How many guns is too many?

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Don't know if there's any documentation or not as to the discourse the founding fathers had when they decided on what went into the constitution or not.....but as you mentioned I'm sure there was plenty of dust ups to and fro to come to some sort of agreement and/or compromise as to what got included or excluded as well as the wording that was used....

Much like the give and take that's been going on in these threads....lots of grey areas and everything certainly was not cut and dried then....nor is it today....especially with today's complexities versus colonial era situation.

Regards + HH


I think our founding fathers would be proud of Stockpicker. He is exploring and studying every aspect and angle of the discussion. He laying down a groundwork that supports basic fundamental rights but is not rigid enough to prevent flexibility. Many in the Continental Congress disagreed strongly with each other. It was this disagreement that allowed the forging of the constitution to be the powerful document that it is.

Unless of course, you think Stocky is part of the 5th column...which I myself am not completely sure of. Think about it for a second, it makes perfect sense for the 5th column to come online to forums like this and convince people they do not exist. The success of the 5th column is intricately linked to secrecy and stealth. I'm not even sure Stocky is an American anymore. Has anybody seen his birth certificate?

I will tell ya that law has never stopped a convicted felon from getting a gun and committing another crime if he wanted to. It has made it hard for a good honest American to lawfully defend his family or teach his six children about hunting or providing for his family. But it doesn't stop my wife from owning a few and it just means she has to be the one holding the gun if the man of the house has to use it I am really glad y'all hit on this as it is very close to my heart. I was sixteen riding in a car wit some guys I knew better then to be around but never the less long story short we got pulled over and in his dash locked (with key in his pocket) was two ounces of pot he would not claim it and I sure as hell wouldn't but I am not a damn rat either so we were both charged with half of said pot which with it being a ounce each made it felony now mind you I was sixteen at time of arrest but turns seventeen with in a few weeks well the state put off the case for a year by the time I went to court I was eighteen and convected as a adult now I am thirty three never had any other charges have six kids and can't even legally carry them hunting cause in the state of GA the only ones who can't get theirs reinstated after five years are drug charges and violent crimes but yet I can move to Colorado and smoke pot ; ) Only in America lol

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lil wayne,

Sorry for your misdemeanor causing you so much grief.....if I were you I'd be heading for's a win/win for you....good luck whatever your decision.

Regards + HH


lil wayne said:
I will tell ya that law has never stopped a convicted felon from getting a gun and committing another crime if he wanted to. It has made it hard for a good honest American to lawfully defend his family or teach his six children about hunting or providing for his family. But it doesn't stop my wife from owning a few and it just means she has to be the one holding the gun if the man of the house has to use it I am really glad y'all hit on this as it is very close to my heart. I was sixteen riding in a car wit some guys I knew better then to be around but never the less long story short we got pulled over and in his dash locked (with key in his pocket) was two ounces of pot he would not claim it and I sure as hell wouldn't but I am not a damn rat either so we were both charged with half of said pot which with it being a ounce each made it felony now mind you I was sixteen at time of arrest but turns seventeen with in a few weeks well the state put off the case for a year by the time I went to court I was eighteen and convected as a adult now I am thirty three never had any other charges have six kids and can't even legally carry them hunting cause in the state of GA the only ones who can't get theirs reinstated after five years are drug charges and violent crimes but yet I can move to Colorado and smoke pot ; ) Only in America lol

So you really will never be able to own a gun for the rest of your life? Is there a time limit when the ban expires?

Thanks and I am looking at some patented claims up that way just cause I feel with their new laws I won't be discriminated against as bad when it comes to work. As none of the career jobs here will hire convicted felons either and with one of my trades gone with the economy and the other tethering in the balance might be time for a move but you can bet my gun rights will dictate a lot a about where ever I chose to go well that and the yeller stuff I likes yeller stuff in my pan as much as I like any thing lol . Back on the subject I believe as long as you are responsible for them who is to say how many any one can own are there limits on how many diamonds I can have put in my lady's ring??? No so why would we limit of guns one can own!!!

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I would very much like to read that,would you provide a link.
just go to the Alaska State Pardon/Parole site. Read about what it takes to have your rights restored. That's a lot easier than listing website

I will tell ya that law has never stopped a convicted felon from getting a gun and committing another crime if he wanted to. It has made it hard for a good honest American to lawfully defend his family or teach his six children about hunting or providing for his family. But it doesn't stop my wife from owning a few and it just means she has to be the one holding the gun if the man of the house has to use it I am really glad y'all hit on this as it is very close to my heart. I was sixteen riding in a car wit some guys I knew better then to be around but never the less long story short we got pulled over and in his dash locked (with key in his pocket) was two ounces of pot he would not claim it and I sure as hell wouldn't but I am not a damn rat either so we were both charged with half of said pot which with it being a ounce each made it felony now mind you I was sixteen at time of arrest but turns seventeen with in a few weeks well the state put off the case for a year by the time I went to court I was eighteen and convected as a adult now I am thirty three never had any other charges have six kids and can't even legally carry them hunting cause in the state of GA the only ones who can't get theirs reinstated after five years are drug charges and violent crimes but yet I can move to Colorado and smoke pot ; ) Only in America lol

In Colorado? ONLY in "POT Clubs"...

