How do You stay safe?

kieser sousa said:
Very well said.

The self defense courses? What would you suggest? Tai, Karate, basic self defense? Any input would be appreciated.
You left out mud wrestling ;) you said Any input would be appreciated. ;D

Most of the places I hunt are mud, great thought. I think there's a class starting up next month, perfect!

Well said Nash. I guess I would say to all the ladies out there who refuse from being scared of being alone in the boonies that they do take a shooting safety course and get a handgun. I believe in a lot of states it's legal to carry in the field, but check your states laws.

Re-thinking my previous post. Just remembered that a woman's body had been found near where I MD, just a few days ago. Does anyone know if pepper spray is made with a dye marker mixed in? At least if you do spray the attacker and go down, someone, hopefully, will wonder why a purple person is walking around. I remember the trip through the "Gas Chamber" in basic - not fun, but survivable. Would it affect a druggie or crazy? I don't know. Taser sounds like the answer, but one of these days, it'll be winter in the Windy City. Will Tasers work through multiple layers of clothing? I'm well able to defend myself - karate instructor for 15 years, basically a points fighter, but have taken my share of strikes and kicks, but I'm older, fatter, slower, arthritic now! All the things we prefer to not think about when talking about this stuff. I usually carry a walking staff made out of an old Bo, with a brass Hames Tip on the top, and a carbide spike on the bottom. Good head knocker, sticker. Not all the world is flat where I live, and I prefer some dignity when going up/down hills. Still like my entrenching tool - not as much standoff as the staff, but a man's gotta dig! Sensei always admitted that Mr. 12 ga. trumped empty hands, and thought grabbing for a barrel, ala Seagal was a good way to get shot. Eyes, ears, brain are still our best weapons, that, and a partner. Oh, and I will not whack someone with my DFX, perish the thought!


I'm retired military and upon discharge started working for the Department of Corrections in a maximum security institution. Believe me.....CS/OC WILL stop 100% of all attackers for a least 3-5 seconds - this will give you time to strike, run or do whatever you feel you need to do to stop the attack. I have personally sprayed some very powerful inmates loaded up on prison made alcohol and other drugs. The stuff works....all of the the time.

An offenders first response is to slam their eyes shut and move their hands towards their face exposing vital jewels and other sensitive organs, at this point, use your strongest muscle (your leg) and snap kick them in those vital areas. then take them down.

Sure beats a murder rap.....

Fantastic thread, Daisy, and all who have contributed ideas and pros and cons. This has been on my mind for some time now as I hunt in remote areas of parks for old coins. Never been much for carrying a handgun, but sure will look into the CS/OC.

As for headphones, I wear them on occassion, but just don't feel comfortable and secure with my surroundings with them on. I'd rather miss a few phantom signals and be safe :-\

One question for the CS/OC users: Would this stuff be effective against snakes? Not many venomous snakes here in Iowa, but it only takes one to ruin a perfectly beautiful day :P

Dick (not a snake lover >:( )

The best advice I've ever heard. Especially for the females but males also. If you are ever confronted by one or more persons that you feel will harm you put up the fight of your life ON THAT SPOT. That fight can be vocal, physical, throw stones, scratch, spit, what-ever. Never let the attactors move you to another location, your chance of survival depends on it. Is there anyone on this site that would'nt come to the assistance of another TH'ers cries for help in that situation?

Rossi 357 mag keeps me protected, It's big and bulky, but will have to do until I get my taxes and get a 9mm

Very well said.

The self deffense courses? What would you suggest? Tai, Karate, basic self defense? Any input would be appreciated.

My suggestion is to start with basic self defense. Basics have helped me a lot more than the fancy martial arts moves ten to one!


DFIU said:
Fantastic thread, Daisy, and all who have contributed ideas and pros and cons. This has been on my mind for some time now as I hunt in remote areas of parks for old coins. Never been much for carrying a handgun, but sure will look into the CS/OC.

As for headphones, I wear them on occassion, but just don't feel comfortable and secure with my surroundings with them on. I'd rather miss a few phantom signals and be safe :-\

One question for the CS/OC users: Would this stuff be effective against snakes? Not many venomous snakes here in Iowa, but it only takes one to ruin a perfectly beautiful day :P

Dick (not a snake lover >:( )

Hey Dick....DO NOT USE IT ON COTTON MOUTHS!!!!!!!!! Sorry to yell, but I did that one day after I first moved to Texas. The result was one VERY PO'ed snake that can strike on the move and brother was he ever moving! I pulled off about a 100 yard dash, backwards, at a world record speed and ended up with a snake that actually bit the sole of my boot!!!!...Now, when I am out in the field, the first shot in my weapon is rat shot...I have shot a few rattle snakes where I prospect, but I like eating them and tanning the skins is super easy.
I abhor snakes! EWWWWWWW


I once saw a cottonmouth attack a buddy of mine ! My bud was running backwards trying to hit the snack with a stick and finaly gave up,threw the stick in the air and ran ! the stick landed on the snake and pinned him to the ground,thats when i stepped in picked up the snake and put him back in the water ! ;D

If someone is approaching me especially if I'm in an area with no one else around, and they are walking towards me, I start walking towards them, take my headphones off, and keep my hand on my Lesche. Mostly people are just curious to what you are finding. I usually just give them a pat answer of nothing yet, or squashed beer cans.
I always have a cellphone with me too.
Mike in NJ

With all the great advice given, there won't be any one messing with us.
Thanks everyone!

What you looking at boy!?!


  • lara.webp
    12.3 KB · Views: 466
Get the new Minelab DEFENDER. ;D 8)


  • defender.webp
    4.9 KB · Views: 347
Gypsie, exactly.

I have always recommended any ladies to take a martial arts class. It is not about strength versus strength, it is about leverage and weakness.
The human body is so frail, so easy to hurt or destroy. One finger can take down the largest man, or kill him. In a fight u must accept the fact u will get hurt, but that you will hurt them also, the goal though is to hurt them more. We as civilised humans have lost the edge we were given, instincts, and the fight for survivial. In a life or death situation u have multiple weapons, fingers teeth feet, u cannot allow yourself to hold back, trust your instincts always react first to them. To hesitate u loose. Even if you are so scared that your water is about to run down your leg HOLD it, let the animal inside you come out, no matter what is attacking you , u may get hurt you may die but what attacks you WILL know it has been in battle and it to will be hurt. The eyes never lie watch them for they tell your attackers first movements.

Knowing what is happening around u, your surroundings, if u are observant u will never be startled. ALWAYS expect the unexpected.

Id have to agree with PegLeg on this one.A canine companion will be aware of the surroundings when you are not.Critters or creeps would think twice about approaching if you've a long toothed friend at your side.I wear headphones, as do many ,and can be quite engrossed in target analyzing.It is a very vulnerable position to be in and all the artillery you can pack wont warn you of eminent danger.....but Lassie can! Certainly carry a little something for pepperspay and if you dont feel comfortable ....leave .... come back at a better time if possible.....Joe

Best advice is common sense although I carry and wear my bullet vest I seldom have my K9 with me its just too much over the years my brain knows whats right and what isn't
never never let others into your personal space when i talk to people I never look them in the eye rather the chest down always know where their hands are and feet stand. You can tell just what people are up to by their foot stance and had display

when in trouble step into them and strike first yelling for help as u do never feel sorry for them and let up

And ladies please don't post about where I look------ I don't just stare at your chests at least not all the time LOL!!!!!!!!!!

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