How would you sell a cache?

Old Dog:

After painstakingly removing black sand to put some back in the mix
No Thanks.

That Old Dog ain't no duummy. :thumbsup:


Just don't see the purpose of defiling good gold. The more pure it
is the better the price.


Lastleg, I fully understand the struggle between what is right and what is wrong. Jesus said Give to Ceasar What is His. The Washington DC of today has very little resemblance to what our founding Fathers envisioned. Today you have standing there with greedy hands held out Kennedy, Pulosky, Reid, Shumar, Acorn, their muslim socialist leader and many more. Are they going to take what is Yours and use it in an honest and constructive manner. NO> they are going to use it to their benefit and to gain more control over you and me. Our founding Fathers would be leading the separation or overthrow of this puppet master regime in Washington. They fought England for less than we are being confronted with today.
Take care of youself and yours. Share with those that owned the land, those that assisted you and just those that you choose to help. Above all, give to Jesus what is his.

Open your eyes to another issue here. Just about every know location of extrem large caches and natural treasures have been claimed by the government and often in the name of so called public interest. Yes, the government has completely robbed and covered up large cache finds. People have disappeared or died in very suspicions ways. These are facts, not conpiracy theories.
I wish good luck to you and yours.

Lastleg, to illustrate what GrayGhost just told you; think Victorio Peak. If you don't understand THAT then you must be relatively new to THing. Research it.

Some folks, me included, wonder if the government might have been involved in the burglary of KVM's place and the resulting fire. You see, Karl moved to where he was living at that time because of a particularly LARGE cache he was working on in that mountain area; and I think he was getting close. He thought that some of his rivals were behind that atrocity and he was probably correct, but you've got to wonder if the government was using those rivals as "tools". What wasn't stolen out right, was destroyed in that fire. We're talking, probably, 50 years-plus worth of research info and notes. And he had been very successful at his vocation.

Are you aware that the private ownership of raw gold as well as processed gold was illegal until about 30 years ago? I think it was Jimmy Carter (of all people) who signed off on the change in the law. I think it was FDR's administration that decided private folks couldn't own any appreciable amount of raw and processed gold. Miners were required to sell their findings to government licensed assayors and buyers. The government was the only legal buyers. This is why KVM wrote in his THM #6 and #7 that he knew of folks who had found stacks of gold and silver bars that they'd reburied and would leave buried in the hope that the government would legalize private ownership of gold. One of the funniest stories he told was about a friend of his that stopped by his place in Nebraska and asked if he could leave something in Karl's garage for a few days. KVM told him he could and went about his business that day. Later, he was in the garage puttering around and got curious. He lifted the small tarp covering the object and found a pot full of gold coins---literally. He said that he suddenly had the fear that Secret Service people were watching his house; ready to bust in on him. When his friend returned in a few days to collect his "baggage", Karl said that he chewed the guy out for leaving that load of gold coins in his garage and giving him a "heart attack".

Yep, our government is out for itself. Not us.


Oh my friend, I have researched Victoria and all the rest of the
stepped on sites in my forty years of detecting. I was weaned on
KVM while you were shooting spitballs in class.

You have no need to remind me of the duplicity of men in high
places. However the part about Karl being burned out is new to me.
Was this at Segundo? Please enlighten or point me to your source.

Some more sensitive matters are better discussed off-line in order
not to ruffle the wrong feathers.

One more thing; Someone wrote that he thought putting black
sand into found and remelted au bars would somehow fool authorities
into believing the bars resulted from that person's mining efforts.

My question to you is this. Do you believe that too? This is the
topic being discussed.


sounds like maybe you got the cart before the horse, or if you have already fount it contact me,
i will dispose of it for you.


Wasn't me that fount it.

If you found a bunch of dore bars would you try to disquise it
by resmelting it with additional black sand to try to convice a fed
it came from your own claim?

