has montezumas tomb been found ...?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Cubfan wrote:
you better have thick skin, cause sooner or later someone's gonna try to poke through it.

How true amigo! A sense of humor helps too.

Cactusjumper wrote:
Now, did what I wrote merit bb's threat to come to my home and make it "presonal"?

I don't see anything merited a threat based on what you said in your posts - however Joe you must agree that your statements were not exactly a series of compliments. Insults are more tolerable than threats, but it often reflects upon the poster in a negative way too.

We don't have to be buddies here to have a discussion, but we so often let minor differences get in the way of our common interests.

Cactusjumper wrote:
adventures in the cannabis jungle

Well all I can say is if the Cannabis claims are true, it is only a matter of time until BB becomes a guest in the Big House - however based on some of his posts I hesitate to take the drugs claim too seriously. Quite a few people on the internet make all kinds of claims about themselves which range from slight distortions and exaggerations of the truth to outright lies. Not sure why someone would want to brag about having an illegal drug, who or whom would be impressed with that? Is the web site still online where I could see it? Now that I think about it, if the drugs thing is true, and I were Blindbowman, perhaps I would be rushing to dispose of the evidence! :o ::):icon_jokercolor:

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


"Is the web site still online where I could see it? Now that I think about it, if the drugs thing is true, and I were Blindbowman, perhaps I would be rushing to dispose of the evidence!"

It's not hard to find "Tazz11" in the drug world. He is well known and revered. Here is one of many sites he posted on:


When we exchange information with people on the Internet, it seems prudent to find out who we are dealing with. In this case, it has a direct bearing on bowman's claims and any efforts to understand where he is coming from. That would include his threat to come to my home. That threat is no surprise, whatsoever, and speaks to the reasoning for exposing him.

You may be correct in that I was insulting but the truth is often insulting. Admittedly, I overstepped my intent.

This is Tazz:


I have never denied that his stories were interesting. That's what kept drawing me back.....like a train wreck.

Take care,


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Joe, I really do not believe that you wrote anything that could warrant the response you got from Bowman. If the truth be known it is your superior knowledge of the subjects he posts that gets to him. You have obviously spent much time out in the supers and have a knowledge base that extends beyond them. This has been a thorn in Bowmans side which is what has led to his threats toward you.
I have personally seen more than the one that was posted on this thread. I have a great respect for you guys who post on the treasure legends boards and have learned vast amounts. I enjoy these boards more than any of the others on the forum, Oro, Joe (CJ), Joe (JC), Thom, along with others are my main reason for visits here. Bowman to me has always been entertainment, a way to pass hot summer days and long cold winter nights.
What he did was beyond resonable, to publish someones address (without thier knowledge) as far as I am concerned should be cause for being banned, fortunately the moderators stepped in and told him he was over stepping the mark.


"Joe mi amigo your posts were rather insulting even if they are only your own opinion, and not what we have come to expect of you. Perhaps your words were intended in good humor but it is clear they were not taken that way.

I don't know when this turned 'personal' and if it is due to anything I posted, I will happily remove or edit whatever posts led to it. A discussion that degenerates into name-calling matches/flame wars might be entertaining for some, but is very much useless for any kind of information/idea exchange. While we can't "shake hands" here I hope that we can share good campfire coffee some day and swap tall tales. I know a whopper or two that might entertain! "

I know you are a balanced and fair man, should you look back over the posts where Bowman has been rude and included threats aimed at Joe, you would surely see why Joe has taken such a stance with Bowman.

And when you talk about your "Whopper" are you bragging?? :D :D :D

Point made, rant over, now I have to get back to the drawing board, seems I spent two bloody days researching the wrong Montezuma :icon_scratch:

Even more Java :coffee2:


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Cubfan64 said:
BB - you mentioned this a number of post ago and it really caught my eye...

...when did i know . when i ask montezuma him self ...

when i reached out and touched his mummy and his life came back to him ,and he was near shock , who was this that could awaken him . what magic is this .i will nevr forget the frist words he state to me . where are my kids , where is my wifes , where am i . who are you . am i dead ... , this is what i do . it is my gift . i can see threw time and space as if it was a magic touch of realities unto our own ...

