Gotta tell you....if you thought processes are right. I feel like a potato or some other genetically altered vegetable that has been cultivated for harvest. Genetic Clock?......I am by no means try to debunk your ideas, but I would like to add one of my favorite lines of business, survival and life in general.
"Necessity is the mother of invention"
Lamar Wrote:
"Because the pyramid shape is so perfectly suited to to withstand long term effects of errosion and deteroration, practically all pryamids which were constructed thousands of years ago remain standing today. In order to further understand that the construction of pyramids by many different ancient socitities are totally unrelated to each other, one must first grasp the concept that man is man. We are NOT truly unigue individuals, we are a very highly evolved species, yet as men, we all share certain common genetic markers with one another and with our common ancestors."
There were lots of other societies that didn't build pyramids, but they did build other forms of architecture. Pueblo Indians? How did the pyramid structure have similar religous uses around the world? Temples & tombs on most occaisons.
Genetic markers.....I do believe that a human is a human for the most part, but their evolution is determined by more than genetics. Enviroment and survival come into play, which can influence different cultures in different ways. I would go along the lines of more genetic modifications than predetermined markers.
Typically in mankind's development things were developed to progress the needs of man. A genetic alarm clock would scar the pants off of me, but I also know that there are still tribes out there that are very undevelped compared to the modern world (guess they hit the snooze button a few times).
This same individual uniqueness is further evidenced in the design and construction of pyramids. All ancient pyramid building socitities had pyramids, yet each socititys' pyramids are markedly different from all other ancient socitities. The pyramids of Eygpt had outer shells stuccoed to them, to make them appear as smooth, brillant white structures, while the ones in lower Mexico and Central America were adorned with carvings and outer stairways leading to the top, etc.
Pyramids from around the world are different due to a number of factors which I believe are due to two main reasons. Resources and break down of knowledge. It is logical that pyramids from around the world would be different due to resources in each area. Different building materials would make architecture change to suit its needs. Second, if pyramid building knowledge came from the same source, then the information would have been passed down through the generations until it was actually put into use. Thus it would have slowly changed from the original (the grape vine theory).
The dragons:
Now, we all know that dragons do not exist, and they never did exist. Dragons were a way for early humans to attempt understanding that which they could not understand, and so, all socities of humans incorporated dragons into their tribal legends. The Chinese, Europeans, the Egyptians, all of the Asians, and even the Australian aborigines had tales of dragons. This does not mean that dragons were flying about in those days, what it means is that our common ancestors had a need to apply a focus to their unrealized fears and so, in making the dragon a reality, they were able to place all of the unforeseen bad and evil parts of their existence into one flying creature.
Little Dragons did exist in the forms of lizards & Snakes. I am not sure how everyone else would feel on this particular subject but out of all the animals on earth......reptiles have some of the most intimidating features not to mention that they are some of the best genetically engineered hunters. Societies of old did put many of their peranoid fears into "scary" forms. I however, do not truely understand how this "world wide" fear of dragons came to be if there was never any kind of dragon. It seems that embelishment of reptiles to put visual meaning to fears is aweful coincedental.
The answer is that all of us, as members of the human species, share common thought threads. In other words, we all think alike, inside of the parameters of our society. For example, man discovered the benefits of fire throughout his world, at roughly the same time. This is not to state that one super-human travelled the world over, bringing the knowledge of fire with him, rather, the genetic markers inside of all humans responded at roughly the same time period.
I'm not sure about the think alike.....BB didnt' seem to think like some of the others on this post. In fact, to many folks it made him seem outlandish at times, but it did change or at least make us speculate about other possibilities. Fire isn't to difficult to understand for me anyway. Even today fires are started naturally by our enviroment. Man, being smart enought to put 2 and 2 togther would have noticed from tool making that the sparks from chipping could eventually make fire. It is known that this task was not easy and tribes tended to always "keep a fire burning" so that they didn't have to recreate. Necessity, being the mother of invention, makes me think that cooking food may have had some type of beginnings as a need. Poor food quality would cause sickness. Fully cooking food kills the viral and bacterial bodies in a food. Simply put, it may have been learned to decrease illness and other health problems within a society.
Mankind and all species tend to adapt to the times.......if they don't, we call them extinct!
How is this one for an outlandish theory?
Many ideas put together make think that this scenario is plausable. I believe that there was an Atlantis/Aztlan of some sorts. they may have even been around at the same time and been rival or simply sister nations. Due to some unknown rise in oceanic levels, these nations were all but wiped out almost instantly. We can see signs of this from hundreds of underwater cities that have been discovered today and even the bohemi roads (spelling?). If this is the case, most likely only a few "city dewelers" survived leaving only less developed tribes and exhiled folks remaining. One can imagine that the bulk of the intelectual crowd and even recorded history drown. Civilizations typically began around coastal regions due to a plentiful food source and soil yeilding high level crops. It would have taken the remainder of surving mankind many years to recover and begin building again and since basic concepts (like pyramids) were known they were later used and redeveloped, but each new nation with a different perspective.
I had fun with this post....y'all get in there in tear it up! Happy Holidays.