When is "too many" baseball cards too many? Collectors collect and I don't see why there should ever be a limit to what one can collect. We live in America not some 3rd world controlled by the paranoid.

When is "too many" baseball cards too many? Collectors collect and I don't see why there should ever be a limit to what one can collect. We live in America not some 3rd world controlled by the paranoid.

Don't ya need a "collector's" license for GUNS...?

The simple answer is, simply, it isn't any of your business how many guns I have. It isn't your business why I have so many. It isn't your business what my intentions with them are. Your business is your business and mine is mine. Live your life how you see fit, so long as it causes no harm in mine. And I'll do the same. If it comes down to an argument of "But what if" then you have proven yourself incapable of living with the unpredictability, responsibilities, and dangers of being a free citizen in a free Nation and should shop different living arrangements. "But what if?" is a question that is used to make your fears and problems become my fears and problems.
The Constitution is there to control the government, not the people. All of the rights expressed in it are there so that the Government may look and see what they CANNOT take away or infringe upon. Not for others to barter with. My rights are mine, as granted by GOD if there be one, written on parchment by forward thinking men who feared those who would only seek their fortunes through governing the lives of men. Men who seek wealth and power by asserting their authority, cruelly over others. If you see it differently, then so be it. That is your opinion, and I'll keep mine. I would debate anything, but not my rights. If you want to take ANY of my rights, then you will first have to take my life. But you'll risk your own to do it, at the very least you risk the lives of men who were foolish enough to be convinced that you have that authority. GOOD LUCK!

Yes we all know the law. The question is given the second amendment, how is that law constitutional?

I feel it is just. I'm sure the founding fathers would have agreed to this law. If the criminal goes through a comprehensive background check, he should be allowed to bear arms. Criminals usually are repeat offenders, so by allowing them to legally have a gun, it is an invitation to kill. If he goes through the check and a clear reason is given (he is a hunter, etc.), he should be allowed to have a gun.

Crispin and the other liberals are entitled to their own opinion. However, it annoys me that they are playing a round of "bash the conservative." You always seem to be anti-gun, but when you find something about gun-control that we agree with (felonies), you suddenly become a libertarian and say "that's taking away our rights" when you just wanted to do that in posts before. This happened in Prince William County, VA. The county legislature is Democratic. They had a great system of dealing with illegal immigrants. It was always praised, but when Romney wanted something similar, they all started saying how bad it is and repealed it, when it was successful.

Ignore the those playing that game, that is what I am doing, I got tired of the childish game and just chose to ignore....

Crispin and the other liberals are entitled to their own opinion. However, it annoys me that they are playing a round of "bash the conservative." You always seem to be anti-gun, but when you find something about gun-control that we agree with (felonies), you suddenly become a libertarian and say "that's taking away our rights" when you just wanted to do that in posts before. This happened in Prince William County, VA. The county legislature is Democratic. They had a great system of dealing with illegal immigrants. It was always praised, but when Romney wanted something similar, they all started saying how bad it is and repealed it, when it was successful.

I feel kind of honored that you said "Crispin and the other liberals." Does that mean I'm the leader of the liberals? That would be pretty cool. I can't even lead a horse to water...kind of scary for those would try and follow me though.

I feel kind of honored that you said "Crispin and the other liberals." Does that mean I'm the leader of the liberals? That would be pretty cool. I can't even lead a horse to water...kind of scary for those would try and follow me though.
Crispin, don't feel bad I tried to lead a horse to water once myself....saw a puddle on the ground and pointed at it. The horse just looked at me, then back to the puddle, and back to me. He would not drink it. So I decided to investigate the puddle and discovered the "water" was nothing more than bovine piss! Good thing there wasn't a flat rock any where nearby! LOL!:laughing7::tongue3:

Hahahaha " inside information about the UN coming to take my guns."

May be the most funny thing I have read in a long time on this site.

Outstanding logic Crispin...! Hopefully you are sterile.

O, that was not very nice. I'm all for sarcasm but you took it too far. I'll give the moderators a chance to correct your rudeness. I will also give you the chance to apologize. Baring that one of those two things does not happen then I consider the gloves to be off. Commenting on somebody's ability to reproduce and then insinuating that they are too stupid and should not is going wayyyy to far. You just insulted my newborn son. Welcome to the Forum, but not like that...

TH: What say you? Is this crap going to be allowed? If so...I can bash with the best of them.


Thread is locked......

This game has gotten old, several are just trying to bait and inflame the threads for the fun of it and that is not a wise move....... It is mods choice to delete posts, lock a thread, give timeouts or all 3 as we see fit...

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