Head to Head Battle..Fisher CZ6 Vs Garrett AT Pro...

I have also seen Fisher F-5s Minelabs 705s/505s and Tek. Omega,White`s M-6... selling for a lot less that they are worth....dose not make them bad machines.
Some just get mad cuz they can`t operate any detector...or fell for the notion that they could get rich quick with a detector....or thought they had a leed to something that did not pan out.
Tax time people buy hoping to find enough to pay off the detector....what they find is they don`t have time to put into the hobby to make it fun.....get mad and sell for peanuts.....AND now need the money quick for the rent .

I have also seen Fisher F-5s Minelabs 705s/505s and Tek. Omega,White`s M-6... selling for a lot less that they are worth....dose not make them bad machines.
Some just get mad cuz they can`t operate any detector...or fell for the notion that they could get rich quick with a detector....or thought they had a leed to something that did not pan out.
Tax time people buy hoping to find enough to pay off the detector....what they find is they don`t have time to put into the hobby to make it fun.....get mad and sell for peanuts.....AND now need the money quick for the rent .
As stated before I owned 9 machines but have recently sold 2. I like any machine that works. I could care less what anyone else uses. To each their own! Anyways back to original subject......looking for the mystical 250.00 AT Pro ! ! I also noticed on Larrys links showing the AT Pro coming in last didn't even include the original detectors this thread was started over.....thats some funny stuff right there!! HH!!


I'll buy all the $250 AT Pro's that are available. Waiting for the PM's at that price.

Well, I'm very disappointed. I searched all the eBay sold listings available and only came up with one that sold for $352 back in early November. Most were in the mid $400 and higher. Those buyers must be very ignorant for paying that much when there are supposed to be so many available for $250. I, also, searched all of the craigslist listings within 1000 miles of me to no avail. I'm sitting here with cash in hand to buy at least 10 AT Pro's at $250, but there don't seem to be many sellers after all. Seems like saying they're available for $250 might be an ignorant statement to make. Just sayin'...

I don`t know what "unstinting " means...that`s what spell checker came up with on my spelling....is this the first time you saw a misspelled word on here...or are you just tryin to be a jerk ?

I don`t know what "unstinting " means...that`s what spell checker came up with on my spelling....is this the first time you saw a misspelled word on here...or are you just tryin to be a jerk ?

Oh, I see misspelled words all the time. I even misspell some myself. I was just trying to understand what you were saying as I am not familiar with that word, and wanted to make sure I understood your point. There's no need to stoop to calling someone a jerk for asking a question, unless you are ignorant at using the English language and don't know any other way to get your point across.

By the way, I've only been involved in this hobby for 43 years, owned my own detector business for 20 years and written only one book on the subject, so I'm sure you're much smarter than I.

Good hunting...

Hey Hunter
every thing is cool....what`s the name of your book ?
Is it still in print and where can i find it .love reading anything on metal detecting.

Maybe he is just trying to be realistic and kind of a smart azz...you know... to fit in with this thread.
I have never seen an at pro for sale for $250......even the early ones without the cam locks.
If you have proof of a $250 at pro....POST IT.
I have come to the conclusion that the Garrett AT Pro is the one machine to folks that use other machines like to hate the most.
Must be a decent competitor...maybe not the best.....but good enough for all you haters to waste your time telling us how it can't find a 7" deep quarter, or that it sucks so buy a "better" machine.

Hey Hunter
every thing is cool....what`s the name of your book ?
Is it still in print and where can i find it .love reading anything on metal detecting.

Yes, all is well Gary.

The title of the book is: "Finding Rings with the Minelab Sovereign and Excalibur". The second printing is still listed for sale on the Research Unlimited site. We tested more than 1000 rings that were dug using both machines. Although the book is small, there wasn't a lot of fluff added to fill it up, if you know what I mean. All the tips and hints that we learned using those detectors, along with where the rings fell on the SunRay meter, was included in the book with the hope of helping others with their use. It's a pretty old book, written in '97 with the second printing done in 2004. It was a fun project.

I, too, enjoy reading all I can to further my knowledge of this hobby. Although I have had to quit several times due to back issues (degenerative disc disease), I always come back with new meds trying to hunt some more.


Maybe he is just trying to be realistic and kind of a smart azz...you know... to fit in with this thread.
I have never seen an at pro for sale for $250......even the early ones without the cam locks.
If you have proof of a $250 at pro....POST IT.
I have come to the conclusion that the Garrett AT Pro is the one machine to folks that use other machines like to hate the most.
Must be a decent competitor...maybe not the best.....but good enough for all you haters to waste your time telling us how it can't find a 7" deep quarter, or that it sucks so buy a "better" machine.

I'm guessing it was just an exaggeration to get a point across. I'm sure we've all been guilty of that at one time or another. The AT Pro is an excellent instrument as are just about all the units available today. I think some of us tend to pump up what we like, and become blind to the ability of others since we aren't using them at the present. I think it's much better to share the information we know about the various units on the market in order to help our fellow detectorists, rather than fight each other about "my dad can beat up your dad" scenarios. After all, I hope most of us are all in this for the same reasons, a satisfying hobby to help us escape from the rigors of everyday life. At least that's what it has been for me.

Anyway, enough of all that. Let's share information about how to become better at one of the best hobbies ever.

Good hunting everybody...

Forgot to mention, I've got to get away from the computer, and go out in the garage to try to get more done on my car that I've been working on for the last 7 years. It's a complete ground up, nut and bolt, build Then I can spend some free time detecting when the weather gets a little warmer. In my old age, I hate being cold...

I have not herd of your book...but i have herd others talking about a test done with over a 1000 rings.
That must be the book they saw....very cool....maybe you could start a thread on your book...not to sell it ...buy to show others the ins and outs of hunting rings.
I for one would be interested in that...and think other would as well.
Over the years i have developed into a colonial relic hunter...but do find an old ring once in a while.

The ATpros here on Craigslist for anything less than $500 are gone within days....and when you compare what they cost new, the F75's are not holding their value as good as the ATpro's. And you can buy used CZ-3d's for 450-500 all day. They cost nearly a grand new.....so now which machine is holding its value? I posted a nasa Tom tuned CZ on craigslist for 3 weeks at $600....got one bite and when he showed up he offered me 400....

I have not herd of your book...but i have herd others talking about a test done with over a 1000 rings.
That must be the book they saw....very cool....maybe you could start a thread on your book...not to sell it ...buy to show others the ins and outs of hunting rings.
I for one would be interested in that...and think other would as well.
Over the years i have developed into a colonial relic hunter...but do find an old ring once in a while.

Actually, I have been thinking of coming up with a way to post the entire book on the various forums. One problem I have is that the original photos that were in the book have been lost over the years. I have the book in MS Publisher format that does have the photos, but can't seem to get them out of that format. The text is no problem, but the photos of all the rings in the different meter readings was fairly impressive. If someone knows how to extract the photos from the publisher files, I would appreciate the info. I will post the book on the forums at some point if there is enough interest. I don't know how many are still using the Sovereigns and Excaliburs, but I would think there is something in the book that may still be helpful...

The ATpros here on Craigslist for anything less than $500 are gone within days....and when you compare what they cost new, the F75's are not holding their value as good as the ATpro's. And you can buy used CZ-3d's for 450-500 all day. They cost nearly a grand new.....so now which machine is holding its value? I posted a nasa Tom tuned CZ on craigslist for 3 weeks at $600....got one bite and when he showed up he offered me 400....

I know what you mean. Lowballs are standard anymore...

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