bill from lachine
Platinum Member
Don't know if there's any documentation or not as to the discourse the founding fathers had when they decided on what went into the constitution or not.....but as you mentioned I'm sure there was plenty of dust ups to and fro to come to some sort of agreement and/or compromise as to what got included or excluded as well as the wording that was used....
Much like the give and take that's been going on in these threads....lots of grey areas and everything certainly was not cut and dried then....nor is it today....especially with today's complexities versus colonial era situation.
Regards + HH
Don't know if there's any documentation or not as to the discourse the founding fathers had when they decided on what went into the constitution or not.....but as you mentioned I'm sure there was plenty of dust ups to and fro to come to some sort of agreement and/or compromise as to what got included or excluded as well as the wording that was used....
Much like the give and take that's been going on in these threads....lots of grey areas and everything certainly was not cut and dried then....nor is it today....especially with today's complexities versus colonial era situation.
Regards + HH
I think our founding fathers would be proud of Stockpicker. He is exploring and studying every aspect and angle of the discussion. He laying down a groundwork that supports basic fundamental rights but is not rigid enough to prevent flexibility. Many in the Continental Congress disagreed strongly with each other. It was this disagreement that allowed the forging of the constitution to be the powerful document that it is.
Unless of course, you think Stocky is part of the 5th column...which I myself am not completely sure of. Think about it for a second, it makes perfect sense for the 5th column to come online to forums like this and convince people they do not exist. The success of the 5th column is intricately linked to secrecy and stealth. I'm not even sure Stocky is an American anymore. Has anybody seen his birth certificate?