Are you willing to say whether you indeed physically touched this "mummy," or is it something you physically saw and were able to connect with, or is it something you made a connection with "spiritually?"

I know in other posts you've mentioned that you are able to "see" past histories of things when you physically touch them, so I'm just curious if that was the case above?

I admit I am certainly skeptical of the abilities you claim to have - on the other hand I've seen things that I can't explain with my own eyes, so as I've mentioned to folks before, I choose to generally keep an open mind. I still recall the things you posted publicly to Real De once before and how surprised he was that you were able to see and explain things that fit his site very closely - things he hadn't shared with anyone. I could hear the surprise in his post and couldn't help but raise my eyebrows a bit as well.

Cub a few months back I ask BB if he would indeed do a reading for me. It was after you had brought it to my attention regarding Real De > the accuracy of what BB had seen. Well BB kindly and very graciously obliged me with my request. I was totally amazed at his insight as to my past and future. He was correct on all accounts . Now I am pretty much an open book , having a website and bio posted on the internet >> you know that art career of mine ::) but all he spoke of has not been written. One thing in particular, only one other person would know about and he nailed it. I was very impressed. To give credit where credit is due > BB has some kind of gift :icon_salut: Marjorie ak Carolinadigs

Re: has montezuma's tomb<snip> WAY long reply warning

Greetings everyone,
This is a really LONG reply, I beg your indulgence; (Extra coffee alert - :coffee2: hey I like that new icon!)

Cactusjumper wrote:
It's not hard to find "Tazz11" in the drug world. He is well known and revered.

I was unaware that Blindbowman had an alternate internet 'handle' of Tazz11, in fact last night I searched online for whatever I could find on Blindbowman and did not find anything quite so drug-oriented as I see in that forum.

You are probably right that it is prudent to do some 'background checking' on the folks we are interacting with, up to a point. I have been following quite the opposite approach, and usually take people at face value until I have reason NOT to. There is an old saying (gee it seems I am a little too fond of "old sayings" ::)) that says "we are just what we pretend to be" and in most cases this is true - for instance if someone pretends to be a cowboy, for all intents and purposes to the folks around him he IS a cowboy. I don't approve of illegal drug use much less the sale of it, but then I don't approve of drinking alcohol too much either. I try not to judge people based on their weaknesses, and want no part of any kind of illegal activity - whether it be drugs or any other. From what I see of Tazz11, he is certainly putting out enough information to give anyone reading it a strong impression that he is a druggie. It is still possible that it is all BS but if so I fail to see exactly why someone would want to be 'bragging' and giving people the impression he or she is a druggie.

I have never read ALL of Blindbowman's posts here on T-net (or anyone elses besides my own) nor on any other forum so have missed some apparently important ones. Here is one that pretty well proves he is Tazz11:

i took that nick name tazz from my membery at age 7

and this one, which explains a LOT about why he has been trying to tie in SO MANY different lost treasures and legends all into ONE place, the Superstition mountains:

i thaught wouldnt it be funny if they are all the same cave ...

Now Blindbowman is not the first treasure hunter to suspect that more than one legend is actually talking about a single place, in fact I am fairly convinced that the Lost Dutchman is actually at least three different legends tied into one. In the process of trying to follow all the various machinations of Blindbowman's theories however I have found myself pretty confused on more than one occasion!

I too have some pretty "far-out" theories of my own so do not like to start tossing stones at other folks ideas, but do TRY to keep at least one foot on the ground at all times and insist on having some kind of evidence to support an idea, besides "it could be possible" which has been a key feature in many of Blindbowman's theories.

With the fairly well 'proven' (as far as what information is readily available online) evidence of Blindbowman's involvement with illegal drugs, a LOT is now easily understood including the thinly veiled threats. I know some people who would react in that way, that is not to trade insults but 'get even' with fists so that was what I thought Blindbowman was doing, but looking back over the numerous posts there was an exchange of insults from both sides. In my opinion it was NOT justified to make a threat.

It has been entertaining, I hope the threats and flame wars are over though.

