How would you experts retrieve this treasure!

I had to read the whole thread here and I must say we th'ers are a varied lot. I would just TRY to forget it as there is no way anyone is going to split anything with you unless they are "touched." You could always try to buy the place or rent it. Hardly seems worth the trouble doesn't it?

i have had dreams where actual conversations and situations came true years later. believe your intuition. when i was young 10 or 11 i dreamed of a cave in south america west of brazil's uraguania area eastern ande foothills/valley bordering uraguay, paraguay and peru. i am supposed to go to this cave someday and stays with me in my mind never far below the surface. i can find the area on satellite photo's. reaserching the area they have never found a couple of legendary cities or the burial of Quetzacoatl or Kulkulcan. who knows but i do not think i am meant to survive the trip - be careful metaphysical knowledge has a price

Never Talk about your Dreams in Detail tho.

I used to have a recurring dream.
and Everytime I had it, I would get Unexpected Money.
after awhile I started playing the Lottery, only the day after the dream
and Always won on those days.
Sometimes only my money back , sometimes a few Hundred,
nothing major.

But One day I told a Friend, my Secret along with the Details
of the Dream.
Guess what, I havn't had the dream since :(

fleamistress said:

But I didn't dream we were going to have a black out. Weird. ???

Remember Joseph in Egypt? Pharaoh didn't dream of 7 yrs of plenty and 7 yrs of
drought. He dreamed of 7 cows and 7 ears of corn. But, Joseph told him what it
meant - 7 yrs of plenty and 7 yrs of drought.

"seems probably illegal and more like a robbery. " Yes, it would be robbery/ theft, a felony.

"by the way what is the law for finding something valuable on somone elses property that they had no idea existed? is it theirs anyways? " Yes, it is theirs under any circumstances, especially if it is inside a building.

I have detected at historical places, and always got a signed, written contract/ agreement in advance. In your case I would do the same, offer them an equal split, rights to publish the story, as that always helps them to draw more visitors, and offer to display the treasure, or a replica of the treasure, at the site. Say nothing at all about the location, whether inside or out, how much, what type.

"contact a lawyer in that state and find out the best way to go about" making the lawyer rich and you wearing getting shaft. NEVER TRUST A LAWYER!!!

Bill has the best advice. If that doesn't work, you could try offering some free professional service they are in need of, to get you inside, and able to verify somehow that what you believe to be there actually is. Then offer a contract, and offer 1, 5, or $10,000.00 on the side in cash if they sign. Or whatever amount you can swing. Once you have the contract, it's yours. You don't even need to let them know of the find if you possibly can help it, because as sure as the grass is green you wil end up in court or prison holding... you know what.

Deception? No, it is knowledge, skill, luck, and maybe a few other things. Knowledge is power, knowledge is valuable. It's done every day all over the world, everyone capitalizes on theirs skills and negotiates the best deal they possibly can for themselves. Here it's called the great American Dream. Go for it, and good luck!

"Romin"'s reply #54 sounded somewhat familiar. I've been to South America a few times, especially looking for the Valverde Treasure in Ecuador's Llanganati Mountains. Twenty years ago I received a "psychic map" of this treasure - but only after returning from Ecuador. It is pin-pointed and validated by two sources: the administrator of a school in Southern California that teaches energy healing and other things such as map dowsing. I put before this person in charge of the school three very large, detailed maps, knowing only one of them was 'THE ONE' and the other two merely adjacent Llanganati areas. He immediately chose the correct map AND pointed to the precise location! The other validation (I-Ching) might be considered questionable due to interpretation. Although pre-cognitive dreams are not 'psychic maps' exactly, if one feels certain (preferably from experience) that the dream is not just the subconscious releaving tension, then it probably would not be a waste of time to go heavy on research. However I would never recommend anything not completely on the up and up. We always get back what we put out. Right now this world of ours(?) needs strong doses of compassionate giving and not selfish taking. To me, scheming for underhanded gain comes under the heading of the latter. Keep it, in all ways, aboveboard, and Providence will work with you.
Shadow's P.S.: "Glass shimmers along the path to it" - is this a hint as to the location of his "object of desire"?


