Head to Head Battle..Fisher CZ6 Vs Garrett AT Pro...

Dunnel, I don't think you are flying with the rest of the pigeons here. These folks are no dummies, they already know all the rhetoric and cover-up one-liners. They all have been through the discussions and the blame-error games. In your last statement, it appears that you don't know that many people live very far away from towns with detector sales shops in them, or that most shops don't have more than one or two brands in stock. It also appears that you are brand-loyal too, VERY brand-loyal. We all recognize that too, when it's obvious. So far, you have defended the ATP like it was you first and only child, so why is that? Do you own a different brand, another detector for comparison, or is an ATP your only one, or do have a detector at all? If not, then why not give one a try? Are you a shill for Garrett? There are more cars than Chevys and Ford in America, Toyotas and BMW's are made here too. I'm still trying to understand your defensiveness. How about enlightening me a bit? Thanks, Larry

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Dunnel, I don't think you are flying with the rest of the pigeons here. These folks are no dummies, they already know all the rhetoric and cover-up one-liners. They all have been through the discussions and the blame-error games. In your last statement, it appears that you don't know that many people live very far away from towns with detector sales shops in them, or that most shops don't have more than one or two brands in stock. It also appears that you are brand-loyal too, VERY brand-loyal. We all recognize that too, when it's obvious. So far, you have defended the ATP like it was you first and only child, so why is that? Do you own a different brand, another detector for comparison, or is an ATP your only one, or do have a detector at all? If not, then why not give one a try? Are you a shill for Garrett? There are more cars than Chevys and Ford in America, Toyotas and BMW's are made here too. I'm still trying to understand your defensiveness. How about enlightening me a bit? Thanks, Larry

Larry you really should stick to detecting. I own 9 machines, only 2 are Garretts and they just happen to be AT Pros. And all that from a guy who buys a beach machine thats not even waterproof. Now tell me all about brand loyalty. Just drop it. When my ATX gets here I'll see you in the soft sand, but not in the surf!

I think you are a Garrett shill Dunnell, I'd almost bet on it.:icon_thumleft:

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Dunnel, I don't think you are flying with the rest of the pigeons here. These folks are no dummies, they already know all the rhetoric and cover-up one-liners. They all have been through the discussions and the blame-error games. In your last statement, it appears that you don't know that many people live very far away from towns with detector sales shops in them, or that most shops don't have more than one or two brands in stock. It also appears that you are brand-loyal too, VERY brand-loyal. We all recognize that too, when it's obvious. So far, you have defended the ATP like it was you first and only child, so why is that? Do you own a different brand, another detector for comparison, or is an ATP your only one, or do have a detector at all? If not, then why not give one a try? Are you a shill for Garrett? There are more cars than Chevys and Ford in America, Toyotas and BMW's are made here too. I'm still trying to understand your defensiveness. How about enlightening me a bit? Thanks, Larry

My thoughts exactly.

I am confused....look at the todays finds forum and look what machine was used. The ATPRO seems to be doing just fine. But how is this since they suck and nobody is keeping them? Minelab machines seem to be finding plenty also....but these old style fishers im not seeing much from. Probably because the users are to busy icing their sore arm to post anything.

The reason that the ATP finds a lot of things is no different than the Ace 250 finding lots of them. Same goes for the F2, and the MXT when it first came out, and the old Red Baron and Compadre. The dector manufacturers pushed real hard sell onto potential customers, so a huge number of people went right down and bought them like they were 32 ouncer beers selling for a buck a bottle. Right now, the ATP has a lot of new owners, perhaps the most new owners since the F2, and before that the Ace 250. A flooded market creates more people using metal detectors, hence more finds. I can buy an ATP on eBay for $250 because there are beginning to be too many used ones up for sale, and that drops their market value substantially. It's more about hard sell, than quality that sells brand new items. In fact, an enormous numbers of people bought the ATP and the others long before anone even owned one, it's human nature for people to buy something that sounds good, when it fact it's not exactly what the company promised after all. For example, and probably the best one too. Barack Obama promised a lot of things to a lot of people, but so far, it hasn't turned out like he said it would at all. My neighbor even quit his job, because he thought he was going to get free money, free food, free housing, free transportation, and free everything. Now he is PO'd at the man for false claims, yet he voted for him twice. I know one woman who voted for Obama 10 times and two of her friends voted for him 12 times each, and they too are PO'd at him.

