Hurricane IRMA check in thread

On the 6 pm news the police have blocked of the road going to the keys, not allowing residents in yet.

They said some of the road is destroyed and you can only get in by air or boat. They didn't show anything you can't get over with 4 wheel drive tho.

One guy said he talked to his parents who are in the keys and ok, but police won't let him in, to go to them and his home.

Cars are lined up waiting to be let in and check on their homes and properties. They want them to go back to the sheltets and wait.

Wonder why they aren't releasing more drone pics, kinda strange.
....maybe they are hiding that galleon that washed ashore???

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Hmmm, this seems a little unusual, especially given the popularity of the Keys. No mention, or no specific mention in the news I have heard of conditions, etc. By 24hrs from now I would think some public reports should be coming.

I haven't been on that highway since 1972. Haven't all the bridges been considerably upgraded and strengthened since then? I suppose the surge could have washed out some approaches and some less protected bits...

Hmmm, this seems a little unusual, especially given the popularity of the Keys. No mention, or no specific mention in the news I have heard of conditions, etc. By 24hrs from now I would think some public reports should be coming.

Maybe a Shrimp Boat washed up loaded with bales of Pot and they are trying to smoke it all before they let anyone back in and they sure don't want any media coverage.:dontknow::laughing7:


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News is talking about this, that and the next thing and Miami airport damaged by water. Which part of the Keys don't exist anymore? I have the heebie jeebies about the keys. I hope the navy gets there really soon. Seems we do have some ships and Coast Guard cutters out there somewhere. Like, hurry guys!

News is talking about this, that and the next thing and Miami airport damaged by water. Which part of the Keys don't exist anymore? I have the heebie jeebies about the keys. I hope the navy gets there really soon. Seems we do have some ships and Coast Guard cutters out there somewhere. Like, hurry guys!

I seen it earlier today, But I didn't trust the news site. I didn't want to post it and freak everyone out and then it not be true. But now I've seen it a few times. Ive got the heebie jeebies, too. All we can do is keep praying over the situation.

Thankful that my house and family are safe.
Tapping out from Tnet for a while... gotta get my life back and routine back together....
Glad to see my SOFL peeps are ok....
Happy Hunting you treasure hunters.

The only reason i come up with
Is they are clearing the roads and restoring power & water.
But they didn't show any power & electric trucks going in either.

I have heard since that there are teams with search and rescue dogs going there.
Didn't see any news pics of that either. Maybe they flew them in by helicopter.
They maybe doing a house to house search like they did in Texas. Kinda odd the press isn't reporting on it.

We can't really trust the press anymore. I think the main problem is the press isn't IN the keys. Hence no story.

Watching coverage of the Keys on CNN as we speak. Only one news crew able to get their stories and video out, all power and cell coverage is gone. He is reporting that people are lined up on the one bridge into the Keys, sleeping in their cars, and waiting to be let in to go back to their homes. He stated that authorities plan to open the bridge to returning residents only first thing in the morning. The video footage being released is pretty bad. Worst I've seen yet.

The few pics I've seen were really bad. I suppose the Jacksonville flooding to me was a surprise. Charleston SC now has flash flooding and hurricane #3, Jose, may swipe the East Coast early next week.

Yep, saw that. I'm in the mountains of western NC and we're getting the tail end of Irma right now, wind gusts up to 60 mph and lots of rain. Cities to the immediate south west of me reporting lots of wind damage and flooding. If Jose stays on track and makes landfall, it's gonna get worse unfortunately.


Upper Keys only will be opened to returning residents and news crews in the morning. Middle and lower Keys still impassable for now. Airport at Marathon open to emergency crews and military only.

Up here, it clouded up today, what's left of Irma, and thunderstorms next couple days. I HATE storms.

Heard from my friend in Bradenton, she and house are fine.
Have not yet heard from my friend in Cape Coral. They were on the water front but evacuated to higher ground 16 feet above sea level
Spoke with another friend who was fleeing and ran out of gas at Largo and holed up in a 1 story concrete house with 15 other stranded travels. She said very long night but they are all fine. Yay!
As far as the Keys go. Severe weather channel was showing fly over footage of Key Largo stating that they were heading further into the keys to get fly over footage. His audio was shut off but video was still rolling. He was listening into her ear piece doing a lot of nodding and his face turned an ash color and lost all expression. They never showed any fly over footage. I really really hope their is nothing to that. Im just waking up and going to hit the news channel again to see if anything has popped up. Praying for all in that area hard.

We can't really trust the press anymore. I think the main problem is the press isn't IN the keys. Hence no story.
I agree with you about the press 100% They do however tend to over dramatize everything not shut up. And they ALL have helicopters and aircraft. This is where the Cat4 hit and should be the absolute Hot story. The fact that they are not running it is giving me the Heebees. I can't think about it.

Thanks for all updates here. I'm in Ga with no power, no generator, but there is gas. I'm on a list to get a luitle Honda in the morning, we'll see how that goes. Diesel mechanic ship just down street has power, let me make a pot of coffee, and toast the birds bread for their breakfast. Saved a juvenile small squirrel yesterday, lol.
I'm trying to coordinate how I'll get back to S Fl. Friends along the way said they'll let me know when they have gas for me. They'll get me 10 or so gals, I get there, fill, and keep going. There's no gas cans anywhere here. Maybe Honda will give me one tomorrow when I shell out that $1100.....
Again, thanks for all and any updates, I've been hermitized out here on this big ole lake, lol. (Could be worse, so I won't go there, lol).
GL all.....

Watching fox news. Governor Scott just denied the rumor that there are 10,000 that need evacuation on the keys and said the fatalities that have already been reported are accurate at this time.

Oh, someone pls tell me what that Jose hurricane is doing..... I heard its coming too. I have cheap tracphone and pay as go, limited data, so any factual info is appreciated. tia.....

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