How would you sell a cache?

Don Jose:

Land sakes, yeah, gals are expensive to maintain, especially those great

LOL I have an income which helps me search for gold and treasure without the need to sell any of it. If I become a pro hunter then I would probably sell enough for expenses. My finds are memories and stories of the hunt to me.

If I find an item that I consider a treasure at a yard sale I'd want to keep it. If I'm detecting/treasure hunting and find something good then I'd do the same. I look at detecting/treasure hunting a lot different then most hunters and was just pointing it out to fellow hunters.

I sparked a different point of view then I expected. As far as the girls mentioned by someone, I never hunted for them. I have lady hunters along for the hunt which is fun and interesting.

"How would I sell a cache" I might sell a piece or two along the way depending on my needs and or pieces that I'm not interested in keeping for myself. It's like collecting a house full of tools and nick nacks over the years. When I find no use for them then I see a yard sell coming up in the near future.

I was merely sparking an interest in "Sell OK" "Why sell". How would I sell a cache? I posted ways I would do it earlier in this thread.

For those worried how to deal with a cache, the answer is simple. Send it all to me and I will gladly take the headaches that come with disposing of it. It's the neighborly thing to do.

GibH said:
For those worried how to deal with a cache, the answer is simple. Send it all to me and I will gladly take the headaches that come with disposing of it. It's the neighborly thing to do.
I will send ALL the pull tabs that you can pay for in advance.

Ha,ha,ha. LOL, LOL, Bust a gut, LOL.

$CUERVOJ said:
wirelessworldinc said:
I have a guy that rents from me and he buys gold and silver bars, coins and jewelry. I would say I found enough to pay off my properties and taxes and rebury the rest for the worst recession that is getting to ever hit this country. Mary ann

Wow how did you know back in July 2008 it would be this bad LOL

It is simply the source of news that you are tapped into, I had been saying that we were headed this direction since 2001. I don't own a crystal ball either, I was reading articles that were written by an IMF director, and several top economists that were explaining all of this to the public many years ago. However, the public has been well conditioned over the decades(by government and mainstream news) to dismiss anyone who says these things as being lunatics.....and from what I see now, the public is no longer laughing at our claims.

Just something to think about..... Truth comes from the voice in the wilderness, so listen closely.

A cache is like beach combing. If I find a sand dollar that I like, then why would I want to sell it? If I find clad then I would clean it up and spend it. If I find a lost ring then I would look at trying to return it first before any other decision would be made. I jar of silver dollars or silver coins would be split up among the key dates and sell the common dates keeping the key dates as an investment.

"How would I sell a cache?", Hum, it's not a simple answer.

Most coin dealers are crooks. The best was to sell old coins is by auctions. The best is Stack's in New York City.

Connecticut Sam

Sell it little by little here and there use a lot of discretion. Better than the Gov't hoarding it all which they will devouwer all of it if they can.

If i Ever Find a Cache Ever Big enough i would sell it in small intervals!
But i doubt i will ever find something ever big enough to do that!
i would just hie it and i would not tell anyone for a Longgggg Time!

Thank goodness the majority of us will never have to go through that ordeal.


Each time you go to the bathroom, place a small portion of it in your toilet.

The first time report it to the IRS office.

Tell them "I woke up and began pooping gold!"

When the gov't agent shows, say "help yourself, I'll make more."

Eventually, they will get tired of responding to your "finds".

Ask them what you should do.

I'm sure they will tell you to declare whatever it is you make.

Simple, next question.


SWR said:
treasure-prospector said:
SWR said:
We would have all lost-out if Mel Fisher did not record his historic recoveries, and if he would have sold his finds on the blackmarket.

How much did he lost to the govt? 30% ???

In the big scope of things...even if Mel was only allowed to keep 10% and had to give the Government 90%...that is what, $50 million dollars? ::)

The top tier tax rate at that time was 78%, or so ...
If claimed as income. As a windfall, I would guess Capital Gains would apply. :icon_pirat:

First coins or money in general is exempted from the Archaeological Protection Act. Silver is not that bad either. I once found a casch of old silverware. I took it to a shop that specialized in replacing missing silverware items. They bought it at silver price+ a little extra for antique value. No questions asked, no I.D. required. Gold is a little tougher. You have to know the cash buyers. I sold some gold laced quartz to one of these dealers in Quartite several years ago. Another prospector had clued me in on the operation. The dealer is located once a week in a certain business place on a certain day. It is strickly gold for cash no quertions asked. He pays 75% of value. Don't ask where! If I found gold bars, I would go for the meltdown idea I have welding equippment. I sell found rings to a local jewler. Just remember don't dump large quanities!!!

Sell any old coins that worth a lot of mony in a Coin Auction, such as Stack's in New York City.

Sell some of the coins at an auction, or some coin dealer. Fly to Europe, find a dealer with connections in a country that caters to the rich, ask him about selling some "items of interest". Buy a boat there, sail it back home inconspicuously. Load your hoard onboard, take it back where you came from. Open up a bank account somewhere, sell the loot. Come back here, declare that you're moving out of the country. Move out of the country, and live for a few years elsewhere, where income taxes aren't paid.

You could buy the boat here, but you'd have to explain how the hell you were able to afford it.

I think one of the key problems that most people in this thread seem to have, is that they want to sell the loot here, and stay here as well. That's not very wise.

You're treasure hunters. The idea of moving to a whole different country altogether, in order to protect your loot, shouldn't be a problem. It's all part of the adventure.

Anyways, just a few ideas.

Did any body find any treasures these past few months?

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