All these more recent detectors, (especially the cheaper ones) are by and large just a flash in the pan, because we are at the azimuth of metal detector technology, we have nowhere else to go. In truth, we are still using the same basic circuitry that was invented more than 35 years by George Payne. Whites is reportedly creating a new analytical detector, but that's because we are at the end of the line in technology (as Dave Johnson said in his engineering notes). So all that can be done now is to change the toys on them a bit here and there, and make them dance to a slightly different tune. The truth is, that there are now few differences between most newer vlf/multi-frequency detectors, including depth and discrimination capabilities. I watched a video the other day where an Ace 250 was staying right with even a Blisstool as far as depth in the soil in the Czech Republic, and it shocked me. Our next adventure will be some kind of radar or cold fusion or inducted magnetic image detector of some kind put into a smaller package. Right now, there are more F2's and ATP's being sold and traded than any other detector, including the F75. and it's because they are cheap, and Garrett like Whites did an enormous sales push and spent huge amounts of money on marketing, in order to sell them. The math goes like this: If a certain detector is selling 10 to 1 over others, it will likely produce up to 10x as many finds as a different one.. Personally, the only two things I would have a problem with in the ATP is its lack of depth and it's annoying "boing" when used in a certain mode. Other than that it seems that the initial problems concerning flimsy construction and its weak discrimination ID have for the most part been corrected.

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The reason that the ATP finds a lot of things is no different than the Ace 250 finding lots of them. Same goes for the F2, and the MXT when it first came out, and the old Red Baron and Compadre. The dector manufacturers pushed real hard sell onto potential customers, so a huge number of people went right down and bought them like they were 32 ouncer beers selling for a buck a bottle. Right now, the ATP has a lot of new owners, perhaps the most new owners since the F2, and before that the Ace 250. A flooded market creates more people using metal detectors, hence more finds. I can buy an ATP on eBay for $250 because there are beginning to be too many used ones up for sale, and that drops their market value substantially. It's more about hard sell, than quality that sells brand new items. In fact, an enormous numbers of people bought the ATP and the others long before anone even owned one, it's human nature for people to buy something that sounds good, when it fact it's not exactly what the company promised after all. For example, and probably the best one too. Barack Obama promised a lot of things to a lot of people, but so far, it hasn't turned out like he said it would at all. My neighbor even quit his job, because he thought he was going to get free money, free food, free housing, free transportation, and free everything. Now he is PO'd at the man for false claims, yet he voted for him twice. I know one woman who voted for Obama 10 times and two of her friends voted for him 12 times each, and they too are PO'd at him.

All these more recent detectors, (especially the cheaper ones) are by and large just a flash in the pan, because we are at the azimuth of metal detector technology, we have nowhere else to go. In truth, we are still using the same basic circuitry that was invented more than 35 years by George Payne. Whites is reportedly creating a new analytical detector, but that's because we are at the end of the line in technology (as Dave Johnson said in his engineering notes). So all that can be done now is to change the toys on them a bit here and there, and make them dance to a slightly different tune. The truth is, that there are now few differences between most newer vlf/multi-frequency detectors, including depth and discrimination capabilities. I watched a video the other day where an Ace 250 was staying right with even a Blisstool as far as depth in the soil in the Czech Republic, and it shocked me. Our next adventure will be some kind of radar or cold fusion or inducted magnetic image detector of some kind put into a smaller package. Right now, there are more F2's and ATP's being sold and traded than any other detector, including the F75. and it's because they are cheap, and Garrett like Whites did an enormous sales push and spent huge amounts of money on marketing, in order to sell them. The math goes like this: If a certain detector is selling 10 to 1 over others, it will likely produce up to 10x as many finds as a different one.. Personally, the only two things I would have a problem with in the ATP is its lack of depth and it's annoying "boing" when used in a certain mode. Other than that it seems that the initial problems concerning flimsy construction and its weak discrimination ID have for the most part been corrected.
Send us that link to the 250.00 ebay AT Pro. I will be waiting patiently but I'm sure it shouldn't take too long.

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Just for the record: Garrett AT PRO Metal detector Reviews

And for popularity comparison: Fisher CZ 3D Metal Detector Reviews

whites: Whites MXT Tracker Metal Detector Reviews

ML: http://metaldetectorreviews.net/detectors/232-1-minelabxterra705.html

The Whites and the Fisher got the best ratings, the ATP the worst. I am not sure why though.. It is rather easy to see that a lot of people went out and bought them, look at all the reviews!

