Head to Head Battle..Fisher CZ6 Vs Garrett AT Pro...

No, it was a real deal..and so was the deal on the Eureka Gold, I was there when the Eureka was sold.. Lots of good buys on the site in question though, but eBay does get a lot of cheap deals too, as does Craigslist. I bought a Compadre for $25, and a Minelab Sovereign for $300, and they sold new for more than twice that money. The guy who sold it has a public profile, and although I can't copy or paste it well, it says almost the same thing as the main post. The seller's name is Ryan.

125.00 USD - Detroit (Michigan) - April 22, 2014
Bought in march 2014, everything original comes with it. The machine works perfect, the only flaw is there is a big scratch on the screen. I'm not sure if that with affect the waterproofness of it. Pics availible thru email. Asking $125
- See more at: http://www.treasureclassifieds.com/user/profile/466#user_feedback

125.00 USD - Detroit (Michigan) - April 22, 2014
Bought in march 2014, everything original comes with it. The machine works perfect, the only flaw is there is a big scratch on the screen. I'm not sure if that with affect the waterproofness of it. Pics availible thru email. Asking $125
- See more at: http://www.treasureclassifieds.com/user/profile/466#user_feedback

Xr, maybe you misread my statement too, I used the word "can", and I said "can buy." .
I also wrote "I saw one on Craigslist for $250"

Can; plural could. 1. to be able to; have the ability, power, or skill to: She can solve the problem easily, I'm sure.

2. to know how to: He can play chess, although he's not particularly good at it.

3. to have the power or means to: A dictator can impose his will on the people.

4. to have the right or qualifications to: He can change whatever he wishes in the script.

5. may; have permission to: Can I speak to you for a moment?

6. to have the possibility: A coin can land on either side.

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So was anything wrong with the $25 Compadre?

It's a good one, the guy was broke, young, and it was Christmas. He wanted $75, but since I'm an Ashkanizi Jew - I talked him down..

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Congratulations Lucky Larry....You did it!!...You had to search the world over and it took you two weeks,but you found it. You proved that you are right.You found an At pro for 250.00 in the detroit Treasure classified adds (why didnt I think to look there).You proved yourself right and it only took you two weeks. You found that one in a million...Nay one in a thousand....but Im not gonna try and steal your thunder....LOL...Kudos to you....By the way Larry,when Im on Ebay how do I find the Treasure Classifieds....HH everyone....Barry

Barry, I'm not really looking for a metal detector, I already have more than 25 of them. If I know a way to help people afford one when they have little money, I'll do my best if I can, and I won't put someone else down for doing it either. I used to produce Whites PC's in Mulino, Oregon, I was the circuitboard production supervisor there.. I'm currently working on two helpful creations to make things more interesting and easier for handicapped people - those who wish to enjoy the hobby as much as we the non-handicapped regulars do. Some people are wheelchair-bound and need any help they can get. If any of us can offer them assistance I think we should.

I saw one ATP on eBay for $250, and one on Craigslist for $250. Gary said he has seen them that cheap too, and he posted one he saw for $125 and I later-on saw it too. I only come on here now and then because too many people are so brand-loyal, opinionated, and combative that it often creates unnecessary problems and unnecessary quarreling. The $125 guy who posted it said the ATP was sold, it was not a scam, I checked it out. Giving someone a lead on possible cheap detectors is not immoral, illegal, or indecent, it is called goodwill, friendliness, helpfulness. If you or anyone else on here have any leads, isn't it a good thing to let people here know about it, and where we may find one for an affordable price too? I have no ax to grind here but others do, my world does not exclude any brand at all, but I (would like) a Garrett ATX and a Whites TM 808 for an affordable price. In fact, I would consider a Detech metal detector too, but not a Deep Tech. Who cares where cheap detectors are found anyway? If they are cheaper now, then they simply are cheaper now, and it doesn't matter to people why they are cheaper. It didn't "take me two weeks", I was notified through networking just like this. And there are other people like me who network to find a good deal, it's just human nature to do that instead of having to go on a witch hunt or a crusade to get what we want. Like someone here said, words to the effect of; "all you have to do is look." You too can find good deals the same way, but this isn't a combat zone, and it's not a case of "my girl's fatter than yours" either. This thread started as a comparison between two specific metal detectors and somehow turned into an eBay grind about the detector not being on eBay any more. eBay doesn't care, and neither do I. If a detector is that cheap on eBay, it isn't going to stay there long, nor will it stay long on Cragslist or any other place either.

