden entrance while doing so.


Just curious.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Well a delta with no visible source might be cause for investigation, but a delta may not form the way it would stand out either. It could be inside a curve, or obliterated by floods etc. Then too remember the original version, Gotchear stood directly in front of the entrance and no one could see it until he stepped into it. It has to be so difficult to see that you can stand in front of it, look right at it, and not be able to pick it out, since we know that was the case with the Adams party. At least as far as the story goes, in the opinion of many all of these lost mines are just stories.

Also we do not know the size of the zig-zag canyon except by guess work; it could be quite small or quite large. It is not safe to make assumptions about how big it ought to look or what size it will be, before seeing it.

So I guess I have to respectfully disagree. :dontknow: I don't think that finding Adam's canyon is going to be easy by any measure.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

The toughest nut here is the number of LAD versions that are available, most of which are in conflict with the rest concerning even the most basic of clues. For example, the so-called Zigzag Canyon. Some versions describe the canyon as Z-shaped in form; some describe the canyon as having a Z-shaped trail up one side; many don't mention the Z-shape at all. Generally speaking, the alleged location of the diggings was in a steep, deep and difficult canyon, but what does that mean? I've been in a thousand canyons that could be described in that way. Some were many miles long and a thousand feet deep. Some were much shorter and less deep. If you follow game trails (often the only way to proceed), all of them could probably be associated with a 'zigzag' to some degree.

We don't have any LAD version that can be directly attributed to Adams himself (ie notes, journal, etc.). The best known tellings are third hand typically, or worse, and vary wildly. The lesser-known second hand versions are even more varied, but may be closer to the protagonist. Unfortunately, the protagonist, Adams, obviously told different stories to all. The reason the famous Zigzag Canyon has not been located may be because it may not exist in the way people believe.

Gentlemen, that includes oro, but why?? We have those narrow cracks leading from one area to the other. There is one from San Bernardo to Chinapas which tends to fit that description. From a short distance away it is not tooo readily visible, yet when you get there, it is obvious. Actually it is the main trail. Once inside you can touch both sides from your mule.

It sorta sorta zigs and zags so that generally you can't see 20 meters in front of you. But what is most interesting is that the narrowing down of the stream forces the water up, in places 40 ft. above the trail, which is a constant reminder to not enter the area during the possibility of rain.

As I understand it, the entry to the Sno-Ta-ay is very similar.

Need I remind you of the carrying power of that blocked up water? It forms a wide delta at the exit some ft thick and the full width of the arroyo. However I do agree that the normal flow of water tends to flatten it out between floods.

I also agree with you oro, as the water is blocked by the narrow passage it tends to slow down and drops it's load of materiel, but still has enough force left to form a nice wide delta some 50 meters wide where it exits.

If Sno-Ta-Hay was large enough to build a log cabin, and had the trees in it, it must have been fairly large, sooooo.

File my friend, frankly I am more interested in your presentations than your possible academic career. It doesn't take a Phd or a genious to find something such as the LAD. In fact I have found that they tend to put blinders in place instead of free thinking. So relax and have fun.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. I presume that your disability was from slipping while jumping out of the second story window of the Happy House when it was raided? he he he that is how ORO loused up his back. Although he claims it was from carrying those 45 kilo bars of gold and Silver

Gentlemen, that includes oro, but why?? We have those narrow cracks leading from one area to the other. There is one from San Bernardo to Chinapas which tends to fit that description. From a short distance away it is not tooo readily visible, yet when you get there, it is obvious. Actually it is the main trail. Once inside you can touch both sides from your mule.

It sorta sorta zigs and zags so that generally you can't see 20 meters in front of you. But what is most interesting is that the narrowing down of the stream forces the water up, in places 40 ft. above the trail, which is a constant reminder to not enter the area during the possibility of rain.

As I understand it, the entry to the Sno-Ta-ay is very similar.

Need I remind you of the carrying power of that blocked up water? It forms a wide delta at the exit some ft thick and the full width of the arroyo. However I do agree that the normal flow of water tends to flatten it out between floods.

I also agree with you oro, as the water is blocked by the narrow passage it tends to slow down and drops it's load of materiel, but still has enough force left to form a nice wide delta some 50 meters wide where it exits.

If Sno-Ta-Hay was large enough to build a log cabin, and had the trees in it, it must have been fairly large, sooooo.

