Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

It's been quite some time that I was current, but extensive testing showed the Glock exceeded the reliability of the 1911 Colt, the Beretta 92f, and the Browning Hi-power. By a long sea mile!

Not sure today today.
Hard to get straight answers from gun mags and such.

We've got those 'other guys' here I just can't agree with...
A wheel gun has a complicated mechanism and timing could be affected long before a glock would fail.

Yes, failure to feed is the downfall of an autoloader...


Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

Well count me in as well for the firearms section. I have a concealed carry permit and I rarely leave home without my Sig Sauer P232.

The forum motto could be "God, Guns 'n Relics!"

Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

HERE is a webpage dedicated to torturing a Glock 21 until it failed. 10 years of testing including shooting it with a 22, freezing it, packing it with flour, sand, mud, ice, salt, dropping it from a plane, running over it with a truck, tying it to a car bumper and dragging it down the road...still shoots.

Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

GL, I read the whole story.


I agree with his philosophy and am glad he used HIS $500 pistol to test !

I'll see if I can find destruction/abuse tests for some of the other popular pistols out there...

Thanks for posting the link, It really is amazing.

Maybe some of the wheelgun crowd will read that link and compare results to their favorite. ;D


Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

I have a Glock .40 SW and an old Colt Combat Commander .45 ACP. I love the CCC, but the Glock is lighter to carry around. The .40 is a good self defense round , fast and fairly heavy, but dang I love the feel of the old Colt as it double shucks a round up the spout.I don't think a gun section is necessary however unless it's limited to just the self defense type. Why? Because anyone is free to ask a gun question in everything else and there are dozens of firearms forums if you just want to talk guns. Monty

Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

That S&W is practically porn. :tongue3: Shame on you.

I too prefer steel but I can acknowledge the polymers place. They are tough and light.

Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

I stand corrected it is indeed a Ruger and a very nice one at that.
THIS is a big boy Ruger:

LOL I'm kidding. I like yours. That grip is intense. I would like to have a .41 someday.
Do you have any single actions? I have a .357 Blackhawk. It's a 200th Anniversary of American Liberty issue.

Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

I vote yes ...

Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

It's a very nice revolver J-G.

Yes, those grips look very unusual... I like 'em!

Still, did you read the link about Glock abuse that GL posted?

<I> just can't imagine a wheel gun would hold up.

Ha! Ha! And I think it would be difficult talking you into trying with your revolver! ;D

I once had a Virginian Dragoon SA 44 mag hog leg with 10" barrel in stainless.
It was a kick to shoot, and I shot a pig with it once, on an island, for dinner.

All that kinda stuff passed along the way feeding kids and such...
Got big, strong, healthy kids, so I'm sure I did the right thing.

Today, everything is so expensive here in Kalifornia it's beyond belief!
And the new flock of laws...

For some reason politicians just don't want us to be able to defend.


Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

Those vids convinced me to get a Glock.
Friend fired one underwater several times with no problem.
My new one is a block, OK, but I hit inside a paper plate at 35 yds instinct aim no prob.

Even so I love my "peacemaker" .45 Colt but it's just too big to CC.
Also ammo is impossible to find locally.
Have the carbine to match and that is sweet.
Guess I'll have to "roll my own" for ammo.


Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

Morning, Grey.

Gosh, if yer not handloading you really should. Have you done it before?
It's a lot of fun, relaxing, and you get far better ammo than you can buy at the store for your gun.
45 Colt is perfect for reloading!

I mostly loaded on the low side of medium power for target shooting, but always loaded up some boomers for fun!

It will set you back some to get started, but with the present cost of ammo, it's the only way to go.
You get your investment return pretty quickly, anymore.
The tools and components last forever, and pack away nicely if not being used.

If you're looking for CC pistols, Glock sure does have a lot to offer!
The G17 is pretty good sized, but the Compacts 19, 23, and 29 are 4" barrels, and the sub-compact 26, 27, and 36 are even smaller.

