How do You stay safe?

Sitting here reading the comments scares me.A gun is for the mtns. or out in the sticks.In town is a differant story.The city i live in is known for its high population of homeless people thanks to San Francisco.I keep a pocket of change for the money askers and glad to give.Saying that some people are just crasy and wont leave so i leave.Be afraid of what you will do not what they will do. Been there done that. P.s. DIGG you carry a knife? :o

Around here you even need a permit for pepper spray, knives can only be so long. Couple of little things a roll of quarters helps make a mean punch. A small bottle of perfume acts just like the pepper spray (sample bottle of hair spray works to). Your car keys held in your hand with the key poking out between you fingers will make a mess too.

Calling 911 on a cell phone is no guarantee, you never know where the call will go. Had someone die here because the cell went to the wrong location, don't depend on that. Make sure someone knows where you will be and what time to expect you home.

As said pay attention to your surroundings, please no head phones, if the hair stands up on the back of your neck it's your intuition telling you something. If you need to defend yourself hit and run.

Just be careful.

If anyone carries a firearm of any type, remember the words that I grew up by - "Never point a gun at anything you don't intend to shoot and never shoot anything you don't intend to kill!"

Doesn't mean you must pull the trigger, but you'd better be prepared to.

Country Girl, those are some innovative ideas! I had heard of the keys but perfume? wow!
Thanks everyone! This site definitely offers a wealth of information from knowledgable people.
I WILL be more careful from now on and will hopefully meet a likeminded outdoor oriented buddy that won't try to feed me to the fish. ;)

My brief thoughts about the tools needed to protect yourself.

Calling 911 - The federal courts have already ruled that the Police Dept is not responsible for your safety! Calling 911 is a good thing, but have you ever tried doing it while fending off an attacker before? If you are lucky enough, you may get a few numbers dialed before you are unable to continue.

Mace/CS/OC Gas - Out of all 3 of these products, the OC is your best choice. However, this product doesn't work on everyone. Drunks, drug users, and mentally ill subjects are a few of the people that seem to keep fighting through the "burning". My father and another officer used two full cans of 10% OC on a subject coming towards them with a knife, they ended up killing her to stop the threat. The OC just doesn't work on some people. Check you local /state laws before purchasing.

Taser - The best new product in less then lethal self defense!!!! Having been trained (includes being tased) by the Shelton, WA Police on the use of the taser, I can say that this product is the best thing out there for non-lethal defense. It is civilian legal to own and doesn't require a concealed weapons permit to be carried. However, there are a few states that refuse to allow thier law abiding citizens to protect themselves! Please check to make sure it is legal to carry before you do. Off the top of my head, I think I remember the usual states (New York/New Jersey/Hawaii) don't allow citizen carry. If you purchase one, please attend a taser training class!

Knives/Digging tool/Impact weapon (ie Baton or stick) - These weapons are good to carry and will inflict damage to an attacker. My problem with them is you have to be very close to an attacker to make them effective. In a life or death attack/situation, distance between you and an attacker is prime real estate! The further the distance, the more likely you are to survive/be successful at preventing said attack!

Firearms - The criminals have them! Don't you think anything different then that! The only way that you can match the threat factor of an armed attacker is if you are armed yourself. If you are not the type of person that can use a firearm against another human being that is trying to kill/harm you, I suggest that you not carry one. People have many different feeling about firearms, and I am not going to preach to you about them. Some people have them and other don't. There is no right or wrong, but there is an alive or dead and that is why I carry a firearm. If you do have a firearm for personal safety, I suggest that you train and practice, practice, practice!

Remember, these are just my personal thoughts on the products that have been brought up in this topic.
Stormtrooper AKA Nathan
Former Military Police Officer
Current Reserve Police Officer
Current Fraud Investigator

Very sound reasoning, Stormtrooper.

Stormtrooper154 said:
My brief thoughts about the tools needed to protect yourself.

Calling 911 - The federal courts have already ruled that the Police Dept is not responsible for your safety! Calling 911 is a good thing, but have you ever tried doing it while fending off an attacker before? If you are lucky enough, you may get a few numbers dialed before you are unable to continue.

