Re: ? FIREARMS new TNet board section ?

just-geese said:
Hey GL is that a Fireball?
That is a Remington XP-100 custom in .243 Winchester with a scope and jeweled bolt. The stock was custom fit to the glass bedded, compensated 16in barrel. Truly a spectacular firearm in every respect. It even had gold inlaid engraving. I sold it online to a collector in New England for a grand. He got a deal.

Re: ? FIREARMS new TNet board section ?

Hopefully admin is aware of this idea and seriously considering it. There have been several firearms related posts. I think if it should become a reality that it may see more traffic than some of the other sections.

Re: ? FIREARMS new TNet board section ?

I would be there everyday like I am in the Indian Artifacts section. I have an enormous interest in firearms.

Re: ? FIREARMS new TNet board section ?

Seems to me that one of our Charter members could open a Personal Page and more or less focus on firearms, with Marc's permission of course. You would need to moderate it and not create a load of grief for Marc, or he would simply pull the plug

Recently I became interested in Curio & Relics over 50yrs old and would enjoy discussing them here.

Good luck!


Re: ? FIREARMS new TNet board section ?

Few more seem to be interested.

Just a bump...............

Perhaps some day.......................

all have a good un.......

Re: ? FIREARMS new TNet board section ?


Which Charter Member will take a step forward? ;D

There's lot's of support out there...


Guns, guns, guns

The Dallas Morning News is reporting that Palin sent a letter to 10,500 members of the Texas Federation of Republican Women endorsing the current governor.

“He walks the walk of a true conservative,” she said of Perry. “And he sticks by his guns – and you know how I feel about guns.”

Sure, we know. We remember that photo of Palin wearing a red, white, and blue bikini posing with a gun.
Oh yeah, that was a fake.

The above is the newest fake.
Personally, I just don't find it disparaging.
It's a joke!

It seems Sarah has begun a PAC and her first effort with it was in Texas.
If someone begins the new forum I'll invite her to visit with us!

She's an outdoor person. Gotta be interested in the things we do, right?


Re: ? FIREARMS new TNet board section ?


Re: ? FIREARMS new TNet board section ?

double tap

Re: ? FIREARMS new TNet board section ?

Well, if there's sixteen men sitting on a dead man's chest, and I discover it with my metal detector,
I'll certainly hope for more than a cutlass to defend my chances of keeping it!

Once again, I do personally feel the law, prospecting and treasure hunting, and personal defense go together.


Re: ? FIREARMS new TNet board section ?

Yes, I would like it very much!!

Re: ? FIREARMS new TNet board section ?

Sarah Palin has made big news again and wildlife friends are very much upset at her.

Seems Alaska State tracks and hunts wolves by helicopter. Shoots 'em and then kills the whole den of wolf pups if they can find 'em.


Someone determined the wolves are eating a lot of elk and caribou.

Better to let people harvest the edible game.

It's been a standing policy in Alaska, nothing new.
Sarah has only allowed it to continue because it's needed.

Yet now, with a new face for the cartoons, like the minigun, the greenies are very excited.

I was dissappointed to see the very strong twist on these last two articles regarding Palin from the Christian Science Monitor. It's always maintained a reputation for level headed accurate reporting that has never been inflammatory in any way. Just the facts, ma'am.

Today, there seems to be a strong greenie persuasion to the articles impact.
I'm disappointed.
They've always done better than a cheap shot in the past.

Re: ? FIREARMS new TNet board section ?

A good thing eddes icky remark about guns does not previal among the police and military, where would we be now.
i am all for it

Re: ? FIREARMS new TNet board section ?

willie d
Real de Tayopa
Paul in Wa
Heavy Chevy
Mr. Peabody
poppy in pa.
history hunter

No response from the powers that be. :(

all have a good un.............

Re: ? FIREARMS new TNet board section ?

Whether it happens or not it would also be a good place to post hunting photos that not everyone wants to see.

HH Charlie

Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?


With very few exceptions, the owner of the board has really stayed out of things.
He makes an adjustment here and there, to improve his product, but that's abot all I've seen in my time as a guest here.

It drives him nuts when people begin to squabble and use profanity, or hostile behavior that departs from an informative and productive environment.

Family values and content are adhered to.

No news from the Big Guy is a good thing...