I just wasn't comfortable when I handled a sub-compact with only two fingers on the grip!
Then the fellow showing the gun brought out a magazine extension that got me one more finger on there for a much better feel and control. Extension is only $10, and doesn't increase mag capacity.


Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

I carried a wheel gun for years in the line of duty. While it is probably the most reliable handgun, it is obsolete if you have to go up against a crazed lunatic with a 16 shot semiauto. Assuming you miss six times, he or she is going to do you in while you are trying to reload. Speedloaders you say? Great at the range but not much good if you are under fire. Especially if you have a hand injury. The police learned that the time the FBI cornered two suspects with M1 carbines and all they had was six shot .38 Specials. I think nearly all PDs carry semiautos now. A few still remain faithful to the old wheelguns, but not many. For the average guy as a concealed handgun, the auto is easier to carry, but six shots is usually plenty in a one on one situation. So, what I am saying I guess is take your choice, which ever you feel most secure with. Monty

Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

I think it was 1986 in Miami or Orlando when FBI ran into a problem with the stopping power of the 9mm and asked that a more powerful autoloader be built. That brought the 10mm.
I think 10 agents were involved in a stop of two robbery suspects. One of them had Ranger training and they were well armed. All but one agent was shot, both suspects and two agents died.
It was a very bad situation and FBI did not want it to happen again.
Now the 357 Sig is popular because the 10mm has too much recoil.

I had just stumbled across the wikipedia page on that event... What a nightmare!
It was actually worse than the one just a couple years ago here in CA where a couple guys robbed a bank wearing home made armor and the local PD couldn't hardly do anything with them.
Well, it took about an hour to stop them, but it was all filmed live on TV from ElMundo news helicopter.
Little bullets are not best!

Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

rmptr said:
I think it was 1986 in Miami or Orlando when FBI ran into a problem with the stopping power of the 9mm and asked that a more powerful autoloader be built. That brought the 10mm.
I think 10 agents were involved in a stop of two robbery suspects. One of them had Ranger training and they were well armed. All but one agent was shot, both suspects and two agents died.
It was a very bad situation and FBI did not want it to happen again.
Now the 357 Sig is popular because the 10mm has too much recoil.

I had just stumbled across the wikipedia page on that event... What a nightmare!
It was actually worse than the one just a couple years ago here in CA where a couple guys robbed a bank wearing home made armor and the local PD couldn't hardly do anything with them.
Well, it took about an hour to stop them, but it was all filmed live on TV from ElMundo news helicopter.
Little bullets are not best!
Yep it was Miami, here's a breakdown of the weapons involved.

Info courtesy of

Matix: S&W M3000 12 gauge shotgun (1 round #6 shot fired).
Platt: Ruger Mini-14 .223 Remington carbine (at least 42 rounds fired),
S&W M586 .357 Magnum revolver (3 rounds fired),

Dan Wesson .357 Magnum revolver (3 rounds fired).


McNeill: S&W M19-3 .357 Magnum revolver, 2-inch barrel (6 rounds .38 Special +P fired).
Mireles: Remington M870 12 gauge shotgun (5 rounds 2 3/4 inch 00 buckshot fired),
.357 Magnum revolver (make & model unknown), (6 rounds .38 Special +P fired).

Grogan: S&W M459 9mm automatic pistol (9 rounds fired).
Dove: S&W M459 9mm automatic pistol (20 rounds fired).
Risner: S&W M459 9mm automatic pistol (13-14 rounds fired?),
S&W (model unknown) .38 Special revolver (1 round .38 Special +P fired).

Orrantia: S&W (model unknown) .357 Magnum revolver, 4 inch barrel (12 rounds .38 Special +P fired).
Hanlon: S&W (model unknown) .38 Special revolver, 2-inch barrel (5 rounds .38 Special +P fired).
Manauzzi: Apparently lost possession of his handgun during the vehicle collision and was unable to locate and recover it during the gunfight (0 rounds fired).