Oh, and the detector on the Detroit site was $125, not $250. Again, here is the video, and it pretty much backs up Cool Hand Flukes original CZ-6 post, and my own CZ-70 findings too:

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I like some of the other older guys on this site get some really good questions about metal detecting. We older ones often know the drill, and that's why people ask us important questions. But now and then someone will ask one question right after the other, 10 or 20 questions in a row, and sometimes really petty questions that someone can answer all by themself in only 5 minutes of personal experimentation. So in a pleasant way, I'd like to say that asking questions about how to adjust the settings for every different use and every different metal detector is not something we would have a reason to remember, yet one guy hammered me with similar inquiries recently. I can remember every fraction and length of vinyl siding gable end pieces I put on a house - for a few weeks or even months, but remembering every possible setting on a metal detector would run into the hundreds or even thousands. For example; asking how an MXT compares to an ATP at each and every increase of discrimination or sensitivity and/or notch setting, and in each and every soil type, all outside temperature readings, humidities or other weather recordings, and in each or several States, etc - is just not something that a normal person would or could keep track of, or be interested in. Nor is it something that is static, guaranteed, or down-pat in any way. Thanks folks, just a heads up. Have a good one in your hunts and exploring today.. :icon_thumleft:

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Here is another comparison, for what it's worth. No, this is not my video, I have a slight German accent, he does not. Personally, I view the CZ's and the Fisher GBP as the best two new {{all-around}} metal detectors we can now buy, with the GBP a much better dry sand/tiny gold/beach machine, and the CZ a better relic/black sand/salt beach machine. Dave Johnson says the Gold Bug series is the best single frequency FT makes for salt beaches, even better than the F75. These two aforementioned Fishers most surely work better in high Fe soil than the ATP, and they discriminate better than the ATP too, as we can (somewhat) see here when they cancel the staples so much cleaner than the Garrett..

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I've been seeing GBP's selling for $350-400. If it is as good in iron as the F-19, as I suspect it would be since the 19 is almost identical except with a backlight,vbreak adjustment separate from disc, notch, and iron audio volume control, there's no doubt these are a good buy. I really don't use notch or move the vbreak above 39, so the GBP could have saved me $300!

F19 is a rockin little machine.....fast, super light, good depth.....everything you need!

Here is another comparison, for what it's worth. No, this is not my video, I have a slight German accent, he does not. Personally, I view the CZ's and the Fisher GBP as the best two new {{all-around}} metal detectors we can now buy, with the GBP a much better dry sand/tiny gold beach machine, and the CZ a better relic/black sand/salt beach machine. These Fishers most surely work better in high Fe soil than the ATP, and they discriminate better than the ATP too, as we can (somewhat) see here when they cancel the staples so much cleaner than the Garrett..

He was running pro-zero therefore you should hear the staples! If he wanted to "not" hear the staples he needed a little iron disc.....and this video really tells us nothing except which machine "he" prefers. And if you want to compare gold machines, the AT gold would be the much better comparison to the GBP.

I'm in the market for a detector. I came across a AT Pro on a site for $450. Comes with a coil cover, shoulder strap, universal headphone adapter, factory headphones, box, etc. I talked the guy down to $350 and thought that was a good deal for my first MD. This thread has effectively made me reconsider it all together. As there are many options, its easy to get confused. I'm tempted to just buy a compadre for $80 and call it a day. Since there are some very outspoken people here, what mid-range mds should i be considering.

My buddy scratched his AT Pro- it was yellow underneath.......

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