Mace/CS/OC Gas - Out of all 3 of these products, the OC is your best choice. However, this product doesn't work on everyone. Drunks, drug users, and mentally ill subjects are a few of the people that seem to keep fighting through the "burning". My father and another officer used two full cans of 10% OC on a subject coming towards them with a knife, they ended up killing her to stop the threat. The OC just doesn't work on some people. Check you local /state laws before purchasing.

Taser - The best new product in less then lethal self defense!!!! Having been trained (includes being tased) by the Shelton, WA Police on the use of the taser, I can say that this product is the best thing out there for non-leathal defense. It is civilian legal to own and doesn't require a concealed weapons permit to be carried. However, there are a few states that refuse to allow thier law abiding citizens to protect themselves! Please check to make sure it is legal to carry before you do. Off the top of my head, I think I remember the usual states (New York/New Jersey/Hawaii) don't allow citizen carry. If you purchase one, please attend a taser training class!

Knives/Digging tool/Impact weapon (ie Baton or stick) - These weapons are good to carry and will inflict damage to an attacker. My problem with them is you have to be very close to an attacker to make them effective. In a life or death attack/situation, distance between you and an attacker is prime real estate! The further the distance, the more likely you are to survive/be successful at preventing said attack!

Firearms - The criminals have them! Don't you think anything different then that! The only way that you can match the threat factor of an armed attacker is if you are armed yourself. If you are not the type of person that can use a firearm against another human being that is trying to kill/harm you, I suggest that you not carry one. People have many different feeling about firearms, and I am not going to preach to you about them. Some people have them and other don't. There is no right or wrong, but there is an alive or dead and that is why I carry a firearm. If you do have a firearm for personal safety, I suggest that you train and practice, practice, practice!

Remember, these are just my personal thoughts on the products that have been brought up in this topic.
Stormtrooper AKA Nathan
Former Military Police Officer
Current Reserve Police Officer
Current Fraud Investigator

I worked for the MPs at Fort Carson, which is how I ended up as a "test subject" for the less than lethal weapons. Tazers hurt like a bastard, and took my 200lb butt down no problem.

I opt for the big gun. I dont conceal it. And I have no problem showing daylight through someone who wants to do me bodily harm. Of course, since my pistol weighs almost as much as the leg I strap it to, one whack on the head will take out most folks too.

As far as dogs, bears, ect...go for the shootin iron over the pepper spray. No one wants a pissed off carnivore.

I have spent a lifetime camping and hunting in the backwoods, so its not there that I have any problem. Its the more populated areas that give me the most grief.
As a woman, the best thing that you can trust is your instinct. If you feel uncomfortable, feel threatened or something doesnt look right, LEAVE. Dont ever second guess your instincts.And never care about looking stupid. Women have been killed because they thought they would look stupid if they hollered.Cripes ...holler a guys name loud....Then they think you are with someone...Personally I rather have people think I am a little touched in the head and they stay away....
Since I am generally hunting with two small daughters, I have drilled them since they could walk on always being aware of your surroundings and know ahead of time what to do in an emergency.
I dont tell them once and hope they retain it, but have regular "what if this happened" talks.

Since I am terrible for being one of those people who go off on a whim at a moments notice and the fact that I dont have close relatives to tell where I am going anyway , I make sure I have my cell, pepper spray and big knife and I also carry a boot knife..
If you carry a whistle great,but dont wear it around your neck,it cant be used against you.
When I am hunting and people get too close I back away...lots of people want to be friendly and talk but I make sure I keep a distance. If they ask "did you find anything?" I always answer NO....this stops them from wanting to see my finds and get close to me.
Taking self defense is great, learning how to shoot is also a good thing to do.....but face it...I am 5'11 and weigh 130 lbs.....If a guy gets ahold of me who outweighs and is taller...There is no way I am going to kick his butt.....oh ...he will be hurting,because I could definately put up a good fight....But its up to me to not get myself in that situation to begin with.

When I am going to be away from my vehicle for sometime,I make sure that I have my keys in my hand on approach. I throw everything into the seat and not in the back or trunk,so no one can come up behind me. I park in a visible spot so I can see my vehicle is clear when I come back. I also have a laminated information sheet that I leave in my vehicle that says "I am metal detecting" with my name ,who to contact case I dont come back.
And when I am going out into a place alone...which I do alot when the girls are in school...I try to look like a man...I put my hair up under a cap,wear baggy camo's and sweatshirt ....hahaha ...I am not out there for a beauty pageant....