What we need is a Charter Member to request his own Personal Page and conduct firearms threads there.
..or one of us skinflints could purchase membership! It IS a great bargain.

Although I personally think the Yamash*ta Treasure hoard is among the most entertaining on Tnet,
if a firearm thread were started I would suggest it include separate sections for pro and con in the fashion that dowsing and geophysics has been presented to prevent most outright conflicts.

There are obviously great differences in opinion, irrespective of the law.

All told, I think Marc would be pleased with participation as long as he does not incur liability or any increase in his level of stress due to maintenance concerns.


JG... Sure, I'll post a pic soon.

Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

rmptr said:
...if a firearm thread were started I would suggest it include separate sections for pro and con in the fashion that dowsing and geophysics has been presented to prevent most outright conflicts.

I don't think an Anti-firearms section is necessary. The Anti-dowsing section is pretty inactive. I think most would just ignore a Firearms forum if they weren't interested.


Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

It was my thought if a cubby was included for the antithesis the page moderator could transfer any adverse opinions there, quickly, with a short explanation that "We here are all clinging to our religion and guns, you may go here and speak your piece."

A fairplay kinda thing.
(Not that it wasn't Samuel Colt who made all men equal.)

J-G, I got pics for you of the scope mount.





And here's a link to an article on precisely how to do it!


Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

Gosh, J-G... That little sporter you got there is gonna be brisk to shoot!

Not sure if you know that, or not...

The 7.62x54R is actually a pretty hot round even though it was among the very first designed smokeless cartridges.

Look at it this way... The AK is 7.62x39, the M-14 is x51, and the 30:06 is x63mm.
Generally speaking, bullet weight is around 130, 150, and 170, respectively.
We're talking rifles that weigh in at 8 to 9 1/2 lbs. Your sporter is gonna be lite! ;D
Surplus ammo for the MN is 150 & 200gr.

Bannerman put out a lot of MN sporter conversions quite similar to yours.
(Of course they wouldn't have done the funky tapping job like that...)
I think they even rebarrelled them in 30.06... see if an 06 round will chamber!
The barrel really should be stamped with the caliber, if anyone did so.

If you go to that link I posted, it shows that the mount is attached much lower,
and the stock must be inletted to accept it.

Your guy was just a hack and attempted to mount it too high, without inletting the stock.
Has your bolt been bent for scope use? It's necessary.

...Let's see... you can slug your bore using a 1/8oz lead egg fishing sinker, greased, and driven into the bore from the breech with pieces of 1/4" hardwood dowel. Mic that for bore size. Probably .310 to .312 if original.

There is a low temp metal alloy, (can't recall it's name right now), which can be poured into the breech to take a casting of the chamber. Pull it out when cool and you can see what configuration the chamber really is.
Neato stuff! It's liquid metal at 170-180 degrees. Ha! Like the T-1000 ! ;D
It can be re-used any number of times. Really hot water from the tap melts it. About $15.

Most the people I've seen with them prefer to keep them in their original military trim.
My experience with them is both recent, and very limited, but I do like the caliber/cartridge a lot.

Basically, it represents a 100 year piece of history that functions well and can be purchased for as little as $59 -$79 at a local big 5 sporting goods store on sale!

Nice ammo is a buck a pop, but surplus corrosive is half that.

Have fun!


Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?

J-G, Yes, much earlier, some were built under contract by Remington, ca 1915 and earlier, I think.

The arrow with fletching within the Soviet star indicates your rifle was built in 1937 at the Tula arsenal in Russia.

If yours had not been sporterized, the Tula weapons are a tad more valuable than some of the other arsenals because production during the war was lower than some others.
During Operation Barbarossa, the German 2nd Panzer Division advanced to very near the arsenal and the Russians abandoned it, which limited production, making them more desirable, to some extent.

Actually, no Mosin Nagant is any better than another functionally, yet the Finnish rebuilds might have better barrels. Yet after 60-70 odd years of shooting corrosive ammo, what's the difference? ;D

You might buy a box of Bulgarian 147gr surplus ammo from a gun shop and shoot it at close range for fun.
About $8 for 20 shells. They are the lightest bullets commonly available.

Swab it out with Windex type water/ammonia cleaner at the range, then normal cleaning when you get it home.


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