
Sapphire Member
Dec 15, 2004
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Golden Thread
South Florida
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I have a 4 inch tall BOERICKE and TAFEL Homoeopathic screwtop medicine with original contents and label but I cant read the word after HOMOEOPATHIC because its ripped off.

The second word starts with a T. Its 41% alcohol. Directions that say to mix 25 drops with a tumblerful of water seem to imply that its to be taken orally (for acute affections). Federal Law prohibits dispensing without a prescription.

Any ideas the second word? Any idea of date or value?


  • homoeopathic 2.webp
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I like that old picture of factory workers. Those were the days we actually used to produce in the United States. Now all we do is print money and continue to ignore our GNP. Watch video below for a rude eye opener.

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not sure how much the mixing and or the substances are used or not used
in your bottle anymore since 1882 , a lot of the herbs ect. seems to get mixed
with alcohol,maybe the list starting with (TH), will help in your search for your label

pages 8 -17

pg 453- 457
American Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia.
F. E. Boericke, M.D., A. J. Tafel.
May, 1882.
The American homoeopathic pharmacopoeia - Google Books

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a tincture -= is made by soaking a herb / plant in alcohol to "pull out active ingredents that are alcohol soluible". thus the 41% alcohol level in it.

TREATMENT is also "possible"

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I was right(I think)! Thymus gland or Thymus vulgaris(thyme)
This link states that "the use of animal tissues or cell preparations to improve physiologic functioning and support the natural healing process, first gained popularity in the early to mid 1900s. The idea of homeopathic glandular therapy was first introduced almost 200 years ago".
What is Thymus-extract? Dosing, Side Effects & More

There is also a herb valled Thymus Vulgaris(common thyme) which is in the mint family. A strong expectorant, this aromatic herb is used in tea making to stimulate productive cough. It also works by treating infections and suppressing cough effectually.
I'm not sure which one, but both have homeopathic uses.

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  • Homeopathic Tincture.webp
    Homeopathic Tincture.webp
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The page is screwing up again with the large screen. I cant read anything or view any pictures. Its very hard. I hate to keep saying it but this site suks (for me).

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I have a lot of problems trying to post on this site but the screen only gets large on threads when Surf posts lol.

What about this?
That seems to fit into the 7-9 letter area but you would have to find a bottle that says HOMEOPATHIC THYME NF before you would convince me.
I checked the Thyme dosage and its usually injected.

I dont think there is a need to look further as I have now found HOMEOPATHIC TINCTURE on several bottles.

Im going to mark it solved "HOMEOPATHIC TINCTURE" unless you can come up with a better match.

Im sorry this site is extremely aggravating, hard to read and very hard to post, almost impossible to edit so I have no choice but to bow out. What a shame because TN has so much interesting content.

SOLVED 1954-1961 HOMEOPATHIC TINCTURE. Bottle made in Gas City, Indiana.

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Thanks everyone for your help.

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Well I haven't found a bottle, but this is certainly intriguing. It's a book compiled& published by Boericke & Tafel titled The American Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia.
What's interesting is you'll find it lists different homeopathic products. It's in alphabetical order. There are alot for the letter "T". Including Thymus.
The bottle could either have N.F(National Formulary) or U.S.P.(United States Pharmacopoeia).

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I have a lot of problems trying to post on this site but the screen only gets large on threads when Surf posts lol.

Hey Bigcypress,

As I'm a relatively new guy in these parts, please tell me what I'm doing wrong. I've taken down images before, when you have complained. I don't know if that remedied the situation, or not. Are other people experiencing technical difficulties, as well?

Meanwhile that misspelling is an archaic, but correct variant.


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Hey Bigcypress,

As I'm a relatively new guy in these parts, please tell me what I'm doing wrong. I've taken down images before, when you have complained. I don't know if that remedied the situation, or not. Are other people experiencing technical difficulties, as well?

Meanwhile that misspelling is an archaic, but correct variant.

Its not you Surf. I dont want you to take down images. You have been very helpful. I cannot imagine there is anything you are doing wrong. But for some reason the site often becomes huge after you post and I am only able to view a small part of it without scrolling way to the right and back again.. The owners need to fix this problem, not you surf.

Im just frustrated with the new owners. The old site used to run fast and easy and smooth. The new site just doesnt work for me on some days.. Even when it works, it has too many useless unnecessary steps and features. I have all kinds of problems besides the large screen after you post.. Are you using an extra large monitor? Are you posting extremely large images? Even if you are, it should not mess up anything for me. I believe several others complained but it appears I am the most affected. BTW at this moment the screen is normal.

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Well I haven't found a bottle, but this is certainly intriguing. It's a book compiled& published by Boericke & Tafel titled The American Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia.
What's interesting is you'll find it lists different homeopathic products. It's in alphabetical order. There are alot for the letter "T". Including Thymus.
The bottle could either have N.F(National Formulary) or U.S.P.(United States Pharmacopoeia).
The American homoeopathic pharmacopoeia - Google Books
Thanks Johunt. Yes someone else posted a list as well. You could go through the list if you wish but it would have to fit this criteria.

1) start with a T
2) second letter H or I
3) 7-9 letters long
4) about 40% alcohol content
5) it must be printed on the bottle in conjunction with the word HOMOEOPATHIC
6) must be taken orally mixed with water in drop dosages.
7) made from 1954-1961

Number 5 is just as important as all the others. I have found many examples of bottles imprinted "HOMOEOPATHIC TINCTURE" but we have found zero (yes ZERO) with Homoeopathic Thymus NF or any other "T" word after Homoeopathic on the label. And if you look up the dosage of Thymus, you will see that its most used as an injection.

As of now, Thymus NF or Thymus USP doesnt fit all the criteria. There are many examples of HOMOEOPATHIC TINCTURE and it fits ALL 7 of our clues. So you would need to come up with more evidence to overturn the verdict.

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BTW looking at eBay sales, the monetary value is minimal. Maybe I should just drink it. :tongue3:

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BTW I can view the 2nd page but I cannot view the first page of this thread because its way too large for my screen.

Do not remove anything surf. Its not up to you to fix the problems with this site.

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Are you using an extra large monitor? Are you posting extremely large images? Even if you are, it should not mess up anything for me. I believe several others complained but it appears I am the most affected. BTW at this moment the screen is normal.

Thanks, Bigcypress,

I'm using a laptop. I don't knowingly post large or extra large images, unless they are particularly relevant, and a smaller size not available.

I'm still learning the ropes around here, and don't want to accidentally rock the boat. I've not noticed the phenomena of huge screenitis, yet myself. I did notice that sometimes images that are hot linked show, and other times, they do not.

I am very fond of photographs & illustrations, and am learning the image handling ways of TNet. Thanks for allaying my concern.


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