And as far as weapons...Your detector makes a good one....they cant get close if you are swinging and screaming...

And one more thing.....
Alot of people read these forums. I have been contacted several times by people to meet them somewhere for a hunt...If you dont know the poster...dont go.
I was contacted this fall by a man who saw my mugshot. He Joined the forum ...sent me a letter about this fabulous place he had found near me and wanted me to meet him there. This guy didnt have any other posts.He sent me several letters in one morning to get me to take the bait....the place he wanted to meet me was at the end of a dirt road in the country.......ARE YOU INSANE? Needless to say ...he has never posted since nor contacted me again.

ugh what a can of worms you opened there miss daisy
just put wess in your back pocket ;) :D ;D

Hi Daisy
I know it sucks, but I wouldn't recommend any of you ladies going out alone to anywhere secluded or where no other people are around. There are to many perves out there! I don't carry any weapons when I go out other then my digging tools, but if someone tried to assault me, I would hit them with my 400$ Tesoro! They would never see that coming.

All this makes me glad to live where I do. The only thing I worry about is dogs. I usually hunt with another guy so that helps. I don't think I would hunt areas that I did not feel comfortable in.

bean man said:
Hi Daisy
I know it sucks, but I wouldn't recommend any of you ladies going out alone to anywhere secluded or where no other people are around. There are to many perves out there! I don't carry any weapons when I go out other then my digging tools, but if someone tried to assault me, I would hit them with my 400$ Tesoro! They would never see that coming.
I do have to disagree with this ,sorry Beanman. But I refuse to let fear keep me or my daughters from enjoying life. We would miss out on so much of lifes adventures if we let that fear conquer us. Being prepared and using common sense is the key to anyones safety. I spend days in the deep woods and have yet to meet a pervert or phsyco there....they just dont sit and wait in the woods hoping a gal strolls by.....the inner city is a different story...and thats the places to to be careful of ,no matter what gender you are.
Dont hunt where you dont feel safe or comfortable.

That OK Gypsyheart, I admire your spirit and I have a feeling anyone messing with you would have their hands full! I think the chances of anything happening are very slim but please, be careful out there.

I try not to ever go out alone. I'm not a very big person, 5'2 and about 115. I carry my digger in my hand at all times (and I'm not afriad to use it), and I'm always aware of what's around me. That's the key.

This post is a very interesting read. I know that you folks that hunt in urban areas are probably at a greater risk than us way out in the boonies but I have hunted in many states without problem. When approached by someone I turn off my detector, take off my earphones, used to light up a cigarret and say something like "hey, buddy how's it going" Now it's his turn to identify himself and let me know what he's up to. If your considering arming yourself just to go dig pennies realize that the person(s) approaching you may be the land owners and in that case you are the armed intruder and at least in my state he/she can use deadly force legally. Make a friend if you can. In 05' in a remote campground a came across a fellow sitting on a log with a 12 gauge propped up beside him. After introducing myself he let me know he was there to commit suicide due to having been diagnosed with a terminal illness. We talked awhile and he said he would go home and think it over. I don't know if what I said helped but I do know he wouldn't have left that log alive if I hadn't made the effort. Sorry this is so long I probably should have just said "go with your instincts and personality".

silverswede said:
This post is a very interesting read. I know that you folks that hunt in urban areas are probably at a greater risk than us way out in the boonies but I have hunted in many states without problem. When approached by someone I turn off my detector, take off my earphones, used to light up a cigarret and say something like "hey, buddy how's it going" Now it's his turn to identify himself and let me know what he's up to. If your considering arming yourself just to go dig pennies realize that the person(s) approaching you may be the land owners and in that case you are the armed intruder and at least in my state he/she can use deadly force legally. Make a friend if you can. In 05' in a remote campground a came across a fellow sitting on a log with a 12 gauge propped up beside him. After introducing myself he let me know he was there to commit suicide due to having been diagnosed with a terminal illness. We talked awhile and he said he would go home and think it over. I don't know if what I said helped but I do know he wouldn't have left that log alive if I hadn't made the effort. Sorry this is so long I probably should have just said "go with your instincts and personality".