CarolinaDigs wrote:
To give credit where credit is due > BB has some kind of gift

I cannot say that our friend Blindbowman has given me any information that would indicate to me that he has some kind of 'insight' like what the Army was doing with 'remote viewing' but relying on Real de Tayopa and now what you have said, I will say that it is possible that he has the ability to 'remote view' with some kind of accuracy. I also still have my doubts about the extent and accuracy of his 'remote viewing' - for even the best psychics have troubles with interpreting the symbols they perceive. I especially came to suspect that Blindbowman is receiving "symbols" as in the various different treasures he has reported as being present in the sites he has picked, and might well be MIS-interpreting the symbols. For example, he has indicated that he believes the tomb of Montezuma is in one particular site - well is it not possible, (assuming that he has in fact received some 'psychic' information) that this was a SYMBOL that was supposed to mean the site is a grave of an important chieftain and the only way for the "spirit" to get that IDEA across was to use Montezuma as a symbol of a great Amerindian chief? Now I am NO expert in this department, just explaining my reasons for doubt. It is also possible that Blindbowman's information came from a cloud of smoke. ::)

Peerless wrote:
should you look back over the posts where Bowman has been rude and included threats aimed at Joe, you would surely see why Joe has taken such a stance with Bowman.

I did as you suggested, and now understand the level of hostility between them. I don't approve of making threats especially when it would have been a simple step to use the 'ignore' feature, as Joe did.

Peerless also wrote:
And when you talk about your "Whopper" are you bragging??

:icon_jokercolor: :o :D :) HEY now I was referring to a TALL TALE, not 'something else'! :D :) Believe me in the 'other' Whopper department, I wouldn't be bragging!!!:'( ::) :-[

Blindbowman if you are still participating, I strongly suggest that if you have not already abandoned the illicit drugs, do so ASAP. I am no angel and we all have some shadows in our histories but drugs are not the way to go. If you cannot kick it on your own then I hope you will seek out a re-hab program and sign up. You are attracted to the mystical, yet have been blocking yourself from truly experiencing it by using mind-altering substances. There are different and far more powerful kinds of "highs" that a human being can experience that requires NO mind-altering substance whatsoever - you have been in the Superstitions, have you not felt the magic spell that place casts over you without any kind of drug, legal or otherwise? The Superstitions are only a single one of the magical places of this world, and believe it or not the drugs almost certainly have been preventing you from discovering the truth about what you found! You seek truth? The only way to find truth is with a clear and un-altered mind. You choose your own road, and do not have to listen to me, but remember that life is far too short to waste it in a fog of smoke or alcohol. Those substances only serve to deaden you to the real magic that makes up this life.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


When you're right......You're right.

Take care,


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Gracias mi amigo Joe - now only wish that I had checked up on this whole thing sooner, instead of ignoring it. :-[ :(

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


As you know, I am often less than diplomatic. When someone makes a statement......especially of an historical "fact", I know how and where to find the truth. Many times I only need the books in my office. At other times, I know my way around the Internet.

It's amazing how many well known archaeologist will reply to a foolish email from a duffer like myself. If I quote such a person, you may take it to the bank that it's legit.

I had a really good time following up on bb's fantastic claims. As many here have stated, we are all more knowledgeable from those efforts. On the other hand, if he has been banned, as opposed to a serious warning, it might be a good thing. I can't help but feel that the real world is more interesting than the one he was trying to create here.

He immediately posted his ire on the druggie forum. They welcomed him back with open arms.

It will be interesting to see how your new topic fares.

Take care,


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

your right i do have friends in high places ...lol and i dont judge them , i dont go into their post and act like i am better then them or judge them like i am God , your a loser IMHO and you have been comeing into my post from the time i frist came here .. i dont even know if you ever made post of your own .. and i have never been arrested for anything ...in fact i have had one speeding ticket in 31 years ...and i stated i have never sold drugs . your just to thick skulled to under stand it ...
you dont know what your talking about .. and if you knew who i really am you would shut your mouth go your own way . and stop replying to my post . nothing you will say can stop what i am doing and when i am done if i recover enough evidence to prove i am right . watch what happends then ...

i am part of a much larger family then you know ... and you have cross the line and made this presonal ...i never came to your post and acted like a little cry baby ...

grow up ...

