has montezumas tomb been found ...?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

BB Humble apologies, I found that MY ignore button on you had been activated, how?? I have yet to put "anyone"on ignore, not even djuicy or ORO. snicker snicker

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Real de Tayopa said:
morning BB: first please take me off of the ignore thingie if you wish me to answer you, it always says "this user is currently ignored"? While it is no problem to access the posts, it is a bit annoying.

When the Tayopa mines were shut down, they had many mule trains in transit to Matamorros. Most cargos were simply left in the underground vaults which were used to store the cargos overnight. Many of those mission still have their cargos intact underground. In fact this explains why some, small out of the out of the way, "unnamed" missions have accidentally yielded large unidentified deposits of metal.

I have one that the Indians want me to relocate. Their ancestors claimed that one of these mule trains of metal was left there. The resident Jesuit representative left their ancestors in charge when he left. The present gen of Indians clearly understand the value and use of Gold & Silver today. They feel no obligation to the Jesuits anymore.

It is possible that some of the mule trains jefes ( leaders, boss) were not too dedicated to the Jesuit efforts and taking advantage of the hectic conditions, may have diverted their mules north to the Superstitions, this would tend to fit into your theories.?

Interesting possible connection. This would take place in the 1600's in the original period and possibly in the late 1700's in the last.

DonJose de La Mancha

RDT i dont have you on ingore .. i never did lol ...and yes that is what i am tinking about,, that this site is hidden from the out side world ..why i dont know but i am going to try to find out why...

i am sorry about the pictures when i try to blow them up i lose quality , so i wont waste your time posting any more photos ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Afternoon room: Just a side thingie, BB has a visual problem. Perhaps he is focusing his camera for him to see clearly, but it certainly would not be clear for us in the final development and printing..

Parker, your offer of a self focusing camera might clear up this problem.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

i wonder if the poor quality photos could be intentional....na ...


  • their they go again.webp
    their they go again.webp
    79.9 KB · Views: 384
Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

maybe its because i was being watched and my hand was shakeing ...or .maybe its to far away for a clear photo


  • pic com 2.webp
    pic com 2.webp
    11.3 KB · Views: 379
Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Greetings amigos,

Blindbowman thank you for the effort, sorry to say that I can't make out anything in particular in the photos. Just my own opinion but I would have thought the leather bags to be particularly interesting and would have made an effort to get good photos of them, along with something in the photos for scale/reference. That is just me though, as I mentioned earlier I have no remote-viewing abilities to be relying on, which Blindbowman has and is.

I have had an 'epiphany' of sorts in regards to these sites of Blindbowman's - while I remain un-convinced of what they might be, if they are anything remarkable at all - I am now convinced that for Blindbowman, it is "Tayopa", the "Lost Dutchman mine" a "lost church", the "tomb of Montezuma", a "Templars site" and "Aztlan" all rolled into one. I have probably left out some of the previous theories in this brief list, but these sites are those also for Blindbowman. He has said repeatedly that he "sees" what no one else sees, and these visions are literal reality for him, regardless of how estranged from the reality and history as I understand it, it is not necessary to fit with history and/or reality since it is reality/history for him.

Carry on gentlemen, I am mired in the pedestrian version of history which has Tayopa still in Mexico, the Superstitions being a place of its' own legends such as the Lost Dutchman mine and the 'frozen people' of Pima legend, etc. It is fun to theorize/speculate/postulate various ideas, but unfortunately for me I need different types of evidence before I can leap from one "possible" to another "possible".

Don Real de Tayopa wrote:
morning BB: first please take me off of the ignore thingie if you wish me to answer you, it always says "this user is currently ignored"? While it is no problem to access the posts, it is a bit annoying.

followed by...