Gotta tell you....if you thought processes are right. I feel like a potato or some other genetically altered vegetable that has been cultivated for harvest. Genetic Clock?......I am by no means try to debunk your ideas, but I would like to add one of my favorite lines of business, survival and life in general.
"Necessity is the mother of invention"
Lamar Wrote:
"Because the pyramid shape is so perfectly suited to to withstand long term effects of errosion and deteroration, practically all pryamids which were constructed thousands of years ago remain standing today. In order to further understand that the construction of pyramids by many different ancient socitities are totally unrelated to each other, one must first grasp the concept that man is man. We are NOT truly unigue individuals, we are a very highly evolved species, yet as men, we all share certain common genetic markers with one another and with our common ancestors."
There were lots of other societies that didn't build pyramids, but they did build other forms of architecture. Pueblo Indians? How did the pyramid structure have similar religous uses around the world? Temples & tombs on most occaisons.
Genetic markers.....I do believe that a human is a human for the most part, but their evolution is determined by more than genetics. Enviroment and survival come into play, which can influence different cultures in different ways. I would go along the lines of more genetic modifications than predetermined markers.
Typically in mankind's development things were developed to progress the needs of man. A genetic alarm clock would scar the pants off of me, but I also know that there are still tribes out there that are very undevelped compared to the modern world (guess they hit the snooze button a few times).
This same individual uniqueness is further evidenced in the design and construction of pyramids. All ancient pyramid building socitities had pyramids, yet each socititys' pyramids are markedly different from all other ancient socitities. The pyramids of Eygpt had outer shells stuccoed to them, to make them appear as smooth, brillant white structures, while the ones in lower Mexico and Central America were adorned with carvings and outer stairways leading to the top, etc.
Pyramids from around the world are different due to a number of factors which I believe are due to two main reasons. Resources and break down of knowledge. It is logical that pyramids from around the world would be different due to resources in each area. Different building materials would make architecture change to suit its needs. Second, if pyramid building knowledge came from the same source, then the information would have been passed down through the generations until it was actually put into use. Thus it would have slowly changed from the original (the grape vine theory).
The dragons:
Now, we all know that dragons do not exist, and they never did exist. Dragons were a way for early humans to attempt understanding that which they could not understand, and so, all socities of humans incorporated dragons into their tribal legends. The Chinese, Europeans, the Egyptians, all of the Asians, and even the Australian aborigines had tales of dragons. This does not mean that dragons were flying about in those days, what it means is that our common ancestors had a need to apply a focus to their unrealized fears and so, in making the dragon a reality, they were able to place all of the unforeseen bad and evil parts of their existence into one flying creature.
Little Dragons did exist in the forms of lizards & Snakes. I am not sure how everyone else would feel on this particular subject but out of all the animals on earth......reptiles have some of the most intimidating features not to mention that they are some of the best genetically engineered hunters. Societies of old did put many of their peranoid fears into "scary" forms. I however, do not truely understand how this "world wide" fear of dragons came to be if there was never any kind of dragon. It seems that embelishment of reptiles to put visual meaning to fears is aweful coincedental.
The answer is that all of us, as members of the human species, share common thought threads. In other words, we all think alike, inside of the parameters of our society. For example, man discovered the benefits of fire throughout his world, at roughly the same time. This is not to state that one super-human travelled the world over, bringing the knowledge of fire with him, rather, the genetic markers inside of all humans responded at roughly the same time period.
I'm not sure about the think alike.....BB didnt' seem to think like some of the others on this post. In fact, to many folks it made him seem outlandish at times, but it did change or at least make us speculate about other possibilities. Fire isn't to difficult to understand for me anyway. Even today fires are started naturally by our enviroment. Man, being smart enought to put 2 and 2 togther would have noticed from tool making that the sparks from chipping could eventually make fire. It is known that this task was not easy and tribes tended to always "keep a fire burning" so that they didn't have to recreate. Necessity, being the mother of invention, makes me think that cooking food may have had some type of beginnings as a need. Poor food quality would cause sickness. Fully cooking food kills the viral and bacterial bodies in a food. Simply put, it may have been learned to decrease illness and other health problems within a society.
Mankind and all species tend to adapt to the times.......if they don't, we call them extinct!
How is this one for an outlandish theory?
Many ideas put together make think that this scenario is plausable. I believe that there was an Atlantis/Aztlan of some sorts. they may have even been around at the same time and been rival or simply sister nations. Due to some unknown rise in oceanic levels, these nations were all but wiped out almost instantly. We can see signs of this from hundreds of underwater cities that have been discovered today and even the bohemi roads (spelling?). If this is the case, most likely only a few "city dewelers" survived leaving only less developed tribes and exhiled folks remaining. One can imagine that the bulk of the intelectual crowd and even recorded history drown. Civilizations typically began around coastal regions due to a plentiful food source and soil yeilding high level crops. It would have taken the remainder of surving mankind many years to recover and begin building again and since basic concepts (like pyramids) were known they were later used and redeveloped, but each new nation with a different perspective.
I had fun with this post....y'all get in there in tear it up! Happy Holidays.