File my friend, frankly I am more interested in your presentations than your possible academic career. It doesn't take a Phd or a genius to find something such as the LAD. In fact I have found that they tend to put blinders in place instead of free thinking. So relax and have fun.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. I presume that your disability was from slipping while jumping out of the second story window of the Happy House when it was raided? he he he that is how ORO loused up his back. Although he claims it was from carrying those 45 kilo bars of gold and Silver

I added new images to the website www.snotahaycanyon.com regarding the effigies from the National Park Service and a link to their webpages on effigy mounds.

Again just to mention:

I'm using a very high end computer system:

XFX Motherboard 4 Quad Core CPU's 3.75 Ghz each
6 Ghz RAM, high end II
3 Independent but tethered interlocking XFX GPA Graphics cards with 1.5Ghz memory each that can work togather or independantly, cooled systems each.
T1 fibre optic network,

I will have more great photos of other effigies and from what I've learned, there are other areas where real treasures may lay, I'm planning to film in person near new pyramids uncovered by a nearby village, were an ancient tunnel was discovered by a friend who looked for the tunnel for years based on an old lore written about in actual books and legends of the area. He went into the tunnel and left quickly because the legend states whoever has gone into the tunnel never returns, so after he stuck his head up through a small opening into a huge chambers he said he thought he could see what looked like a wall painted with a mural and what looked like piles of ancient artifacts and possible treasure. I can't wait, but sometimes these stories don't always turn out the way one hopes.

Thanks Again, will post more stuff and photos later,


Phil, great spoof. To draw out the likes of Don Jose, the Oros and Spring is quite impressive. :headbang:

Maybe you went a little overboard with the claim of serving with the CCC but otherwise most of your methane floated above the


lastleg said:
Phil, great spoof. To draw out the likes of Don Jose, the Oros and Spring is quite impressive. :headbang:

Maybe you went a little overboard with the claim of serving with the CCC but otherwise most of your methane floated above the


Possible there just missing our old pal Blind Bowman, this is the next best thing for entertainment purpose's and right along the same line of thinking and presentation that went on for years and years! And we all know how that ended.....

lastleg said:
Phil, great spoof.

So you're saying...... we're not going to get to see new pyramids? :laughing7:

filemaker01 said:
What's interesting is that AU isn't even really looking at the same area...AU I'm sure is completely unaware even the location I'm talking about in my website...
34.2527 N, 109.0333 W
State of New Mexico, NW part of Catron County
About 4 miles N of NM Hwy. 60, less than a mile E of the AZ border.

Wrong again, Phil.

What's interesting is that AU isn't even really looking at the same area...AU I'm sure is completely unaware even the location I'm talking about in my website...
*lol* It's kinda hard to miss - isn't it?

AZ_Gold, maybe not pyramids but I'd love to visit the "Naval Academy" in New Mexico Phil discovered. Maybe the fleet anchored
on Elephant Butte in the land that time forgot.

If anyone is interested, I’m more than happy to help anyone understand the basics of what using a really decent graphics card and other things needed for computing in visual sciences. I used my laptop to try and see not just the mounds but other things and wow what a difference! I can see now why those who can’t see the canyon or mounds are having such a hard time understanding. I'll work on a list of what type of graphics cards are needed for this type of science and a few reports of various computers used by those who know what this type of science really is and what is needed to really enjoy. It's really amazing how it feels when everyone has the proper equipment and can discuss real science like those who do have something other than foul language to contribute, you are very much appreciated not just by me but I'm sure by guests who don't want to have to worry that if they post in these forums whether or not they will be attacked intellectually or personally in the same foul fashion as some have here it seems out of their desperation to want to contribute anything of real value.

If anyone knows of any great books on earth mounds or actual scientific methods of researching such things I would really like to hear from you and your suggestions.

As far as spoofing anyone, I have no need to do so to anyone here in this forum. Everything I’ve written is what others who have taken the time and have the proper equipment to do so have also found in actual research. In order to see the mounds or anything of real value to research and knowing what is there, one must have a decent computer system. Just the fact I’ve posted the photos on my website showing what the mounds look like using a very above average computing system, proves the superiority of what a superior computer system can do and what it is like to have such tools so one can enjoy real true scientific methods in true research.