I remember watching the TV movie about it. Michael Gross(best known as the father on Family Ties) and David Soul (Starsky and Hutch) played the bad guys. The shootout was hard to watch. I can't imagine having to go through something like that.

Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

A follow up to my last post.

Info courtesy of:

The spring of 1986 saw the gunfight in Miami, where several FBI agents were killed, and after the analysis was complete, the fact that one of the robbers sustained a potentially lethal hit early in the shootout came to light. The ammunition was considered a failure, and a major fault in the events as they took place.

In 1990 after exhaustive testing, The FBI adopted the S&W 1076. A large frame, stainless steel semi-automatic, that was designed similar to a SIG, with a frame mounted decocker. The ammo, (Federal XM1001 180gr@924 fps) was considered to have ALL of the best defensive characteristics, which met very vigorous requirements to defeat auto steel, glass, wood, drywall, AND still have enough energy to penetrate 12" of ballistic gelatin.

Also the down powered ammo served as a starting point where it easily equalled the .45 in penetration on obstacles, if the need arose, the thought was you could STILL juice up the ammo comfortably.

I followed the 10mm from the get go, as I was interested in a hunting/IPSC/carry gun. My first 10mm is LONG gone. ALL the BEST attributes of the 10 are still there, and the drawbacks are minimal, to my way of thinking. The main one being the limited number of suitable production guns available.

Soon after the field agents started using the 10mm, complaints from agents about recoil and alleged breakage began to surface, and the stage was set for the end of the cartridge. I owned a 10mm and was surprised at how many people and gunwriters were jumping up and down about what a mistake the caliber is to buy and sell.

S&W however had begun experimenting with a 40 caliber "short" version of the 10mm, and they found that they could easily duplicate the 10mm "FED LITE" ballistics, AND deliver it in a 11+1 round gun, with the SAME circumference grip as a 9 round 10mm. This was a leap toward the end of the 10 millimeter cartridge.

Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

Willie D -
I have to wonder, if you are carrying a .357 Dan Wesson (and I have one), why in the world would you undermine it with .38 ammo?
Especially when your life depends on it.
I do often shoot the .38 as they are cheaper and a bit less kick. But at work, I would want the real thing.

Have seen a lot of LEOs carrying the 10 but that is .394" and I was a bit leery of them.
I went for the Glock G-30SF in .45 cal as I think that has the best stopping power I can shoot comfortably.
rmptr - with a G-21 mag. it adds 3 more rounds and about an inch to the grip.
I know wheel guns are dependable. They can sit in a side drawer for many years and work first time (and if not, another trigger pull brings another try). I don't think I can speed load them like I can with a magazine. And as stated, more ammo in the mag.
I don't know why 5 rds of 00 buck didn't stop most anything, perhaps misses.

Some years ago I started into Cowboy Action shooting and got 1 Colt .45 and a lever action .45 long gun.
RCBS multi stage loader, dies, powder, primers, etc.
Just never set it up. Never did much with the Cowboy stuff as I didn't have the period shotgun.
Went to a bunch of S.A.S.S. events and all the clothes and stuff I couldn't afford kinda lost interest.

Now price and availability of ammo makes me want to at least start reloading.
Have to make some bullet molds too as lead weights are still cheap.
Hope powder and primers don't go on the endangered list...


Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

just-geese said:
Here's what I carry detecting, useless little thing unless they get on top of you. I normally keep an eye on my surroundings but you never know
Here's my Bauer.

Lots of folks would like it. ;D

How about it?

Think it would work ;D

all have a good un.....................

I am in. I look forward to my right to bear arms hopefully until I can't hold one. Not to mention the amazing stockpile of information that these fine gentlemen have to offer! I certainly hope that this section of the forums is established, if nothing else than for the exchange of knowledge for knowledge sake!

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