Hurricane IRMA check in thread

Oh, someone pls tell me what that Jose hurricane is doing..... I heard its coming too. I have cheap tracphone and pay as go, limited data, so any factual info is appreciated. tia.....
Jose is weakening and as of now heading east into the sea. It has been reduced to a Cat1. They say that it is too early to predict what will happen. As of now they are not worried but it IS a hurricane. Be very careful traveling back! Hope all is the best situation possible for you.

I am going to check out as much media coverage as I can for the damage in the Florida Keys and if I find something worthwhile to post, I will post it. I sure am worried about Black Bart and his family and friends. From what little reports we are getting, it looks like a lot of boats thrown onto and across the Keys and who knows what else. Even a sturdy home/shelter can't take beatings from larger Hurricane Wind driven boats and cars.

Looks like Jose will skirt mainly the Eastern and Northern Bahamas before turning North and decreasing to a Depression. It is forecast to then turn North Northeast and skirt the East Coast about 100 miles off the Carolinas and New England. Hope that forecast holds or it turns Northeast sooner!


I saw a blip today that said 25% of the homes in the lower keys are destroyed and 85% are heavily damaged. Only saw it once. They are not advertising this part of the story at all. Praying for Black Bart and ALL. Time will get us the news. Don't know why I am getting so worked up about lack of information.

We also have not heard from PhipsFolly (Mike) who moved down to the keys about two years ago! I hope he and his significants are doing okay! His' profile does not even show the last time he logged on.:icon_scratch:


Thanks for putting the post. I hope Black Bart, his family and friends are all safe.

Just got a check in from my Friends in Cape Coral. They are back in their house. Palm landed on garage, blew out all screens on his patio and filled his pool with garbage a tree fell in the back and damaged his propane line. All in all he says about $5500 in damages (under his 6500 insurance deductible) But he says he dodged a bullet. Storm surge would have put his house under water. Great news

Florida Keys News | Miami Herald

Couple of links. Looks like residents will be allowed in today, but maybe not friends and family types. Lot of irate folks yesterday. USA Today link has some interesting before/after slider sat photos.
WOW It is however amazing how much better USA Houses fair with the High wind building codes. I guess there is a good reason for the City inspectors. Beach erosion is ominous.

Praying for Black Bart and ALL. Time will get us the news. Don't know why I am getting so worked up about lack of information.

Fear of the unknown? I don't know if I can say this correctly, but I'll try. This is my first social media experience (2nd if you count aol im)and I've only been on a few months. I'm quite surprised at my own feelings with all these natural disasters. I seem to have grown attached to all of you boogers and I wouldn't know who you are if ran into you at the store.
So for ME.... I will keep praying for the situation and take refuge in the fact that I am not in control, God is.

Dead calm at 2:30.....the lack of noise woke me up..
Generator is running... Coffee is good...Lots of noises overnight.
It can wait till daylight.. the storm let us go.....

I seldom quote myself....

I just heard thru the grapevine ( back channels) that HAARP may have neutered Irma as it approached central Florida..
I'm not into conspiracies... they bore me...and facts can be relegated to myths ...if its deemed to serve the greater good.
Irma's trip thru Castro's corridor really ground down its strength... had it not been for that interaction with the barrier islands this monster would have redesigned Florida's coastline...
As the storm made landfall in Captiva and Naples lost a lot of its punch...but I have never seen a storm elongate its eye as Irma did as it neared the Tampa bay area...I was in dead calm at 2:30 am ...waiting to feel the eyewall winds as it exited... and ..nothing...
My friends tell me to give God all the credit... and rightly so...but ...if it weren't for God..HAARP wouldn't exist either...
The government has a lot of neat projects... some they even talk about...
Why didn't HAARP step in and do there thing sooner ?...Has anyone ever known an elected official that didn't have a God complex ?
In any case...I'm truly happy with the results ...locally anyway...
I'll be much happier when Blak Bart and the rest of those guys start chiming in..

Ditto on that. We have to keep in mind that they do not have any power or cell towers so even generator and mifi will not do any good with internet communication or voice for that matter. They went to high ground Thats is what I tell my self.

They probably would need a satellite phone and generator to (charge phone) to get in touch with anyone.
It just looks really weird, the almost total lack of media coverage from the lower keys, when they had no problem showing us the devastation from all the Islands Irma first hit, shortly after.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck,.... It's probably not an elephant.

Just worried.

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well 2 inches of flooding thru the entire main house ...water from both front and rear doors as well as the sewer line backing up from the bathroom into the house --the sandbags I put up were useless... the 2nd small house had a tree come down on it but it appears to have not punched thru the roof thank god --def shingle damages for sure however -- no one hurt thankfully --just stuff...

well 2 inches of flooding thru the entire main house ...water from both front and rear doors as well as the sewer line backing up from the bathroom into the house --the sandbags I put up were useless... the 2nd small house had a tree come down on it but it appears to have not punched thru the roof thank god --def shingle damages for sure however -- no one hurt thankfully --just stuff...

Glad to hear you're ok. Stuff can be replaced. It must be heartbreaking to deal with, though.

well 2 inches of flooding thru the entire main house ...water from both front and rear doors as well as the sewer line backing up from the bathroom into the house --the sandbags I put up were useless... the 2nd small house had a tree come down on it but it appears to have not punched thru the roof thank god --def shingle damages for sure however -- no one hurt thankfully --just stuff...
Glad to hear you are safe. The water is a major bummer but it could have been much worse! You didn't dodge the whole bullet but you still have a place to live in a short amount of time!

My calvary is here. While getting 40lbs of ice, they rolled around the corner, 3 trouble trucks, and a pick up.
I was praying, oh dog oh dog oh dog, lol,
Sure enough, run home they're staging on my street! Yay!

Lol, 2 of 'em standing on side of road, I told them how glad I was 2 see 'em, and it didn't matter how much ice I piled on these lobsters, they ain't gonna refreeze themselves. LOL

Ivan, sorry to hear about things, glad you and all are OK.

I had heard, somewhere, we were going to send either hospital ships, or them big carriers down there. The few pics I have seen......
no words.....

Gotta take advantage of last light here..... best wishes and prayers for all

Will not hit Connecticut. Sorry for all the lost.

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