Hard rock mining

Hey gold tramp,

I'm glued to the screen, reading along every day. Love your stories, and seeing how you do what you do with the resources at hand.

Does the schoolteacher ore produce? I don't see a spec of mineralization. Now the Mitchell's ledge stuff I like!

I hope to make it out your way (in March) before the Hades returns for summer, the cold drinks are on me.......Rob

Good stuff Gold Tramp! Looks like some hard work. Your buddy is rigging a prussic knot, correct? A backup for rappelling or it can be used as an ascender. One question though, looks like there's a top rope established or is it fixed? Cause if it's TR that prussic will not do much good. Is he doing something weird and backing up a belay? Ever climb in the park? I've been going to Jtree for the last 12 years. I can't get enough of that place. If it wasn't for the summer heat I'd live there.

chalcocite the copper sulfides, i try to stay away from those pyrites and lean more to saving the silver, copper sulfides they tend to bring in more gold values in the vein, it may not be this way its just something i have noticed with differant ores, more so with the copper sulfides i think they make the gold stronger in the vein.
just my thoughts on the sulfides.

" more so with the copper sulfides i think they make the gold stronger in the vein " .

Now that is a distinguishable difference between my area and yours . I would like to get out
there sometime ..... for about a month or so , just to see if what I know from here would do
me any good out there ..... other than just general earth science .


That's pretty

You mentioned a long trek out if it is down hill two good pulleys two ten foot four fours six tiedowns and six 1" diameter of four foot pickets and a spool of 5/16" wire rope might make you trek a bit less difficult. Stand the four by fours on end fix the pulleys to each of the tops string the wire rope through the pulleys drive the pickets in the ground opposite the pulleys use the tiedowns to hold the four by four in place either use cable grabs or rig a loop to put the buckets on. Us a lid of sorts till you perfect it. 500' Spool of wire 150-250 pulleys forty should get a good set four by fours 3-6$, the pickets will be cost of 1" round stock cut to length maybe 40$ and a set of tiedowns ratchet type 1000lb or better maybe 50.
So the question is how much do you value your time moving that 2 ton. I would think you might be able to save a full days work with this rigging not to mention back knees ankles and brain.
Just a thought

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Never meant to suggest no brains as you put it nor that hard work doesn't do good thing for the youngers. I have gotten five tons of material with two plastic buckets two hammers I got helping other friends and I have to walk about three hundred feet I got a jaw crusher for free mostly and can not attach it to my dads tractor to crush the material that I have spent less than 50 hours getting. I'm lucky this is a hobby might just get some time consuming road base. As I put in my message just a suggestion not a knock on your game or game plan. I use this rock mining thing to allow me to leave my "job" and find it interesting not even interested in making any money

Maybe we meet at your place when I can show up and we trade some of your knowledge and some of my things. If your up for it

Hey Gold Tramp... I've been trying to keep up with your progress but ran short on internet time on my phone. Hope that j/b weld repair job works out for you. I tried it on a pressure washer an ended up with a gas powered sprinkler.

You mentioned somewhere about doing videos of your workings and I thought I'd mention that they sell some helmet mount video cameras on that big online auction site starting around $30.Not including the micro sdSD card. You could end up being a YouTube video star! I hear some people actually make money for popular videos on there.

Been looking over your tool and equipment collection. I don't have that much, but I have a collection of sorts. Not sure how useful some of my stuff would be for mining though. Four lawn tractors all in need of some repair don't make for much of a start. Hoping to get one running again for use as a poor mans quad so I can get up a little mountain to check out a couple of potential claim sites.

Gathering materials for this summers projects to build a jaw crusher and rod mill and a plough blade for one of those tractors. In the mean time I'll be trying to keep up with your exploits.

Good luck!

Looks interesting. Lots of old mines around my claim, but none on it. Not even sure they'll let me work the quartz I've found as its in uranium ore and that's got a ban on mining here at this time. I'm staking another claim nearby were there no issues with the minerals, but in the meantime it fun following what others encounter. Too many little cactuses getting under foot here and rattlers will be slithering about now that its warming up.

That hole looks a lot like some of the old mines in this area. Barely enough room to squeeze into with your tools. Hope there's no current occupants sleeping in there.

I wouldn't worry about taking more than your share of attention around here Herb. Your the real deal telling it the way it is which brings interest into this site which I'm sure the moderators have no issue with.

Shows how much I know. I didn't know you had a site. Just tried to check it out using the link in your profile but it wasn't working. Server down?

I'll check again later. As for the pic's, as someone using an Android phone, small pic's are fine. Cuts down on bandwidth usage and easy to zoom in. Before my old computer crashed loosing all my login info for here, other sites and email accounts, i had about as many posts in here as you. Not as many pic's though. But they seem to like lots of posts and pic's. So don't hold back. Inquiring minds want to know more.

Just get all bent every time i see the word brain used, i spout off before i think about it no harm here, we are always here, and mining folk are welcome to visit the mill any time.
Forget we are all on our own gold journey and each person has his own level in this game.

I like hangin out here at this electronic miners camp,

we are back up and running hope till we run the new tires off the rigg after that we start looking for a new rigg, ive fixed 2 other mining truck motors internally with the Jb weld, Miner approved.

Today at the mill we do the final cleanup of the season wash out the grinding equipment, finish the pudding run across the table, shut the table n mill down for the season lube it and double cover the table, as it sets in the heat all summer its been bolted in the same spot for about 6 years now i have to tell you these rp tables are tough little
dudes miner approved.

Just get all bent every time i see the word brain used



Herb, what is that item in the first pic?

Sounds like a tough go down there, and good to hear
you're stickin' with it til the gold pours in...:occasion14:

Hey goldtramp,

Been running into a problem you might have an answer to. I have filled twelve 55gal drums with ore I'm running out of options on storage until I get my crusher operational. (Visible gold with and without loupe now). How do you store your ore after you hand crush it or put on your arrastra. Those drums if not free are about 32$ a peice here in Chico area have not bought one yet. I have brought back pieces that are large as my size 15 shoe and then also sand size debris from the bottom of my area of interest.

Tarps and pile if need be . Or build wood boxes and place plywood top an tarp .

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