"OLD SUPERSTITION TRAIL MAKER" ......what a joke ....

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


Everyone is welcome to their own opinion, and to voice it on these public forums. No one is asking you to stop posting, or threatening to come to your home because they don't like what you say. If you only want approval for your flights of fantasy, you should keep them confined to forums where only a small amount of serious thought is presented......like YAHOOKA. Another good place to bounce your ideas off of someone, without debate, is while sitting at the kitchen table.

Unfortunately, you have potheads from that site riding your coattails onto other LDM Forums. Folks like critter. They arrive with only one purpose........to cause as much trouble as possible, spouting the same foul invectives they use in casual conversations over there.

["OLD SUPERSTITION TRAIL MAKER" ......what a joke ....]

I do enjoy a good joke now and again, but in this case Dr. Glover asked me to send him some interesting pictures from the Superstitions.
He was looking for something for the last printing of his well known book. Since I have a few thousand pictures in my collection, I sent him a number of them, and he picked this particular one. He labeled it, not me.

While visiting us here, he also asked me to put something together about Chuck Ribaudo, and included a short mention of my uncle in that same edition.

The opinion of someone who has claimed to have figured out the Stone Maps, and didn't know that the Priest/Horse carvings were done on the same stone, is something that any serious researcher would consider "a joke". That little episode put a smile on many faces here.

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

threatening...lol ...

i just post your reply at yahooka .. i wonder what they will think of your opioions ....it is a public forum ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

"i wonder what they will think of your opioions"

That's your problem bowman, you think what potheads/ :tard: think matters to the straight world. My guess is that you have lost your amusement value on this forum........but I have been wrong before. :)

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

cactusjumper said:
"i wonder what they will think of your opioions"

That's your problem bowman, you think what potheads/ :tard: think matters to the straight world. My guess is that you have lost your amusement value on this forum........but I have been wrong before. :)

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

His credibility yes, his amusement value never :tongue3:

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

i think you should Apologize , why you still can...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

:director2: Hmm looks like this is not over yet.

Blindbowman are you saying that you have never used nor experimented with any kind of drugs? If you have not, then why would you choose to join and participate in a forum (Yahooka) that is for people who use marijuana and think it is somehow "benefiting" them? It makes no sense.

I hope that you will one day see that mind-altering drugs are in fact blocking you out of the real world - no chemical will help you to ever find any kind of treasure. If you doubt my words, do a little research on the subject and you will see. Drugs will only deceive you into believing falsehoods and distancing you from your friends, family, and reality. While the physical effects of some drugs like cannabis are not that harmful to the body, studies have shown that they are harmful to the mind. http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday/content/2006/s1810712.htm

You seem to have some kind of ability or 'gift' that you have been using in your quest, but using any kind of mind altering substance will result in a distorted view, a false reading, and false interpretations. You know well that the old shamans used several different types of drugs to reach the "spirit world" but these same shamans failed utterly when it came to trying to protect their own nation and people from the Spanish, and it is because they were using mind-altering drugs which caused them to be deceived in what they perceived and what they then concluded. If you think I am kidding about this look it up - Montezuma ordered ALL of his shamans and magicians to use EVERY one of the 'tricks' in their trade, and they ALL failed. :icon_shaking2: :icon_cyclops_ani: :nono:

You have said that you want to be the one who finally found the Lost Dutchman mine - well it appears that you have been deliberately blinding yourself and hampering your own quest by using drugs. You are certainly free to your own choices in life, but I hate to lose a friend to a deceiver like cannabis or alcohol for that matter. I am only saying these things NOT to irritate or insult you amigo, but out of friendship.

Last bit and I will drop it - mind-altering drugs will blind you to the real mysteries and real magic that is all over this world and all around you, so you if you choose to continue with them, you will truly be the "Blind"-bowman.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope that you all find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Greetings amigos,

Blindbowman I am sorry to see your reaction, we are friends here and not trying to steer you the wrong way. I said I would drop it so won't keep on it. :(

So may I return to a question posted earlier amigo? What do you believe or think lies in the tomb? A body (mummy) any artifacts, etc or do you think it is already looted? Thank you in advance,
your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

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