One may as well give up the race if they don’t have the means to win, that’s just plain fact. Proving the mounds exist is a huge win for everyone involved and I plan to mention those or give credit to those who have contributed in one way or another postive way, with of course their permission so it may be a great value to just enjoy and not be negative towards anyone but rather just enjoy and sit back, learn and contribute in a positive way. I can totally care less about what anyone wants to believe about me personally. I have nothing to worry about or hide whatsoever in my own education and being.

I’ll hopefully have the other photos from NASA and another agency I’ll mention later who are pretty excited and who also have the proper equipment to study such science. As a matter of fact, one who does take the time to do so finds a whole new world out there for everything from geology to anthropology, archeology and any other area of real science. I added another image to my website as I mentioned on the more images webpage and yes it too is really of a real mound, believe it or not, anyone of course can say whatever they want but those who have done their research and photographed and took the time to study I'm sure will stand up to anyone who wants to be negative in any way. I find it just as simple to ignore those who wish to believe attacking others helps in any way whatsoever. Too funny! : )

Thanks to those who are just good clean good people to talk to intellectually, you really are appreciated and I have no plans of being discouraged anytime soon by anyone who is negative. Funny how certain folks though have evaded my questions still however I plan to just ignore them from here on anyway. Good things are happening! : )

Owell, I’m sure we know why. : )


I mentioned a Naval Academy that was at one time nearby the canyon from what I was told and was basically putting out my feelers to find out if anyone else heard of the same Naval academy, as I did remember an episode of a show on TV that showed a Naval Cadet who found a large nugget of gold while exploring the nearby hills and canyon, I was just hoping to find out more whether or not anyone else knew of that. Thanks though for mentioning that, I still do need to do more research to find which episode and which show it was, a friend of mine actually saw the same show but couldn't remembe who hosted it or which TV show it was.

Anyway, Thanks


Oh let's see, maybe it was on Rawhide when Mr Favor sent Rowdy to check on some missing punchers and happened upon a group
of Apaches wearing naval uniforms. Naturally one was a beautiful native american princess they called the Admiral. She put Rowdy
in the brig because he didn't salute her. Mushy was sent to find Rowdy and the Admiral made him a boatswain in charge of the
rigging on her fleet of masted canoes. The Admiral released Rowdy and made him the mess cook which po'd Mushy so bad he went
AWOL and sailed down the rain-swollen Rio Grande back to the herd. Then Wishbone saw Mushy coming down the river on a canoe
with sails and quit the drive in disgust.
If that was not the episode I am sorry and I apologize. :dontknow:

filemaker01 said:
...If anyone knows of any great books on earth mounds or actual scientific methods of researching such things I would really like to hear from you and your suggestions...
The best way I've ever heard of to conduct scientific research into effigy mounds, or Native American Chief's burial grounds, is through on-site archaeological digs. In that way, real artifacts can be uncovered in their strata, in context, and dated. The arrangement and variety of artifacts can give a picture of what the society was like which was present at the time, and what their activities were, etc. As far as I'm aware, getting a better graphics card to view satellite imagery is not the way that most effigy mounds are fully investigated by respected archaeologists.

filemaker01 said:
...Funny how certain folks though have evaded my questions...
Speaking of which, you haven't shared the name/contact information for a single individual with us, among all of your contacts with the White House, NASA, the National Geographic Society, any university, etc. You always manage to shift the conversation to what a great computer system you have, or how much time you've spent in college. I think it is you that is the one evading this question, Phil.

Who is your contact with any of these agencies, who can verify what you've claimed?

I predict your reply will be another evasion.

lastleg said:
Oh let's see, maybe it was on Rawhide...

You could be right, but I think I remember an F Troop episode where Chief Wild Eagle and the Hekawi tribe first discover the naval academy. Corporal Agarn cuts a deal to sell whiskey to the cadets, but fails to inform Sgt. O'Rourke, in an attempt to keep the profits to himself. Sgt O'Rourke, of course, finds out and, well, hijinks ensue.

AZ_Gold said:
...I think I remember an F Troop episode where Chief Wild Eagle and the Hekawi tribe first discover the naval academy. Corporal Agarn cuts a deal to sell whiskey to the cadets, but fails to inform Sgt. O'Rourke, in an attempt to keep the profits to himself. Sgt O'Rourke, of course, finds out and, well, hijinks ensue.
I think Corporal Agarn knows where the gold is. :laughing9:

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