How many guns is too many?

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Silver Member
Jun 26, 2012
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Primary Interest:
At some point in time, there reaches a point where one individual only needs to own a certain amount of guns. At some point in time, the amount of guns somebody owns stops being a collection and starts becoming an arsenal. At some point in time, one individual owns too many guns that they could not possible imagine to use them in any constructive fashion of for self defense. At some point in time, one individual owns too many guns to keep track of and would not notice when one is missing. When this last point occurs, that is too many guns. If one cannot keep track of lethal weapons then they would not know if they were stolen and fell into the wrong hands. I'm going to throw out a number...

1 million guns is too many for one individual to own.

I challenge all reasonably minded people, all responsible citizens, all moral and ethical friends to incrementally decrease this number. We stop when somebody comes up with a rational reason for why they need to own the number of guns they suggest.

Take it away stocky!


Boy did you open up a can of worms on that one. I'm sure everyone will be rushing to agree with you. Ill leave this thread to the nutters.

Boy did you open up a can of worms on that one. I'm sure everyone will be rushing to agree with you. Ill leave this thread to the nutters.

Come on stocky...I value your opinion, you know that. Help kick things off. SAME TEAM...TEAM EtOH! ROFLMAO. :occasion14:

Your just trying to set me up for a chat board thrashing - I'm not falling for it!!!

Would I do that? :occasion14:

All your responses to our last debate got deleted before I got a chance to see em...I work too hard.

The Water is nice and warm...take a position, I'll back you up. You can trust me just as much as you would trust RJC to post a reply with more then three sentences...ROFLMAO.

Own as many guns as a person wants...... How many shoes does your wife own, how many fishing rods does a fisherman own, how many detectors is too many?......... I own 5 guns at the moment, will own more than that very soon.... Guns hold their values, I can sell each of my guns for what I paid for them or more right now...............

You can trust me just as much as you would trust RJC to post a reply with more then three sentences...ROFLMAO.

At least I get to the point real quick instead of dragging out the drip,dribble and farce for two or three paragraphs.ROFLMAO:sign10:

There is NOTHING in the constitution that limits how many guns we can have. It says "right to bear arms" so I consider the word "arms" as meaning plural! :)

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Then I would ask, how many religions can there be and how many can I believe in?, how many times may I assemble?, how many words can I say?, how long can I pursue happiness?

packerbacker said:
Then I would ask, how many religions can there be and how many can I believe in?, how many times may I assemble?, how many words can I say?, how long can I pursue happiness?

I would say as many or as few as there are people to believe in them. And thank goodness in this wonderful country you can believe in as many religions as you want or you can chose to believe in no religion at all. Consider yourself fortunate.

At some point in time, there reaches a point where one individual only needs to own a certain amount of guns. At some point in time, the amount of guns somebody owns stops being a collection and starts becoming an arsenal. At some point in time, one individual owns too many guns that they could not possible imagine to use them in any constructive fashion of for self defense. At some point in time, one individual owns too many guns to keep track of and would not notice when one is missing. When this last point occurs, that is too many guns. If one cannot keep track of lethal weapons then they would not know if they were stolen and fell into the wrong hands. I'm going to throw out a number...

1 million guns is too many for one individual to own.

I challenge all reasonably minded people, all responsible citizens, all moral and ethical friends to incrementally decrease this number. We stop when somebody comes up with a rational reason for why they need to own the number of guns they suggest.

Take it away stocky!


I think the president thinks he owns more then that. So your right that's to many.

I personally know a boy that has 1706 long guns and 772 side arms in his house,He sure doesn't think it's to many. GodBless Chris

How many guns is too many?

Impossible to answer.

For a trap and skeet shooter, it will be his/her number. Like golf clubs.

For a turkey hunter, different. For law enforcement people, all different numbers too. For the homeowner, well, that's different than a person who is a serious collector. Several hundred for some, one for others, and none for some people.

For those buying new ar15,s last year and are doubling their investment this year no amount to many.
For those who use them it depends on target. One can have a variety of wrenches for different applications or try to get by with one supa wrench. Some people have thousands in tools while others have a saw,hammer and pair of pliers.(cutter,pounder and sqeezer).
Quality arms don,t depreciate. Most other things we buy do.
There are countries(not here?) Where one is looked down on for having multiple guns. For interest look up German drillings. 3 and four barrel guns,some are works of art and engineering married and becoming function,albeit very costly!.

I don't care, but where would you keep that many?
I have one siamese mauser and that's enough to keep me safe. (although I understand the ammo is obsolete, so don't tell the bad guys ok?)

Can we narrow it down to 800,000 guns? Can anybody think of a valid reason why one individual would need to own more then 800,000 guns?

Is it someone else's job to determine how many guns I need? No. It is not their business.

Crispin, thanks for the warm welcome. Thanks for the explanation; I get it.

I haven't gotten to the "enough" point yet, so I can't answer your question. Bowing out.

It's not really something I want to argue, Crispin, but with an intro like this:
1 million guns is too many for one individual to own.

I challenge all reasonably minded people, all responsible citizens, all moral and ethical friends to incrementally decrease this number. We stop when somebody comes up with a rational reason for why they need to own the number of guns they suggest.

and another post like this:
Can we narrow it down to 800,000 guns? Can anybody think of a valid reason why one individual would need to own more then 800,000 guns?

it sure seems like you have some sort of general idea in mind. Just sayin'. Besides, what's wrong with an arsenal? :)

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Crispin, thanks for the warm welcome. Thanks for the explanation; I get it.

I haven't gotten to the "enough" point yet, so I can't answer your question. Bowing out.

It's not really something I want to argue, Crispin, but with an intro like this:

and another post like this:

it sure seems like you have some sort of general idea in mind. Just sayin'. Besides, what's wrong with an arsenal? :)

Good points!

In my defense: I started this thread last night after a long week and a few beers. When I'm drinking my rhetoric has a tendency follow an inverse relationship with reasonable thought and discussion. I actually do not have an end number in mind. I was hoping people would play along...but so far, I have not had any takers. The actual number has been a one man conversation with myself.

Can you think of a reason for someone to own 800,000 guns?

My central point: The more guns in circulation the more chance somebody gets shot by one. That is just simple laws of probability. Just like, the more viruses in the air the more likely you are to catch a cold. I think at some point in time we need to step back and say, "You can't possibly keep track of or need all of those guns." My fear is that these guns would be stolen or end up in the wrong hands. How can you safely secure 800,000 guns? It would cost a fortune. Also, people die, fact of life. What happens to those 800,000 guns when somebody dies? Just because the gun owner was responsible it does not mean the inheritor will be.


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