BB Humble apologies, I found that MY ignore button on you had been activated, how?? I have yet to put "anyone"on ignore, not even djuicy or ORO. snicker snicker

:o ??? ::) :D :laughing7: :laughing1: :laughing11: :laughing3: :laughing9: Oh thank you mi amigo Jose', I desperately needed a good laugh! Now are you willing to admit that when it comes to silver and gold, even the vaunted Real de Tayopa can get excited? snicker snicker :laughing3: :icon_jokercolor: :tongue3:

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you all find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

I'm not sure what there is to misunderstand, we just can't make out the details in the photos of the church/cross and Tayopa wording you were trying to show. You have to admit BB, you've posted some crystal clear photos of mountains and have commented a number of times in regards to the high quality of the camera equipment you take with you - most of us are just commenting that it's difficult to make out any specific details in your close up photos. There's not alot to misunderstand there.

I sense an irritation on your part that somehow we're questioning your finds when at this point all some of us are doing is questioning whether you have higher quality photos to show.

And as far as the "old mule trail" that you posted there - I have the added benefit now of having tried to follow some old trails out there last week. That appears to be a pretty well traveled path in my opinion. I spent about 3-4 hours following what was supposed to be a trail down West Boulder Canyon from the saddle to Willow Spring and the majority of it was spent bushwhacking my way without seeing hide nor hair of any real trail - and THAT trail is listed on my GPS. :)

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

i dont share many of the better quality photos i do have ..

Now THAT is what I would have expected as an answer - that's what I would do as well. :wink:

I checked my GPS readings and this photo was taken from 0.7 miles away from your heart mountain.


You're right that I probably couldn't get small details to come out, but that's ~1200 yards. I'll have to play around a bit and see what I can focus in on from 200 yards or so just for the heck of it.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

No idea why you removed all your posts from today BB, but I'll answer your question anyways I guess. I was in
LaBarge Canyon a couple times: 1) When I hiked the loop from Canyon Lake Trailhead to the Paint Mine and back and 2) When I did the loop from Peralta Trailhead to Charlebois Spring and back.

Unless I'm mistaken, LaBarge doesn't run anywhere west of Weaver's Needle - but then again, I'm pretty much a newb out there at this point, so I may have missed a portion.

I WAS in West Boulder Canyon for quite some time though, and that's west of Weaver's Needle, but to be honest I wasn't really in any position to do that much exploring on this trip. I was pretty much out there to hike as much as I could and get a decent "lay of the land" so to speak so when I read about things I can picture their approximate locations in my mind.

Are you sure you were talking about La Barge Canyon?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


Even though I asked bowman two times about this statement, he never gave me a reply:



"thats a level 9 climb"

Can you tell us what made you rate it a "level 9 climb"? Is that your own rating system, or one of the accepted systems used in mountaineering? If it's the later, which one?




Did you see anything that looked like a "level 9 climb".....whatever that is?

As I have mentioned before, I doubted bowman's "site" would require more than a bag of peanuts, bottle of water......and you are there. What would be of even more interest, would be how many glass jugs of nitro you saw.

Let's see........on your first trip into the interior of the mountains, you made an easy hike, average effort climb and found what has been hidden for...........well, that depends on which bowman legend of the day is in play.

Considering the terrain they passed through to reach this spot, it's amazing that's the best the Aztecs could do, just to pick one legend out of the bunch.

Joe Ribaudo

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Level 9 climb!!! :tard: :tard: :tard:

Yeah right! What the hell is a level 9? Jeesh. I've been all round the area that Bowman claims he is searching and I gotta tell ya, that area is flatter than some of the major trails out there.

Who wants some coffee? :coffee2:

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Cubfan64 said:
No idea why you removed all your posts from today BB, but I'll answer your question anyways I guess. I was in
LaBarge Canyon a couple times: 1) When I hiked the loop from Canyon Lake Trailhead to the Paint Mine and back and 2) When I did the loop from Peralta Trailhead to Charlebois Spring and back.

Unless I'm mistaken, LaBarge doesn't run anywhere west of Weaver's Needle - but then again, I'm pretty much a newb out there at this point, so I may have missed a portion.

I WAS in West Boulder Canyon for quite some time though, and that's west of Weaver's Needle, but to be honest I wasn't really in any position to do that much exploring on this trip. I was pretty much out there to hike as much as I could and get a decent "lay of the land" so to speak so when I read about things I can picture their approximate locations in my mind.

Are you sure you were talking about La Barge Canyon?

no ,weavers would be west of you and you would be east of it ...

i have not found anything ,, thats my story and i am sticking to it ...!

