Re: FIREARMS NO LUCK ON A new TNet board section ?
Gosh, J-G... That little sporter you got there is gonna be brisk to shoot!
Not sure if you know that, or not...
The 7.62x54R is actually a pretty hot round even though it was among the very first designed smokeless cartridges.
Look at it this way... The AK is 7.62x39, the M-14 is x51, and the 30:06 is x63mm.
Generally speaking, bullet weight is around 130, 150, and 170, respectively.
We're talking rifles that weigh in at 8 to 9 1/2 lbs. Your sporter is gonna be lite!

Surplus ammo for the MN is 150 & 200gr.
Bannerman put out a lot of MN sporter conversions quite similar to yours.
(Of course they wouldn't have done the funky tapping job like that...)
I think they even rebarrelled them in 30.06... see if an 06 round will chamber!
The barrel really should be stamped with the caliber, if anyone did so.
If you go to that link I posted, it shows that the mount is attached much lower,
and the stock must be inletted to accept it.
Your guy was just a hack and attempted to mount it too high, without inletting the stock.
Has your bolt been bent for scope use? It's necessary.
...Let's see... you can slug your bore using a 1/8oz lead egg fishing sinker, greased, and driven into the bore from the breech with pieces of 1/4" hardwood dowel. Mic that for bore size. Probably .310 to .312 if original.
There is a low temp metal alloy, (can't recall it's name right now), which can be poured into the breech to take a casting of the chamber. Pull it out when cool and you can see what configuration the chamber really is.
Neato stuff! It's liquid metal at 170-180 degrees. Ha! Like the T-1000 !

It can be re-used any number of times. Really hot water from the tap melts it. About $15.
Most the people I've seen with them prefer to keep them in their original military trim.
My experience with them is both recent, and very limited, but I do like the caliber/cartridge a lot.
Basically, it represents a 100 year piece of history that functions well and can be purchased for as little as $59 -$79 at a local big 5 sporting goods store on sale!
Nice ammo is a buck a pop, but surplus corrosive is half that.
Have fun!