Hard rock mining

gold tramp... Can you give some information on the vehicle, the part you need and if it is for the engine, what size and configuration (i.e. Flathead 6, V8 or other)? If not, what part is it that you need? Also, is the part for the 1941 Dodge Weapons Carrier you wrote about earlier? If so, I believe they had a Flathead 6. If that is what it is, then they have some parts on eBay but there are a few old Dodge Weapons Carriers, Military trucks and even old Dodge civlian trucks around here. Maybe I could find the part but I don't know how long it would take.


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well we got parts for the tortoise put it back together everything went well till the water, freakin part had a crack. cant find the part anywhere trucks to old i guess, so im going to try the old JB WELD i have used it to fix motors before and had success.

Till we get our rig running again we have to hoof it to do any prospecting, now we really know what its like to be the old desert prospector on foot walkin the same old trails that they did in the day, i would bet some places we get to havnt seen but a handfull of footprints from humans.

still running the mill its slow going but we will get there one day, will try to get some new pictures soon.
you guy are going to love the leach system when finished no pics till then.
Nice little ore shot very juicy this my friends is the stuff, if one can find it !!
View attachment 1122306

Looks like some of the stuff I am into.


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Thanks frank,
its my old 83 ford truck the oil cooler i forgot to put antifreeze in last year after i did some work, didnt remember till the 3rd day of freeze it was too late cracked the oil cooler.
i have been on a ford truck site they will most likley get one found i hope, there was one on ebay but 3 bolts mine has four.

with any luck Im going to fix the old one today.

Here at claudette mill,
today we are going to table some ore get ready to crush Mitchels ledge batch, i found a pocket about 6 years back out to the ledge, took a tractor out it was my first mechanized dig what a waste of time and moneys, just left a big scar on the mnt, doesnt look to bad today, i knew better but was having delusions of nugga plums in my head.
The best way to attack these small pockets is to just buff it out and dig down one doesnt need a power tool, pick n chisel is just fine you just need to know how to dig them. most times you find that a vein is only showing values on a very small spot, the vein may be lengthy but spots for mineralizations are very small or maybe just 1 area on the whole vein has values, you kinda have to know what you are looking at here to prospect hard rock.

Learning rocks n geology will help but one really needs to work with the differant types of ores to be able to prospect by eye, not having to crush worthless rock all the time saves on labor, so its important to learn these ore types if you want success. I have a thread here it has pictures of ores that will help a little for iding them.
there are secrets to doing this type prospecting some i will share here, im hoping to get a good how story over at my site when i get the time to work on it proper.

till then its back at the millin and working on getting the rest of the mill finished off still got a long ways to go before its complete i think we could use at least another 60 bags of mortar and 40 bags of ready mix just to get the crusher pad made, still have to get the redwood to make my ZPU (precipatate unit) and the lid for my pachuka tank, my settle tank will be made from stone and lined with plastic drum i want to look as old as possible, you wont see the plastic at all maybe a little pvc.

I was trying to send my cons off to be worked at a plant in AZ but the guy i guess thought i was a joker, and asked me what i was paying for gold ? anyways i just forget that idea and will do it my self. i always wonder about that place everybodys carrying guns ?
till next time
I will try to get a gold shot today its just kinda of small these days.

Maybe one of an earlier model will fit. If it is just missing one hole, a drill bit can take care of that in a few minutes. I am not as familiar with Fords as I am Chevys though.

I wouldn't worry about the fact that a lot of us carry guns here in AZ. The vast majority of us are a peaceable people and just carry because it is just another tool we use. Lots of VERY remote areas here that have a lot of varmints, both four legged and two legged. With the price of gold being what it is, lots of claim jumping and illegal mining going on here and elsewhere. And some of these people have absolutely no problem with putting rounds in you just for fun.

Illegal Mining Isn't The Only Industry That Mexican Cartels Are Taking Over - Business Insider

Thanks frank,
its my old 83 ford truck the oil cooler i forgot to put antifreeze in last year after i did some work, didnt remember till the 3rd day of freeze it was too late cracked the oil cooler. i have been on a ford truck site they will most likley get one found i hope, there was one on ebay but 3 bolts mine has four.

I believe the second one down at the link below is the one you need.

