Head to Head Battle..Fisher CZ6 Vs Garrett AT Pro...

Maybe he is just trying to be realistic and kind of a smart azz...you know... to fit in with this thread.
I have never seen an at pro for sale for $250......even the early ones without the cam locks.
If you have proof of a $250 at pro....POST IT.
I have come to the conclusion that the Garrett AT Pro is the one machine to folks that use other machines like to hate the most.
Must be a decent competitor...maybe not the best.....but good enough for all you haters to waste your time telling us how it can't find a 7" deep quarter, or that it sucks so buy a "better" machine.

Finally a lil truth to this thread!!

Well, I started this thread too see if anyone can elaborate on the massive difference in depth between one detector and another. So far, I got some decent response, but the subject quickly changed to the possible prices of the more inferior detector, two chaps who really (did) know their stuff and they know who I am talking about too, a couple who had the answers immediately, one individual who was severely brand-loyal and defensive of his favorite, and one who doesn't read very well so he talks about something else instead. I enjoyed it and the show emensely and I found much of it to be amusing, athough maybe not as informative as I had hoped for. It's normal to get a wide variety of responses, so now I'm going to stir up the fire under the cauldron a bit.

Here is an even more interesting yet somehow boring too video; Yes, I know that the author is bored almost shiftless, i.e. who is looking for mostly silver dimes anyway? And the whole thing doesn't answer much of anything about anything; Two different detectors, various different RMS, SW, and MFI interferences, two different brands, two different frequencies, two different size coils, various unequal settings, and it appears that the poor chap doesn't even know how to use either of them very well anyway. So for those who are so bored (including myself) that they would watch this seemingly useless video anyway, have at it.. :icon_thumleft: enjoy..

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Hey Sandman, welcome to the "Funny Farm" :icon_thumright: How are things going for you there?

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I enjoy using the AT Pro and AT Gold, but understand both their strengths and limitations through hundreds of operating hours on each model. My White's V3i and Minelab Explorer SE will definitely "hit" a target more deeply and clearly than the AT Pro's (probably not a fair comparison). This I have test many times in my test bed and in the field. I only own three company brands and will embrace a new company if their product could help me succeed in the hobby. I really enjoy reading the posts about other machines and testing them head-to-head. I'm very interested in the Tesoro brand as many here have spoke very highly of its value in the field.

Hi Larry...Snow almost up to car door handles so there is no going anywhere. I am thinking of tying AT Pro up to a tree out back till spring when I can take it for a boat ride and it won't get a flotation vest. :laughing7: After 3 of them you'd think one would work as advertised. "What me worry," I have others that really work.

Maybe I can glue a rare earth magnet to the ATP's coil for a true all iron mode.

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I don`t want to steal the thread...how long does it take to test that many 1000 rings ?.There must be a lot that would cross over to other machines.
Hope you can post the entire book soon..please let me know .

Off topic PM sent...

Well, I almost bought one of the ATP's, but when I realized that my old Compass GoldScanner Pro was a much better detector at 30 years older,, I wondered why I should waste the money. You are the one that helped to open my eyes before I ran into the rattlesnake. My word, 3 of them? I had a similar misfortune with the Ace 250, my Daughter hated its guts because it was so xxxx noisy, so it's been a closet door stop for the last few years. Then I bought her one of these little 5.6 Khz numbers, and she nearly fell in love with it because it ran so nicely and found her more trinkets, especially old wheaties and brass/copper jewelry. I bought another one for one of my other Daughters, and she loved it too.

Like you, I thought the ATP was too unpredictable(?), to me too flimsy, and I also did not like its shallow depth signal to the ID screen. And the BOING sound nearly drove the rest of me to insanity..

*If you fill them with concrete they make fair boat anchors for under 14 ft..

So it's up to a giraffe's back in snow? I did 6 1/2 months in Alaska in the snow capital city of America, Valdez, up to 60 feet of snow, and I was probably the only person who ever searched in the town. They scoop snow there at least 8 months out of the year, so I can image what it's like at your place. . 61Ed8VqSBEL._SL1200_.webp

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This thread title should be changed to: "who hates garrett?" ;-)

Somebody must have been scared by a Garrett when they were young.

Never owned one but have read a couple of Charlies' books and appreciate those.

