How would you experts retrieve this treasure!

Plain and Simple.

There are at least a dozen Different Pieces of advice here.

If the person reading Chooses to take the Wrong advice,

It's his decision. 8)

Nobody is Forcing Anybody.

If the Elivator doors open,
and the floor is gone.
one guy says, "Don't step in, take the stairs"
You say "Step in, you can stand on air"

If the Guy steps in, Is it your Fault ?

Will you feel Bad ? yes, Probably.

Did you commit a Crime ? I hope not.

Hello Buck :
Boy! You should know better... :( (reply # 69)
Cptbil IS! truthful! ;D
I have in my possession, at this very moment... for my 12 guage semi-auto 9 shot!
2 bx. of #4 Buckshot ....which is .24 cal. 41pellets per shell
2 bx. #1 " " .30 " 24
2 bx. #0 " " .32 " 20
2 bx. #00 " " .33 " 15
2 bx. #000 " " .36 cal 10
All high base Remington 12 guage !

The "Bottom Line" is,
& !
I can speak from my experiences as " The Field Director, No. American Historical Research and Preservation Institute "
Unless you are a recongized authority/Institute/Univ/ etc..
You can forget dealing with any Govt., State/Fed!
If it is on Private land...
You HAVE TO! deal with the owner...
Unless you're in Texas!
Forget any Clandestine Operations...
:( You can definately get yourself HURT OR! WORZE ! :-\

cptbil said:
The "Bottom Line" is,
& !
I can speak from my experiences as " The Field Director, No. American Historical Research and Preservation Institute "
Unless you are a recongized authority/Institute/Univ/ etc..
You can forget dealing with any Govt., State/Fed!
If it is on Private land...
You HAVE TO! deal with the owner...
Unless you're in Texas!
Forget any Clandestine Operations...
:( You can definately get yourself HURT OR! WORZE ! :-\

i have talked to the people that run the property and i know whether it is a private or public. i'm not desparate or stupid. i have already said i can not pinpoint the location of this treasure so that i could retrieve it in under an hour anyways so i'm not about to go in covertly or brute force and act like a fool tearing shit up for hours on end looking for treasure.

Interesting predicament, looks to me like you are back at square one. How do you propose to determine if it is behind a wall?

What do you want? The fortune, fame, something else? Your question was "How would you experts retrieve this treasure?" You seem to indicate you don't want to do anything clandestine or illegal. It's not yours, it belongs to the property owner, and/ or the heirs if they can be located. If YOU want to recover it for yourself, you would be breaking the law. Maybe you need to be more specific in stating exactly what you want. I believe the question, as you stated it, has been answered.

This post is dedicated to the DREAMER.
In Columbia, Mo. there was a robbery
and murder commited and this kid
dreamed that he had committed this
crime (which he did not) and implicated
his best friend. Both were convicted and
are now serving time. I was able to solve
the crime, but I don't know what is happen-
ing to those two kids. At some time, we
all have dreams and that is exactly what
they are. If you want me to examine this
location, you can contact me.

Mr. DJShadow:
I did not say, or, mean to imply, that you would do any of those things!
My message was pointed to those who were advising you to do so!
There's always the :
10% 'ers
Who come up with these weird off the wall ideas!
Your best bet is the approach the owners, with a search contract !
For Which:
I'll be glad to send you a standard one, if you'd like!
Tell them nothing more than,
That you believe and that you'd like to search !
The search contract (in part)...will assure them that you WILL BE Responsible and cause NO DAMAGES!

My reply about the listing of the BuckShot That I have...
Was to let you know that, there are more types then the ONE! type that you said that you had only heard of!
In addition to those I have listed there are many more types of BUCKSHOT!

It occurs to me that I should clarify my earlier post.
I did state, that my advise is ?derived from Hollywood movies?.

Personally, I?d contact the owners/managers/caretakers. Ask permission to search. You should be willing to share your research and share your interest in the history. If the only thing they allow you is bragging rights on finding something, then you?ve still done well. It should be a TH badge of honor to have your name on a historic find.
With any history / historic site, any finds of a monetary value pale in comparison to the historic value especially to people who?s passions are for that historical figure.

If they don?t like the idea of letting you search, walk away. There are MANY possibilities to find treasure. This won?t be your last opportunity, nor the only site that may hold your fortune. If you are denied the search, then fate has other plans for you. Accept it with a smile.

I hope that clarifies my personal beliefs as opposed to my (sad) hollywood education.

to find out how the experts would do it i would advise you to post on here exactly what it is, its approximate value, and directions to it as close as you can figure....after that just simply watch the news, read the papers........g

[=srpnt ]
. It should be a TH badge of honor to have your name on a historic find.
With any history / historic site, any finds of a monetary value pale in comparison to the historic value especially to people who?s passions are for that historical figure.
A) You have hit the proverbial nail on the head, now you know my thoughts on having found TAYOPA and uncovering the illegal Jesuit activities in the Americas.

Course I am tying to see a retirement to a Chateau on the Greek Riviera or Rio de Janeiro, he heh eh.

Till Eulenspiegle de La Mancha

[cptbil ]

In addition to those I have listed there are many more types of BUCKSHOT!

A hi mi buddy: Stixk to the 000, the individual pellets have more actual stopping power than the hot .38's due to it's ballistics. The round shape and relatively high velocity gives you more effective firepower than any 9mm submachine gun out to perhaps 75 meters.

