Libralabsoldier said:
silverswede said:
This post is a very interesting read. I know that you folks that hunt in urban areas are probably at a greater risk than us way out in the boonies but I have hunted in many states without problem. When approached by someone I turn off my detector, take off my earphones, used to light up a cigarret and say something like "hey, buddy how's it going" Now it's his turn to identify himself and let me know what he's up to. If your considering arming yourself just to go dig pennies realize that the person(s) approaching you may be the land owners and in that case you are the armed intruder and at least in my state he/she can use deadly force legally. Make a friend if you can. In 05' in a remote campground a came across a fellow sitting on a log with a 12 gauge propped up beside him. After introducing myself he let me know he was there to commit suicide due to having been diagnosed with a terminal illness. We talked awhile and he said he would go home and think it over. I don't know if what I said helped but I do know he wouldn't have left that log alive if I hadn't made the effort. Sorry this is so long I probably should have just said "go with your instincts and personality".
I agree. I just go armed out in the boonies here because of the roving meth labs.
This is INDEED one very interesting post and there have been many valid points made here...The best, in my opinion, is to be aware of your surroundings at all times. The other is the fact that you MUST be prepared for ANYTHING!
I have not disclosed my profession on these boards nor will I, but let me say this. I am quite well trained in many areas of self defense. I have carrried a sidearm for many, many years. I have been tazed, shot, beat and stabbed. Some in the training sessions, and others on the job....and all of these happened with my having had the best training imaginable. I sure as heck am no wimpy little guy and, for the most part people avoid conflict with me. However, my chosen profession was one where conflict was a daily thing and my life was in constant danger.
That having been said, conflict will not be a daily thing while treasure hunting. That is a given. The fact remains that everyone needs to be aware of their surroundings, have some form of protection, and most importantly be prepared to take any action you might need to take in any given situation. I do not mean that we all need to walk around paranoid, just aware that STUFF happens, and not always to the other people in the world. The meth lab thing is a factor as are dope growing operations. I was heading in to prodpect for gold in one time, and believe me this was nowhere URBAN, I came across an armed guard after hiking maybe five miles in southern Oregon who was watching a huge grow operation. He was carrying an AK47. I had my 40 SW but thats like bringing a knife to a gunfight. I backed off, quietly and using my head so as not to be seen, i.e. using every inch of cover I could, and walked about 8 miles around the growers and their guards. We have to remember there is a difference in being brave and being plainly stupid.
I DO suggest, at the very least, a basic hand to hand combat course for women. All women, not just treasure hunters. I also suggest the use of a GOOD pepper spray. It may not work everytime, but it puts the odds in your favor for sure. Last but not least, If you are threatened you cannot be afraid to fight back.
This may sound horrid, but when it is, or could be, your life on the line, jamming your thumbs into a 250 pound mans eye sockets, and I do mean JAMMING them in, will stop them real fast. That is a given. Now ask yourself this...If your life is on the line, would you rather permanently harm the perp or die? Your detector can be a weapon, your digging tools, your keys, or any number of things. A stick, rock, or just your plain hand, knee, or elbow!
I would say that the hardest thing to teach someone is to remain calm in the face of adversity. Confidence is always an asset.
In closing I will say, I ALWAYS carry a sidearm, I am legal to do so anywhere, and the reason I do is that in the event that I feel my life is in danger I WILL shoot. My job may have tainted me, but I have every reason to feel/say and do the things I do and say.
In short....either BE prepared or get prepared. Violent crimes happen in stanger places than in empty lots in a city!!!!
There's my two cents worth....