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

the blindbowman said:
Cubfan64 said:
No idea why you removed all your posts from today BB, but I'll answer your question anyways I guess. I was in
LaBarge Canyon a couple times: 1) When I hiked the loop from Canyon Lake Trailhead to the Paint Mine and back and 2) When I did the loop from Peralta Trailhead to Charlebois Spring and back.

Unless I'm mistaken, LaBarge doesn't run anywhere west of Weaver's Needle - but then again, I'm pretty much a newb out there at this point, so I may have missed a portion.

I WAS in West Boulder Canyon for quite some time though, and that's west of Weaver's Needle, but to be honest I wasn't really in any position to do that much exploring on this trip. I was pretty much out there to hike as much as I could and get a decent "lay of the land" so to speak so when I read about things I can picture their approximate locations in my mind.

Are you sure you were talking about La Barge Canyon?

no ,weavers would be west of you and you would be east of it ...

i have not found anything ,, thats my story and i am sticking to it ...!

I must have misunderstood you and can't go back and recheck your question because it's gone. I had thought you asked me if I had checked west of Weavers Needle in La Barge Canyon - my mistake.

Regardless, other than my climb up to the one spot you suggested I check, I just wasn't in a position or equipped to really do any effective "searching" for anything. As I mentioned, my main goals involved a week alone away from work, enjoying some strenuous effort, enjoying the spring in the desert mountains and getting myself acquainted with the terrain and the surroundings so I can better picture things in my mind.

Any real exploring will be done down the road either with the help of some folks who really know the area well and have spent years adventuring out there, or alone but well prepared for an extended stay in one of the more remote areas.

The one thing that stuck in my head from my weeks worth of wanderings is that I have no doubt there are many things left out there to be discovered - be it precious metals, caches, relics or native american artifacts.

Joe - I have no clue how to judge the rating of any climb. I rate it based on how many times I have to stop, how tired I get, how long it takes and whether I risk falling.

I don't recall how long it took to climb up there - I do recall resting briefly several times and about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way up I left my backpack at a spot and went the rest of the way less burdened. I think the height increase was from ~2900' to 3800' or so. Once I was up there, it would have taken quite awhile to really search all over - it was fairly steep with loose rock all over and plenty of brush. If I were going to really investigate the whole area up there it would have taken quite a bit of the day - to get from point A to point B looked like it should be an easy straight line, but took alot more maneuvering to actually get there. I had too many things I wanted to do to spend an entire day up there.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Djui5 wrote:
Who wants some coffee? :coffee2:

Ah Randy mi amigo you are a man after my own heart! YES the answer is always YES when coffee is concerned! :thumbsup: :coffee2:


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


Bowman has been here around sixteen months and the ride has been exciting, but seldom on the track. He has made so many statements of "fact" which are patently false, that it has become an ongoing joke. I don't believe you have followed him from day one, so it would be difficult for you to judge the entire picture.

It has been obvious to many of us, that a number of bowman's posts were made in an altered state of mind. whether that was a direct result of drugs, or a flashback episode is anyone's guess. Another factor, which he has mentioned on another site, is that he claims to be taking med's......which should not surprise anyone.

While none of us know bowman, that I am aware of, we have sixteen months of brilliant madness to judge him by. All of us have exposed ourselves to that same kind of judgement, and may not look much better......including me. In the process, I have been told off more than once and offended friends any number of times.

After awhile, we all get to know the other guys quirks and, hopefully, that knowledge enables us to speak our minds....without drawing blood, just like old friends.

What has really impressed me about your week in the Superstitions, is how you took the time to get the overall picture of the range. You stayed out of trouble while covering as much ground as you could. I know you saw some things that fairly shouted for you to take a closer look...... just as the mountains will be calling you for the rest of your life. I believe they were speaking to you before you ever laid eyes on them.

I felt the same pull as a young man of thirteen. Fifty years later, we are still more than best friends.

Take care,


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

What has really impressed me about your week in the Superstitions, is how you took the time to get the overall picture of the range. You stayed out of trouble while covering as much ground as you could. I know you saw some things that fairly shouted for you to take a closer look...... just as the mountains will be calling you for the rest of your life. I believe they were speaking to you before you ever laid eyes on them.

