I'm in a mandatory evacuation zone, 1/4 mile from the Caloosahatchie River....Special needs shelters for my immobile father in law are not an option, not for the duration of the storm...he needs 24 hr medical care, so we had him admitted to Lee Memorial Hospital
So I got my cool, calm, and collected wife supervising the excitement of 5 dogs, 6 cats, and 2 chickens.....
I've got my papers, life needs, and minimal essentials at immediate access.
Max worst of the storm will be around noon, lasting about 6-8 hours.
After that, storm surge threat overnight into early Monday..... I got my ladder in the house, ready for vertical evacuation to the roof.
This might suck worse than I can imagine...
My house is old school Mediterranean style stucco home, solid 1925 construction, with new roof up to code, and new hurricane impact windows, with steel shutters for extra security....
The good news is that we were reviewing our insurance policy, and while I don't have flood insurance, I was happy to learn that we are covered for volcanic eruptions, so that's comforting.