How do You stay safe?

I don't even worry about it. I hunt ghetto neighborhoods and parks at night. I have hunted some rough areas of town. No one ever bothers me. I am not worried about it nor do I care. After being in the USMC and more fights than I can shake a stick at those things just a really don't cross my mind anymore. I still pay attention to where I am at all times and where my back is pointed, but, I am not worried.

I think EDDEKALB said it well in his reply. Attitude is a big part of it. Stance and posture. Confidence and gender. I am not concerned with anyone who isn't carrying a firearm.

The only way to stay really safe is to stay at home. GL out there and WATCH THAT BACK!!jk Happy hunting.


This subject has come up before and my response then, and now, is the same. Get a dog! I'm sorry ladies but, I don't care if you are carrying your car keys. If you don't know how or where to use them, they are worthless. Also, they are only effective on 2 parts of the body and that's at hug-me range. Do you really want to deal with that? Also, the self defense training may make you feel like a bad-butt but, if I'm going to attack you, I'm not going to let you posture. Being the sexist pig that I am, I also don't think most women, no matter how much training they receive, would be capable of fighting me off were I determined to attack you. I'm also not going to give away or announce my intentions so you can draw your pistol or knife, make a phone call or blow your whistle. I would size up a male target in much the same way. I don't care how big and bad you "think" you are, unless you attack me first (Illegally) I would get you. So as not to close down all these martial arts studios I'll say this, the exercise you get there is good for the circulation.

I have posted this info before,but will do it again here for those who do not like to wear headphones.I don't wear them either,for a coupla reasons,but mostly I like to be aware of surroundings .I bought a Radio Shack Amplified speaker,uses a 9v and has a volumne control,#277-1008C.It was $11.It's the size of a pack of smokes and fits right into my shirt pocket.You will need the cord,of course,to fit from speaker to md jack,$1.79.Depending on your detector you may need an adapter,stereo to mono,to go between md and spkr cord(0.79).Out of seven mds I have,I only have to use the adapter on two.I feel that you will hear any signal thru that spkr that you would w/hdphones.It really boost the signal.Just my.02 worth.Works for me.

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