IXL said:

how did you know about this treasure? was the property government owned or privately owned? was the treasure ont he grounds or inside the building?

For 30 Million Dollars... I would consider doing some jail time! ;D
j/k... Good luck to you.

nybuford said:
For 30 Million Dollars... I would consider doing some jail time! ;D
j/k... Good luck to you.

Everyone would consider jail time. we all have a price on our freedom. 5 million per year? 2 million? 500k? whatever it is, we all have families wecould take care of for generations. A few years in jail might be worth that.

Being a student of human nature I know that almost everyone loves a mystery. I would approach the owners or the big guy/gal with no witness. Tell them as little a possible but make it juicy enough to make them want more. Sell the idea. Even in professional THing you have to sell the recovery to your investors. Just don't tell them enough to make them go after it on there own. DON'T do anything on a handshake. Good Luck

fleamistress said:
djshadow said:
nybuford said:
For 30 Million Dollars... I would consider doing some jail time! ;D
j/k... Good luck to you.

Everyone would consider jail time. we all have a price on our freedom. 5 million per year? 2 million? 500k? whatever it is, we all have families wecould take care of for generations. A few years in jail might be worth that.

That restitution is part of a sentence would be probable tho'.


i'm sure it would be however there would be no way of knowing how much you retrieved if anything. id do my sentence and pay my restitution before i ever cashed in my treasure.

Remember all:
That the property owner, just might be someone like me!
I own property that is situated on an old spring & Prehistoric camping ground!
Anyone found here w/o permission...
at night...
I have and I WILL!

My semi auto, 9 shot, 12 guage mag. with 000 Buckshot ! ....
I don't ask or care, who you are, I shoot first !
If you aren't considerate why should I be?

cptbil said:
Remember all:
That the property owner, just might be someone like me!
I own property that is situated on an old spring & Prehistoric camping ground!
Anyone found here w/o permission...
at night...
I have and I WILL!

My semi auto, 9 shot, 12 guage mag. with 000 Buckshot ! ....
I don't ask or care, who you are, I shoot first !
If you aren't considerate why should I be?

i can assure you the property i'm talking about is not in tennessee or arkansas.

Awright Bill! Way to go, that's the way it should be. Good point to keep in mind, it's not only the law one needs to be concened with.

For my own two cents and the safety of you all. Be VERY CAREFUL of the advise you give to the seeker in these posts. The advise you give him could and would be used against you by a vengeful Gov't. if he in fact follows through on his scheme. I believe he has already stated that he would have no problem in getting his hands on this supposed treasure in any way he can. You can legally be charged as an accessory and/or with a conspiracy to steal what might amount to a National treasure. If and when he get's caught, he will probably say that he got the idea from you thus implicating you in a situation that you either did or didn't mean(Joking)in the first place. If he does get caught and he probably will because if he was the least bit smart he would keep it to himself and work it out alone. He does not seem to be bright enough to be capable of deductive reasoning and needs someone else to do his thinking for him. Be very careful here as the ramifications could be disastrous. Good luck to you all.

