Hey all..... waited 11 days to get my power turned back on.
Cold showers in the dark suck.
Lost 20 pounds due to work, stress, and eating like a bird.
I deliver water for a living.
These past 3 weeks I've delivered 3 months worth of product. Now, we are statewide very short on water, production got shut down for a week....
it's all I can do to keep not only my customers happy, but keep my stores stocked up too.... every Publix, Winn Dixie, Home Depot, Lowes, and Walmart...18 stores on my route alone. Thousands of bottles....I'm freakin exhausted.
My body physically cannot withstand another storm.
I feel like I've aged 20 years. Ive been expecting to keel over from the Big One, that Fred Sanford always felt coming.
My house is ok, but my neighbors trees are now in my yard. My neighborhood is a mess, massive piles of debris and trash line every street in town.
My damn chickens are now laying eggs in the dog cage in my house, because their coop got destroyed.
Im taking the next week off.
Told my boss it's a mental and physical health sabbatical....it's actually just a well timed vacation.
God I need it.