Look at height of palms where the trunk meets the fronds, and the picket fence at the very start of video and then when building starts moving, that gives you an idea of water depth, the energy in the waves and swells have to be experienced to understand the waters force. Mother nature can be a real ____h if she wants.
Seen typhoon waves in Guam and Okinawa break over tops of 100 foot cliffs. Any navy vets with sea deployments under their belt can attest to the height of ocean waves in hurricanes. Typhoons and nor-easterns.
Been in and seen snow storms and blizzards that leave 20-30+foot snow drifts, lost my car in an apartment parking lot after blizzar one year, not only could I not see my car, I couldn't see the antenn either, in fact not a single vehicle was visible in parking lot. Been in several "Blizzard of Century" as the news channels called them.
Once in middle Nebraska saw what they call "sister tornadoes," one cloud with twin dancing funnels.
Woke up one morning about 4 am in Phillipines wondering what the heck was going on, then I realized the bed was bouncing across the floor. It was a 4.1 earthquake.
Want to see something strange, hook a water hose to a faucet in a house and run it outside and turn on hose when its -20 to -30 below, watch it snow, throw a pail of water up in the air and watch the snow fall.
Coldest I have experienced was -46 F in North Dakota, and hottest 125°F in Death Valley. Word of advice, speaking from experience, don't drive through Death Valley in July with a hangover.