has montezumas tomb been found ...?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

I have a question, if montezuma died in 1520, what relationship does that have to the shifting of the poles?
the reason I ask is that I believe the sun is a star and stonehenge still aligns perfectly with the solstices, and I believe the narrow tunnels in the pyramids that point to the constelations also still align.
they both predate montezuma.
And Plato died approx 2350 years ago so they out date him to.

confused again :icon_scratch:

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

What we seem to have here, is an education based solely on the abilities of a web browser. That kind of quasi education has no bearing on the person's ability to learn or understand. Like a mental parrot, his mind is only able to repeat the information that it receives, and has no idea of how to form those concepts on it's own.

The arrested childhood that rears it's ugly head in the persona of a blindbowman is a direct results of someone who dedicated too much of his youth to the drug culture. The flights of extreme fantasy and periods of childish anger, at not getting his way, are all signs of the same illness. The occasional threats are another manifestation of his mental instability.

His self advertised creation of the strongest cannabis known to man, as well as his willingness to sell it to.....anyone, shows his total lack of social conscience.

Now, what I have just written has as much basis in factual knowledge as anything bb has been putting out since he came on this site. It may all be true, but quien saba? My chances are probably better than his, since my facts are all based on the writings of the blindbowman. :BangHead: :icon_jokercolor: :BangHead:

Joe Ribaudo

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

I have to confess Joe I did learn the little I know about Montezuma the Aztecs and Atlantis from the web, it is a completely new set of subjects for me and I do not own any books on any of them.
I do however have an inquizitive mind and merely wished to learn where this post was headed and why I was struggling to keep up. I dont see what I missed, and thought because of my own lack of knowledge on the subject I had missed something important.

I guess I need more Java :coffee2:

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Peerless67 said:
I have a question, if montezuma died in 1520, what relationship does that have to the shifting of the poles?
the reason I ask is that I believe the sun is a star and stonehenge still aligns perfectly with the solstices, and I believe the narrow tunnels in the pyramids that point to the constelations also still align.
they both predate montezuma.
And Plato died approx 2350 years ago so they out date him to.

confused again :icon_scratch:


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Seems I've been researching the wrong Montezuma, however bowman I do not believe the stones at the henge or the pyramids star alignment are flukes, or they had any other alignment than that they have today.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

PS Bowman I do not believe it is the right thing to post anyones home address on the site without thier permission, although I am sure Joe has no fear of you at all, you should consider he could have children or grandchildren who could be put at risk from predators.
You should remove the offending post or at least modify it to be in line with what is right.


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Peerless67 said:
PS Bowman I do not believe it is the right thing to post anyones home address on the site without thier permission, although I am sure Joe has no fear of you at all, you should consider he could have children or grandchildren who could be put at risk from predators.
You should remove the offending post or at least modify it to be in line with what is right.


I fully agree! Plus, the thinly veiled threat is in poor taste as well.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

I did consider that to Cubfan, but I've seen pictures of joe packing, and I am sure he would not have considered it a threat.

More Java :coffee2:

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

It is NOT OK to post the addresses of members. PERIOD.

Veiled threats are grounds for banning.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Greetings everyone,

Quite a bit here that is bothering me. First is the reference to a post by Blindbowman about having created or invented the most powerful cannabis on Earth and offering to sell it, well I missed that one and presumed that Blindbowman was pulling someone's leg - for we know that the government is in fact monitoring our posts here so it would be very silly to actually post it in a public place that a person had/owned/was growing and offering to sell an illegal drug. If Blindbowman was telling the truth about the drugs, I would be very surprised if he did not get a midnight visit from the local branch of the DEA. So let me ask you Blindbowman this question:

Were you kidding about the drugs?

It is no skin off my nose if you were not kidding but you would be in real danger of becoming an involuntary "ward of the state" and "guest" at the "big house".

Arrested childhood? Well that might be true of several of us here (myself included) for who wants to "grow up" anyway, after all it is far more fun to dream of searching for lost treasures, Pirates and lost tombs than to pore over household budgets, seek out the least expensive insurance etc.

Next - Blindbowman it is poor etiquette to post anyone's home address here in a public forum without their permission, I hope that you will remove that post. I make my address public for the simple reason that it is easier for my friends (few though they may be! :o :() to track me down so don't mind if anyone posts it. However most people don't want the information available to the whole world. You would not want someone to post your home address. I see that Marc has stepped in to set the rule - NO HOME ADDRESSES IN PUBLIC. I hope that we can refrain from threats and insults for a while too. We so quickly forget how much we have in common once blood gets up.

Now if our collective "ruffed feathers" have been re-smoothed, I have another rather simple question (actually quite complex) for Blindbowman:

What do you believe is inside the tomb? (assuming it is a tomb)

thank you in advance,

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

the blindbowman said:
Peerless67 said:
PS Bowman I do not believe it is the right thing to post anyones home address on the site without thier permission, although I am sure Joe has no fear of you at all, you should consider he could have children or grandchildren who could be put at risk from predators.
You should remove the offending post or at least modify it to be in line with what is right.


cj made his address public on this site .. if he did not want to make it presonal, he should apologize...and go his own way , not keep trolling mypost . i am not in his post he is replying to my post ... after he stated he would not . i do not go looking to read what he post ....nor do i care

Yes he did Bowman, but as it was his own post he has the ability to remove it when he wishes, he does not have that advantage when its in someone elses post.


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Blindbowman if the pithy posts of Cactusjumper do offend you, it is a very simple thing to put him (or anyone else for that matter) on "ignore". I have used that device myself for a few members, but later changed my mind. I am not saying that what Joe posted was the right thing to do, just that it is fairly easy to ignore such insults if they actually bother you.