I felt the same pull as a young man of thirteen. Fifty years later, we are still more than best friends.

I guess I just looked at it from a practical perspective. You're correct that on NUMEROUS occassions I had the strong desire to just go exploring, but deep down I knew I wasn't prepared (in more than one way) to be doing that yet - it just wouldn't have been a smart thing to do.

I think I've mentioned it before, but I absolutely detest following along on a well trodden path when hiking. I grew up in southern Michigan with a creek, ponds, fields, orchards and woods back behind my house. My absolute favorite memories are from the summer days when I was ~9-12 years old and I'd pack myself some things to eat and drink, grab my pellet gun and be gone exploring from morning until dusk. I can't even begin to tell all the stories of things I did on those days - just suffice to say it had a large part of producing who I am today. I often find myself thinking about today's generation of kids who aren't allowed to enjoy what it's like to wander aimlessly all day long, or who's idea of excitement is playing a first person shooter on your computer while the sun is shining outside... I'm sure every generation eventually has the same feeling - "boy how times have changed." I guess it's a sign that I'm getting old.

The only thing I regret is that somewhere along the line I fell into the trap of thinking that to be grown up and responsible I had to push adventure and imagination aside, when it turns out those are the things that help give life real meaning. I'll be 44 this year and I intend to strive to make up for lost time.

I don't think the "pull" you refer to is isolated to just the Superstition Mountains - I feel it all around me these days. I've had a desire for many years to see the Inca ruins in Ecuador and Peru and I'm slowly making plans to visit there as soon as I'm able. Maybe this is what a midlife crises is :)

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


"I must have misunderstood you and can't go back and recheck your question because it's gone. I had thought you asked me if I had checked west of Weavers Needle in La Barge Canyon - my mistake."

No mistake Dude! i read the post also and that is what he asked.......... :tard: Im sure thats why he pulled it so quick after he figured out his mistake.
He was asking if you found anything west of weavers , Like its just gonna jump up and smack you in the head when you get close !!!! Funny thing is his evidence of something serious going on is the LACK of evidence to be found as it was covered up so well as to leave no trace behind......wtf......forces of Nature alone takes care of that situation! and in the supers if your not within arms reach of something chances are your gonna miss it.
Many a good man has wasted away there lives chasing dreams of gold in the supers.....I just like to be outdoors and enjoy the hiking there as its in my backyard and get to see them everyday.
Enjoy them for what they are......if your interested in TH'ing join up with Cptbil and his bud Doc they are more then willing to have good people hang with them to search for this and that............BB hasnt much to offer other then tall tales and blurry pictures
Carry On

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

T.Parker said:

"I must have misunderstood you and can't go back and recheck your question because it's gone. I had thought you asked me if I had checked west of Weavers Needle in La Barge Canyon - my mistake."

No mistake Dude! i read the post also and that is what he asked.......... :tard: Im sure thats why he pulled it so quick after he figured out his mistake.

Not surprising ::) ::) ::)

Many a good man has wasted away there lives chasing dreams of gold in the supers.
Carry On

Oh it's back there :) Believe me. There are a lot of great "treasures" back there, just most people walk right past them or don't know about them. Lots of mines in the Supers, even on the West end. Yes, there is Gold on the West side too, just not much of it to be found lying around :)

Aside from that it's a fascinating place to hike. I love the views and smell of the place. It's one of the best places I've ever been.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Don Dejuice: You posted --->

Who wants some coffee?

Obviously you aren't acquainted with super bums and treasure hunters like ORO, I, and the others like us here in the room. . What a silly question. even lying in coffins, if you ask that we will rise again and slurp one for the road with you. I HOPE THAT IT ISN"T INSTANT COFFEE?

BB what kinda coffee do you make? Oro makes his with egg shells in it to settle the grounds - I wonder why no shells remain when he is through?.

Cactus what type of coffee do they produce on your trips in there ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

You are so correct, it's the smells that I miss. BB had another long post this morning but I see it's gone now

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