1983 Ford F-150 Automatic Transmission Oil Coolers & Components at CARiD.com

I think that Rock Auto RockAuto Parts Catalog has what you need as well, they are usually cheaper and their shipping is fairly fast. Also, I am pretty sure that the Transmission Oil Coolers for the 1982 and 1983 F-150's are interchangeable. I could not find any in my area but I will still keep looking. A lot of folks restore the 1982 and 1983 F-100's and F-150's around here and then ask big bucks for them. My brother-in-law had a 1982 F-100 but sold it long ago.

Good luck!


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well i didnt get a gold shot was more into the gluing of my part get us back out in the hills, ran the table guess bad comes in threes today we ran on the skinny just a few values coming off the table sometimes its that way you sample its good you dig it up run it and just wonder what happened.

Thanks again Frank i would have to get you a picture of what i need.


GT... I don't know why I thought it was the Transmission Oil Cooler but I am still confused as to what part you need! Can you give me the part's name or describe it and where it installs on the truck. Also, please include what engine the truck has in it as well. If the part is available anywhere, I will find it! Besides working on my' trucks and daughter's cars, I worked at a Junk Yard pulling parts off of vehicles for customers when I wasn't working my normal job for the National Weather Service before I retired. There are not many parts on any vehicle that I can't figure out what it is from a description and it's function when there is no part name or part number to go by.


P.S. Could this be it? http://www.carid.com/1983-ford-f-15...ex-a-lite-heavy-duty-oil-cooler-12904721.html The same thing from Rock Auto but comes with an install kit. http://www.rockauto.com/catalog/moreinfo.php?pk=3843831&cc=1121364&jnid=574&jpid=1

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Just thought I'd mention that you might find that part at nap online. I looked up the year of Ford and guessed f100 as the model and L6, (inline 6) as the engine. They had 1 oil cooler listed. If that's not the right one, they may have the one you need.

Sometimes a transmission cooler will work too.

gold tramp,

28 months? I'd be in heaven. As my Grandfather taught me, never underestimate the power of stupidity in large groups of people.

Between you and I, I'd rather not have to carry when I am out and about. But unfortunately, I've had enough of "problems" that it is necessary. Too many "unsavory" types that would rather take someone else's hard work than do it on their own.

Hope you find the parts for your truck. I have one going back on the road and it is a pain.

Are u the same guy from the VJC?

Sun, fun and broken parts. Hard to beat! That JB weld is amazing stuff! Looks like he is getting ready to crevasse to get to the crevices lol.

Never used a arrastra mill
The best fine grinding/ amalgamation mill i ever found was a Berdan Pan.
"Berdan Pan" by Lenny La Rue, IPA | Redbubble

i used the one i had for finish grinding and amalgamation and got over 99.8% of the gold in the cons and had -500 mesh clay going out.
and i had a special recovery system to make sure i lost no mercury from the system.
and i had the test equipment to check for mercury in the waste clay.
lost mercury meant lost gold and problems with the government.

fixed the part with the jb weld one more day curing and i can put it back together and hope it holds up i still got a placer project do do before the end of the month gotta pay those grubstakers.
Still havnt been able to find a new part i guess i could try ford motor co. but im not looking to pay more for the part than the rig is worth, so we will see.
heres a pic of the part. thanks for everyones help.

View attachment 1123536

GT.... So, I know what it is now! It is an Oil Cooler for a 1983 Ford F-250/350 Diesel. My next questions are: Is it an F-250 or F-350 but probably doesn't matter? What engine size, is it the 6.9L or other?


Frank im sorry 83 f 250 6.9l , still looking guess this is one of those you just cant find, if all goes well in the morning i will put my rigg back together and we are back in business.


GT... Don't give up! I will keep looking and make some calls tomorrow now that I know what truck, what engine and what part it is that you need. They make Oil Cooler upgrade kits and I think they make by-pass kits for this part and the might be somethings to consider. I will look into those options as well for you to make sure that it doesn't not compromise the engine from cooling correctly, oil flow and oil filtering.


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gold tramp,

Now that I know it is a diesel, where was it leaking? The end caps come off and there are O-rings that seal between the core and the cap.

Just realized i dont have an updated shot of my arrastra mill on here.
Claudette mill , 29 palms Calif....
An arrastra! Man, that's old school! I like it!

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