I am NO legal expert in the matter, but I believe that slander as a civil or criminal action will not work if the statement(s) are only the expression of opinion of that person.

Joe mi amigo your posts were rather insulting even if they are only your own opinion, and not what we have come to expect of you. Perhaps your words were intended in good humor but it is clear they were not taken that way.

I don't know when this turned 'personal' and if it is due to anything I posted, I will happily remove or edit whatever posts led to it. A discussion that degenerates into name-calling matches/flame wars might be entertaining for some, but is very much useless for any kind of information/idea exchange. While we can't "shake hands" here I hope that we can share good campfire coffee some day and swap tall tales. I know a whopper or two that might entertain!

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Thank you Blindbowman for removing the address. If you don't mind, I am curious about what you believe is inside the tomb? Would a body or bones remain? Gold? Other human remains? Is it already looted with nothing left inside? Thank you in advance,

WHOOPS - PS, forgot to ask this again too - how does Jacob Waltz fit into this scheme of things?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

I really hope we can end all this here and now and move RIGHT BACK to the topic! Any continuation of this will ONLY lead to further problems and issues.

I'd suggest if you have personal issues with someone, either do as was suggested and put them on ignore or take it to PM's or e-mails.

We have quite a nice forum here to "play" on and it's quite lightly moderated imho - I'd sure like to keep it that way!

Now - speaking of "playing"...

...for who wants to "grow up" anyway, after all it is far more fun to dream of searching for lost treasures, Pirates and lost tombs than to pore over household budgets, seek out the least expensive insurance etc.

Oro - that's a quote worthy of posting on my wall at work - it'll bring a smile to my face every time :)

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Thanks buddy, even I get lucky with a phrase on rare occasions! (How does that old saying go - "Even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while" :icon_jokercolor:) I second the motion of Cubfan - lets get back to the subject matter.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

BB - you mentioned this a number of post ago and it really caught my eye...

...when did i know . when i ask montezuma him self ...

when i reached out and touched his mummy and his life came back to him ,and he was near shock , who was this that could awaken him . what magic is this .i will nevr forget the frist words he state to me . where are my kids , where is my wifes , where am i . who are you . am i dead ... , this is what i do . it is my gift . i can see threw time and space as if it was a magic touch of realities unto our own ...

Are you willing to say whether you indeed physically touched this "mummy," or is it something you physically saw and were able to connect with, or is it something you made a connection with "spiritually?"

I know in other posts you've mentioned that you are able to "see" past histories of things when you physically touch them, so I'm just curious if that was the case above?

I admit I am certainly skeptical of the abilities you claim to have - on the other hand I've seen things that I can't explain with my own eyes, so as I've mentioned to folks before, I choose to generally keep an open mind. I still recall the things you posted publicly to Real De once before and how surprised he was that you were able to see and explain things that fit his site very closely - things he hadn't shared with anyone. I could hear the surprise in his post and couldn't help but raise my eyebrows a bit as well.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Dang Cubfan I forgot about that little exchange - and yes I was surprised as well. It took me a LONG time to figure out just what Blindbowman meant when he kept saying that he was "seeing" beyond, and referring to Shaman etc until I finally made the connection that it is along the same lines as what the US military was experimenting in - "remote viewing" they called it. Their results were mixed, but with individual persons the results were quite accurate. Even their best remote viewer did not have 100% accuracy, and the problem of SYMBOLISM and interpretation of the symbols perceived is one that even "professional" psychics struggle with. Blindbowman's statements to Real de Tayopa and his offer to let us "test" him are the reasons why I asked him about the Little Bighorn.

So I don't dismiss the statements and theories of mi amigo Blindbowman out of hand, any more than I dismiss the ideas of our other friends here, but hope to see enough evidence to make the case either proven beyond a reasonable doubt, or disproven.

Blindbowman I hope that you can answer my questions, and for the record it is not a test of any kind.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Well something happened here - all of Blindbowman's posts since March 7th are gone. Who deleted them?

Is someone on the verge of being banned? Not sure I understand what is going on, I can understand the removal of posts that were insulting, threats etc but surely not every post was of that ilk?

In any case good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Interesting responses to my post. Bowman's was to be expected but some of the others surprised me.

This was how I ended that, over the top, post:

"Now, what I have just written has as much basis in factual knowledge as anything bb has been putting out since he came on this site. It may all be true, but quien saba? My chances are probably better than his, since my facts are all based on the writings of the blindbowman."

Now, did what I wrote merit bb's threat to come to my home and make it "presonal"?

As for Tazz's adventures in the cannabis jungle, many people visited the site where he touted the superiority of his particular home bred brand. Once again, my "facts" were based on his own words. Once again, "It may all be true...", may being the operative word. It may also be, that he was simply showing off for the audience that uses that site.

All of our words expressed on the Internet have the potential of coming back to bite us. Even though we may delete them, as has often been done here, they remain.....somewhere. They have often, to my everlasting regret, come back on me , now and again.

Bowman's threat only proves that there is more truth in what I said, than anything he has posted from day one.

My fault for taking him off ignore and posting anything at all. In that, he finally found some truth. I will try to stay out of bowman's conversations in the future.

That should have been quien sabe?, which is entirely proper here.

Joe Ribaudo

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Noticed that as well - I wonder if all of a person's posts are removed if they're banned or not? If not, then it would seem BB decided to remove his own posts back a ways.

If there's anything I've learned perusing internet forums over the years, it's that you better have thick skin, cause sooner or later someone's gonna try to poke through it.

BB's threatened numerous times to leave - if he wasn't "helped through the door" so to speak, perhaps he kicked it shut on his own way out. If he's gone, I can only say he's been an interesting character that's for sure :)

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