Is that clear? Or should I draw you a picture?


lastleg said:

Oh my friend, I have researched Victoria and all the rest of the
stepped on sites in my forty years of detecting. I was weaned on
KVM while you were shooting spitballs in class.

You have no need to remind me of the duplicity of men in high
places. However the part about Karl being burned out is new to me.
Was this at Segundo? Please enlighten or point me to your source.

Some more sensitive matters are better discussed off-line in order
not to ruffle the wrong feathers.

One more thing; Someone wrote that he thought putting black
sand into found and remelted Au bars would somehow fool authorities
into believing the bars resulted from that person's mining efforts.

My question to you is this. Do you believe that too? This is the
topic being discussed.


If THAT's true, you must be older than dirt. ;D You've been detecting for 40 years? Well, 40 years ago I was just getting back from a 16 month, all expenses paid trip to SEA. My detecting career didn't start until about 3 years later.
I see that you're a Charter Member so you'll be able to use the forum's search engine and look at all of the past threads and posts concerning KVM. You will find some comments concerning his life and the sorry incident of the fire. Yes, he was living in Segundo at that time.
As for adding black sand to resmelted AU bars; sounds to me as a waste of time because in a hardcore investigation by some government entity such as the SS, IRS, or the BLM, the chemical makeup of the gold could easily be checked and compared to the chemical makeup of material coming from every known gold producing area in this country. And probably everyother area in the world. That info is like a fingerprint. Trying that little trick would have a small chance of working only if the processed gold originally came from that person's claim area. At least, that is MY never humble opinion. And I do know what "opinions" are like. :laughing9:

Right on, shortstack

That was the answer I was looking for. Out to sea for seven and a
half months at a time will make you feel keelhauled alright. Wouldn't
take for it now. What memories.


Good evening Last Leg, Short says that he was at sea for 16 months? stay away from him, he will be hyper horny. Oops I forgot that the modern Navy is equip ed with both types of swabbies, as well as the inbetweeners . Course I, was always on some weird island with nothing but hairy butted Jarheads. snifff.

As for the gold dore, if you can melt into 1 Kilo bars, just toss in a bit of copper and a silver coin or two, then say that you bought it on a trip into Mexico or some guy that approached you in a drive in flea market.

Don Jose d e La Mancha

Don Jose:

Thanks for the heads up on 'shorty' but it has been 40 years since that
little 'outing' Tee Hee. Yep the old Navy is a relic of the past. When I
heard that recruits had washing machines at their disposal I knew the dew
was off the rose. If you figure in 40 that puts his cruise with exotic ports
of call ending in '69 or '70. Uh Oh ~ Hippy era ~
Just kidding, shortstack.


HEY, HEY, HEY. SEA stands for South East in the 'Nam. I have never, never, never, never, never, done any soiled sailors' bad habits. :laughing9: Maybe the drinking part, but THAT'S ALL. ;D

Ahhhhh............Don did you know that those jarheads' butts were hairy?????? Juuuuuuuust asking. ;D

:sign10: Yep, those open showers were a real teaching tool weren't they? I remember the first time Mamasan came into the shower to wash clothes while I was au natural. She walked over to me smiling and picked up my bar of soap, smelled said bar of soap, said "ahhh number 1", put it back in the holder, walked back to her pile of dirty clothes, and proceeded to do laundry. This whole time, I'm standing there with my........face hanging out kinda speechless (for once). I'm glad that I was "in country" only a few days and NOT a shorttimer with months "in country" because I MIGHT have done something reeeeelly stupid. Well, I'd at least THOUGHT about it. ;D But, then again, I'm not sure she'd done that if I'd been a longtime there.

Now, what does this have to do with the thread subject, "How Would You Sell a Cache?" Well, a lot depends on what the "cache" is and who has it. :laughing9: As the time past on in country, the value of her "cache" would have increased dramatically.

Evening shortarm: Is this what you had in mind? From my Philippine days 1944-5. Snicker my friend.

Don Jose de La Mancha


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