I agree. I just go armed out in the boonies here because of the roving meth labs.

Bean Man, I appreciate your input and concern but I have to respectfully disagree with you and go with gypsy on this one. I'm not going to let one creepy encounter rob me of the joy of living. Becoming a recluse, while waiting for someone to rescue me, is out of the question.

Libralabsoldier said:
silverswede said:
This post is a very interesting read. I know that you folks that hunt in urban areas are probably at a greater risk than us way out in the boonies but I have hunted in many states without problem. When approached by someone I turn off my detector, take off my earphones, used to light up a cigarret and say something like "hey, buddy how's it going" Now it's his turn to identify himself and let me know what he's up to. If your considering arming yourself just to go dig pennies realize that the person(s) approaching you may be the land owners and in that case you are the armed intruder and at least in my state he/she can use deadly force legally. Make a friend if you can. In 05' in a remote campground a came across a fellow sitting on a log with a 12 gauge propped up beside him. After introducing myself he let me know he was there to commit suicide due to having been diagnosed with a terminal illness. We talked awhile and he said he would go home and think it over. I don't know if what I said helped but I do know he wouldn't have left that log alive if I hadn't made the effort. Sorry this is so long I probably should have just said "go with your instincts and personality".

I agree. I just go armed out in the boonies here because of the roving meth labs.

This is INDEED one very interesting post and there have been many valid points made here...The best, in my opinion, is to be aware of your surroundings at all times. The other is the fact that you MUST be prepared for ANYTHING!
I have not disclosed my profession on these boards nor will I, but let me say this. I am quite well trained in many areas of self defense. I have carrried a sidearm for many, many years. I have been tazed, shot, beat and stabbed. Some in the training sessions, and others on the job....and all of these happened with my having had the best training imaginable. I sure as heck am no wimpy little guy and, for the most part people avoid conflict with me. However, my chosen profession was one where conflict was a daily thing and my life was in constant danger.

That having been said, conflict will not be a daily thing while treasure hunting. That is a given. The fact remains that everyone needs to be aware of their surroundings, have some form of protection, and most importantly be prepared to take any action you might need to take in any given situation. I do not mean that we all need to walk around paranoid, just aware that STUFF happens, and not always to the other people in the world. The meth lab thing is a factor as are dope growing operations. I was heading in to prodpect for gold in one time, and believe me this was nowhere URBAN, I came across an armed guard after hiking maybe five miles in southern Oregon who was watching a huge grow operation. He was carrying an AK47. I had my 40 SW but thats like bringing a knife to a gunfight. I backed off, quietly and using my head so as not to be seen, i.e. using every inch of cover I could, and walked about 8 miles around the growers and their guards. We have to remember there is a difference in being brave and being plainly stupid.
I DO suggest, at the very least, a basic hand to hand combat course for women. All women, not just treasure hunters. I also suggest the use of a GOOD pepper spray. It may not work everytime, but it puts the odds in your favor for sure. Last but not least, If you are threatened you cannot be afraid to fight back.

This may sound horrid, but when it is, or could be, your life on the line, jamming your thumbs into a 250 pound mans eye sockets, and I do mean JAMMING them in, will stop them real fast. That is a given. Now ask yourself this...If your life is on the line, would you rather permanently harm the perp or die? Your detector can be a weapon, your digging tools, your keys, or any number of things. A stick, rock, or just your plain hand, knee, or elbow!
I would say that the hardest thing to teach someone is to remain calm in the face of adversity. Confidence is always an asset.
In closing I will say, I ALWAYS carry a sidearm, I am legal to do so anywhere, and the reason I do is that in the event that I feel my life is in danger I WILL shoot. My job may have tainted me, but I have every reason to feel/say and do the things I do and say.

In short....either BE prepared or get prepared. Violent crimes happen in stanger places than in empty lots in a city!!!!


There's my two cents worth....

Very well said.

The self deffense courses? What would you suggest? Tai, Karate, basic self defense? Any input would be appreciated.

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