Last Saturday 12/28/14 myself and my hunting partner decided that both of us would check each others signals in a baseball field we
were hunting. I was using my Fisher CZ6, my hunting partner was using a Garrett AT Pro. The first signals we
compared were in that 3 to 4 inch range and both machines were equal in performance in that depth. After about 30 minutes
I had my first deep signal with the Fisher. At a solid 7 inches I had a perfect coin signal. I called over my hunting partner with
his AT Pro and he swept his coil over the target and said he received a week "iron signal". I then proceeded to dig the target and
was very surprised to dig up a 1942-S silver quarter! At 7 inches the Garrett could not pick up this target? We compared another 15 or
so deep coin signals during the day and the Garrett could only get targets that were 5" or 5 1/2" Anything over 6 inches was a real challenge for the At Pro.
My buddy tried to change to different modes, tried tweaking the buttons. At the end of our 5 hour hunt I had 3 silver quarters, 2 silver dimes, and
3 wheaties. Two of the silver quarters I dug were a solid 7 inches. My partner had just one wheatie. I had about 90 clads, partner had about 25. Any ideas?

I'm thinking cz is deeper, but not by much. Tell the atpro guy to use bigger coils, zero scrim, pro mode.

That is just how the AT operates... I have an AT and have upgraded because of the lack of AT performance.... I know all of the AT guys gush about how great it is, but they do not know how many great targets they leave behind (they walk right over). It is a great detector for fresh water, pouring rain hunts and if you only want coin sized targets that are <6" in the ground...

I have dug plenty of 6 and 8 inch coins with atpro.

Hope all you AT guys keep believing that.... really :)

Originally Posted by I can dig it
The guy who made the above video commented, " I have taken the AT Pro to spots I hit with the Etrac and 3030 and have found deep coins that I missed with those detectors. The AT Pro will be fine just take the time to learn it......."
Hope all you AT guys keep believing that.... really

LuckyLarry, Sandman, Keppy and 1 others like this.

Really. Believing what?

The ATP was an attempt at competing against the Whites MXT and the Fisher GBP and similar. Many people are getting rid of their ATP's because they discovered that they could have gotten a better deal from another brand, namely Whites and First Texas, so they dumped the ATP ASAP. Garrett still uses early 80's technology on their single-frequency, delayed response machines. They are very similar in operation to the old Bounty Hunter Red Baron and the Whites 6,000's. That is why the boing sound is delayed and sounds familiar, it's old technology improved to some degree.


Absolutely not, it is absurd to even imagine why Garrett engineered atpro. How do you know why anybody is getting rid of there metal detector? How do you know what technology is being used, are you an electronics engineer? All vlf metal detectors run similar to all others. I gotcher bong.

Well, I almost bought one of the ATP's, but when I realized that my old Compass GoldScanner Pro was a much better detector at 30 years older,, I wondered why I should waste the money. You are the one that helped to open my eyes before I ran into the rattlesnake. My word, 3 of them? I had a similar misfortune with the Ace 250, my Daughter hated its guts because it was so xxxx noisy, so it's been a closet door stop for the last few years. Then I bought her one of these little 5.6 Khz numbers, and she nearly fell in love with it because it ran so nicely and found her more trinkets, especially old wheaties and brass/copper jewelry. I bought another one for one of my other Daughters, and she loved it too.

Like you, I thought the ATP was too unpredictable(?), to me too flimsy, and I also did not like its shallow depth signal to the ID screen. And the BOING sound nearly drove the rest of me to insanity..

*If you fill them with concrete they make fair boat anchors for under 14 ft..

So it's up to a giraffe's back in snow? I did 6 1/2 months in Alaska in the snow capital city of America, Valdez, up to 60 feet of snow, and I was probably the only person who ever searched in the town. They scoop snow there at least 8 months out of the year, so I can image what it's like at your place. . View attachment 1115100


Yes gleaner1 I am an electronics engineer, are you one too? And yes, I helped to improve (your) metal detectors and (their) technology. And yes too , I worked for a subsidiary of Whites, we made and improved their circuit boards. Read my bio. Thanks :icon_thumleft:

The phase-shift technology that runs the ATP, the Whites 5,000 and 6,000 series, and the Aces came from George Payne, in the early 80's, it was first employed in the Red Baron, by George in Lebanon, Oregon just 13 miles from my home. it is basically old technology.

BTW, after almost 5,000 posts here, why don't I see any friends listed on your bio? Pleasant people usually make friends very easily, right? Don't you have at least (1) friend here..?

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I have the CZ5, an older model. Hat tip to the guy who invented the circuitry, these machines are hot on silver! :)

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