Surrender the Booty said:
For my own two cents and the safety of you all. Be VERY CAREFUL of the advise you give to the seeker in these posts. The advise you give him could and would be used against you by a vengeful Gov't. if he in fact follows through on his scheme. I believe he has already stated that he would have no problem in getting his hands on this supposed treasure in any way he can. You can legally be charged as an accessory and/or with a conspiracy to steal what might amount to a National treasure. If and when he get's caught, he will probably say that he got the idea from you thus implicating you in a situation that you either did or didn't mean(Joking)in the first place. If he does get caught and he probably will because if he was the least bit smart he would keep it to himself and work it out alone. He does not seem to be bright enough to be capable of deductive reasoning and needs someone else to do his thinking for him. Be very careful here as the ramifications could be disastrous. Good luck to you all.
Are you joking? If not you are a joke. First and foremost there are many legal differences between advice, accessory to a crime, and a conspiracy. Your bullshit advice doesn't pass the sniff test. Here is the sniff test. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, these individuals who have never met, gave advice on how to steal an unknown object, at an unknown location, whose existence was revealed through a dream. I ask you to find them guilty of conspiracy and accessory to burglary." If you know anything about the law, which you obviously do not, you would be laughing right now. For there to be a conspiracy there must be an agreement followed by an OVERT ACT with the purpose of advancing a crime. Advice is not an agreement or an overt act. Going out and buying a crowbar, with a plan to meet someone at the property to be burglarized, would be. Because no one has any idea if the property actually exists, where or when it would be burglarized, who i am etc. you see how laughable your attempt at legalese is. Ok so that argument just got shat on. Lets move to accessory. Ok, in order for someone to be a accessory to a crime they "must know a crime is going to be committed or has been committed." Because the people here who are giving me advice have no idea a crime is going to be committed, because they do not even know what, when, or where the property to be stolen exists, except for a dream.... well again laughable and not applicable. Ok what is next.. Oh, the whole idea that giving someone advice on how to do something illegal is itself illegal. Maybe you do not know this but America still has this thing called the FIRST AMMENDMENT in that thing called the CONSTITUTION. This is why there are books on how to make bombs, how to make nuclear bombs, how to make a silencer for a firearm how to make a fake id, how to create a fake identity,(all which are illegal to actually do) and on and on and on just look on Barns N Noble or Borders. Ok ok I have been around forums enough to realize that 1/2 the shit people say is bullshit and only said so they can hear themselves talk and feel like they are valuable to a "community". You Bob are a perfect example of this. Get back to watching CSI so you can pick up more terms like conspiracy and accessory. Just don?t try using them around someone with a good sense of smell.
If anyone would like links to my definitions of accessory or conspiracy id be happy to post them or you can search any online legal dictionary or ask a lawyer.
haha he said "disastrous"!!!!

Here we go with the legal stuff again... Sorry Bob, what you suggest would never happen for several reasons. We are talking hypothetical here, so there really is no crime, and it is free speech. I sure hope he won't violate any laws in what he does, and I don't believe he really wants to. Free advice, feely given, and if he uses it to violate, he suffers the consequences if he is caught. And I don't believe he has construed anything I have suggested as urging him to violate. If he has, he will most likely get caught, for the obvious reason.

If I suggest he offer a free radon inspection, and he uses various devices while performing the inspection, what law is violated? Each state has different laws, and we don't even know what state he is talking about. What is illegal in one state may not be in another, and often isn't. He believes he has some knowledge, gained from a dream, and he wants to find a simple way to verify his belief. No sane prosecutor would even consider these suggestions as accessories. Go to any hate group site and read what people post about killing others, you will find millions of people doing it. If what you suggest were a real possibilty, all Muslims in the US would be in prisons right now for speaking their religious beliefs.

And then there is intent. My intent is to help the guy expand his mental exercise by providing ideas he may not have considered. For all we know, the guy is a novel writer and is looking for an exciting scenario for a chapter in his book. Or any of 10,000 other possibilities.

Now imagine that he finds the treasure is there exactly as in his dream. At the last moment he may decide to just let the property owner know of it. If any names of owners who placed it there are known, a search for heirs must be conducted. If I were an heir, the first thing I would do is hire an attorney. When the dust settles after 90 years of court battles, the lawyers and courts have it all, a thousand more enemies are made, and the whole shebang is just another ugly incident of human depravity. God forbid that should happen, it's better that some treasure hunter 'steal' it and save the world from all that misery. Can I get an AMEN on that? ... Thank you.

It's all a fantasy Bob, imagination at work, mental exercise, and I have no fear in helping dj live it out. You only go around once in life Bob, and fear of that kind ought not be an equation here. Go for it dj!

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