Till Eulenpiegle de La Mancha.

cptbil said:
My reply about the listing of the BuckShot That I have...
Was to let you know that, there are more types then the ONE! type that you said that you had only heard of!
In addition to those I have listed there are many more types of BUCKSHOT!
:o :o :o ??? ??? :'( :'( :'( Yea I read it wrong so shoot me

Badger Bart said:
And then there is intent. My intent is to help the guy expand his mental exercise by providing ideas he may not have considered. For all we know, the guy is a novel writer and is looking for an exciting scenario for a chapter in his book. Or any of 10,000 other possibilities.

Now imagine that he finds the treasure is there exactly as in his dream. At the last moment he may decide to just let the property owner know of it. If any names of owners who placed it there are known, a search for heirs must be conducted. If I were an heir, the first thing I would do is hire an attorney. When the dust settles after 90 years of court battles, the lawyers and courts have it all, a thousand more enemies are made, and the whole shebang is just another ugly incident of human depravity. God forbid that should happen, it's better that some treasure hunter  'steal' it and save the world from all that misery. Can I get an AMEN on that? ... Thank you.

It's all a fantasy Bob, imagination at work, mental exercise, and I have no fear in helping dj live it out. You only go around once in life Bob, and fear of that kind ought not be an equation here. Go for it dj!

exactly badger. my statments could all be some kind of hypothetical in order to get barinstorming for a book or a movie idea.
And also an Amen on your other point. When i outsell dan brown i will encrypt something about a badger named bart on the cover of the book. ;)

LOL, Appreciate the sentiment of naming a critter in my honor, I'm flattered. If you do that, allow me to email you my pics of a pair of real badgers that make their home in my horse pasture. They are the cutest little buggers, and anything that eats pocket gophers is a friend of mine. The gophers make a million mounds of dirt per acre, which kills the grass allowing weeds to take over in force. Badgers consider gophers a great delicacy.

Nasty little boogers, I should sic Bill on them, to test out all that buckshot.

Anything is possible here. If all you want to do is 'see' through/ behind the wall without damaging anything, there are spyware gadgets that can do that with reasonable accuracy, and no one else would know what you've done. After that anything could happen, or nothing could happen.

Badger Bart said:
LOL, Appreciate the sentiment of naming a critter in my honor, I'm flattered. If you do that, allow me to email you my pics of a pair of real badgers that make their home in my horse pasture. They are the cutest little buggers, and anything that eats pocket gophers is a friend of mine. The gophers make a million mounds of dirt per acre, which kills the grass allowing weeds to take over in force. Badgers consider gophers a great delicacy.

Nasty little boogers, I should sic Bill on them, to test out all that buckshot.

Anything is possible here. If all you want to do is 'see' through/ behind the wall without damaging anything, there are spyware gadgets that can do that with reasonable accuracy, and no one else would know what you've done. After that anything could happen, or nothing could happen.

i have a relative with a ranch on over 50 acres. they also have horses. they purchased 2 rat terriers as puppies. i have never seen 2 dogs more excited to chase down and kill anything smaller themselves. nicest dogs in the world. tons of energy, need very little attention they stick by each others side all day and night chasing and killing squirrels, rats, and mice they would love t go after some gophers. wonder if they could fit in gopher holes? i saw a guy on tv who had a rat terrier in new york and lat at night hed take the dog out off the leash and they would literally go rat hunting and the dog would kill several rats on their walk every night. they dont really attack cats but do torment them they might go after chickens and roosters. jack russels are great for varmint control.
i lived in wisconsin so i lik badgers myself.

as far as the treasure i think the best options are to get drawings of the buildings floor plans and ladscape so i can narrow it down as to where i believe it is. then contacting the owners and offer them a deal with minimal information. if they reject me i would then consider getting to know whoever is in charge of the facility after hours. and i mean getting to know them very very well over many months. maybe they would take a deal maybe they would take cold hard cash. anyways it isnt going anywhere.

well I am not a expert on this matter but I will wish you the BEST of LUCK with your adventure Buck ;) :)

diggummup said:
djshadow said:
i know for a fact the treasure is inside the walls of the building but i don't know which wall. how i know you wouldnt believe, lets just say i had a detailed dream about a place i never knew existed and every single detail about the dream has checked out including the details about who use to live there and would have had this kind of treasure. this treasure would be worth around 10-30 million dollars.
You say the dream was very detailed.If you were to visit this place do you think you could figure out which wall it was located behind from the details of your dream? Was the dream that detailed?As to wallcovering and decor etc.? Specific details which would narrow down your search .Are these Russian jewels?

diggummup said:
diggummup said:
djshadow said:
i know for a fact the treasure is inside the walls of the building but i don't know which wall. how i know you wouldnt believe, lets just say i had a detailed dream about a place i never knew existed and every single detail about the dream has checked out including the details about who use to live there and would have had this kind of treasure. this treasure would be worth around 10-30 million dollars.
You say the dream was very detailed.If you were to visit this place do you think you could figure out which wall it was located behind from the details of your dream? Was the dream that detailed?As to wallcovering and decor etc.? Specific details which would narrow down your search .Are these Russian jewels?

im trying to decern this right now from pictures and floor plans of the building. they are not russian jewels they are jewels from what was "french arab" territories!

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