Maybe you misread your own statement. I asked for your ebay link to the 250.00 AT Pros. I'd like to add a 3rd one to my arsenal. Have cash, waiting for link . .....

No, no mistake here Dave, I said I (can) buy one on eBay for $250, but I didn't say "right now." I don't sell them, but there is beginning to be a flood of them on the market. I saw one on eBay recently (not today) for $250 but they don't stay there long. I've seen them for that price on other detector sites too. I bought a Compadre for $25 just 50 miles from here at Christmas time. That too is dirt cheap. BTW, I didn't see your post asking about the link - until just now.

I'll look around for a cheap one..

There is a bid on one for $370 on this site below right now! End date is Feb 08. If you look around, you can beat this price too.. http://www.midwestcoinandrelichunters.com/modules.php?name=RSS_Feed_Garrett

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No, no mistake here Dave, I said I (can) buy one on eBay for $250, but I didn't say "right now." I don't sell them, but there is beginning to be a flood of them on the market. I saw one on eBay recently (not today) for $250 but they don't stay there long. I've seen them for that price on other detector sites too. I bought a Compadre for $25 just 50 miles from here at Christmas time. That too is dirt cheap. BTW, I didn't see your post asking about the link - until just now.

I'll look around for a cheap one..

LOL....thats about what I expected.....as did evrryone else I imagine.

One in Frisco right now for $480, on Craigslist. It's the first town I checked. Prices are much cheaper in the deep south, because of the bad economy. It's easy to talk some people down, especially for me, I'm a Jew, it's built in. All you have to do is search, that's how to get the cheap prices, nobody helps a man as well as he helps himself. Gary (G.A.P.) is right, they go for real cheap, all you have to do is look for them..they aren't going to lay down like a puppy on their back while you scratch their belly for them.. :icon_thumleft:

What most people don't realize is that there are more Ace 250's used out there now than any other detector, and almost as many ATP's.. It's simple economics, availability sets the price just as it does when we have a glut on oil, like right now.

BTW dunnell, I still think you are a shill for Garrett, but I could be wrong. I'm not even sure you own a detector, right? I don't even see one detector listed on your info, and only 23 posts in the last 15 months? Hmmm...? Something just doesn't seem right..

I'll just ask you point blank, do you work for, or are you a shill for Garrett?

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One in Frisco right now for $480, on Craigslist. It's easy to talk some people down, especially for me, I'm a Jew, it's built in. All you have to do is search, that's how to get the cheap prices, nobody helps a man as well as he helps himself. G.A.P is right, they go for real cheap, all you have to do is look for them..they aren't going to lay down like a puppy on their back while you scratch their belly for them.. :icon_thumleft:
All I asked was for your link to the 250.00 ebay ATPro. You stated you could buy......usually that would be taken as "right now". But I am a patient man so whenever is fine.....you can even PM it to me if you'd like. I've got a sniper coil I'd like to put on one!

I`m sure that there was one on the classifieds here for 300.00 just look ....all you have to do is look ....I`d appreciate it if you would look for yourself....and quit unstinting that we are not telling the truth.

I`m sure that there was one on the classifieds here for 300.00 just look ....all you have to do is look ....I`d appreciate it if you would look for yourself....and quit unstinting that we are not telling the truth.

300 isn't a bad price but for 50.00 I can hold out!!

I'm with you Gary, there is no sense in anyone calling someone a liar on here, which essentially is what is happening. Dunnell, as nicely as I can put it, you are becoming a proverbial pain for two people, perhaps others in here too. Lets stop the nonsense and act like adults. I'd appreciate it, so would Gary.

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I'm with you Gary, there is no sense in anyone calling someone a liar on here, which essentially is what is happening. Dunnell, as nicely as I can put it, you are becoming a proverbial pain for two people, perhaps others in here too. Lets stop the nonsense and act like adults, I'd appreciate it, so would Gary.

Wow you guys sound paranoid. Im sure your claims of 250.00 AT Pros are valid. I'd just like to get in on that deal. No need for false accusations, nobodys been called a liar. I look on ebay all the time.....must have missed em......just looking for a lil help and the link would help to validate your claims and help me out all at the same time!!

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