"The shadows on the boot will change shape as the sun follows it's well known path.
What is the sun's well known path? If you have the knowledge to determine its path concerning the landmark then I really need your input. We would also need a mathematician to determine where to make the precise reliefs into the rock to produce the correct shadow width and length."
You are correct here. I should have worded that differently.
The real secret, which is no secret at all, is the movement(s) of the earth in relation to the position of the sun. IN order to tie that into the Stone Maps, and the shadow markers you have mentioned, would have taken decades of labor and engineers of greater ability than most, or any, in this age.
The figure eight, or infinity symbol that is carved into the Stone Maps would be the obvious key. You would need to observe that location for one (1) year, from Superstition Peak, to unlock the code for the Stone Maps.
I don't believe the figure eight, or any of the symbols were placed on the map in any random manner. They all match up with specific landmarks.
Now all of the above is just my uninformed, uneducated guess/opinions. If there is any merit to my blind suppositions, it would be pure luck. ON the other hand, I assume you are here because you don't have all the answers, and are looking for anything that will push you in a new direction.
I doubt anything I have written will accomplish that, but was wondering if this is the kind of ruminations you are seeking.
One other thing: The end of the Stone Map Trail is in the center of the heart. That heart is in Little Boulder Canyon. The heart would create a fine shadow to map out a calendar code, but it would take some time. Is there some kind of formula to do that without observing the shadow for a complete year?
Take care,