Got A Rock you Want Identified? Post it here! gimme a good picture or 3 or 4!

I know this is quartz but was this natural or man made. And if man made is this what was left after some gold mining.





I crushed up another small sample and got what looks like merc. It is really heavy. It does not roll like merc though. I have no clue. Can you identify? The third pic is the vein rock that I crushed. We are six to seven feet in.

HB Its possible that you have AmalgAm (silver or gold or both) the only way to really find out would be to make a Retort, and a furnace (I just built mine), cook the concentrate at 1000 F for about an hour and then check your button.. If you would like i can send you in the direction to making one.. design and picts of what i used.. not hard to make and all the parts cost me 20$ total... so there you are with a great way to smelt, fire and melt your finds.

Let me know what youd like to do .. I'm having a process nightmare myself so It might be beneficial to both of us to commiserate! lol hollar at me when you get a chance!

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Hello Dustedyou. Found this rock in my quartz inventory. Can you tell me what it is with the green in it and it really has a lot of sparkle in it too just like little diamonds and I would like to see what's inside but I am afraid to bust it. A lot of the surface of the shiny side has a shade of green. I also turned the rock with different angles for you to see and turned it over and displayed the bottom side too. This thing is beautiful. The one pic of the little rock that is in there is by accident but it has green in it too. Could this mass also have Fe-Rich Olivine crystals in it. It has one chunk of quartz in it too. Thanks.

Very Naice Im especially happy with the amount of silver.. to Clean this rock use 10% sulfuric acid (wont hurt the silver or the gems) but will eat the iron and other junk on it.. maybe some HCL (will turn the silver white) but with a toothbrush and some toothpaste after you etch out the junk it will shine beautifully. very nice crystals,, I wouldnt kill it for the silver (8$ worth at this point) and the rock would be worth much more 300$ if the crystals are more pronounced with a good cleaning. ye you have peridote or olivine crystals in the sample and some sweet quartz crystals in it too.

Hi! Fantastic thread! I'm still learning how to post pics so I might not be able to..but..I have a rusty quartz sample I found the other day that had a lot of black on it..the sample seemed unusually heavy. When I got home I started crushing it and to my surprise it broke open to expose a matalic silver material. Sparks came from the rock when I hit it with the hammer..kinda smelled like burnt gunpowder when it broke open.. I can pick up the black portions of the sample with a magnet, but the shiny portion was not magnetic. I tried scratching the shinny part with a screwbriver to no avail....I looked in a few of my rock books and everything with a silver shine should have been scratched with the screwdriver..this rock crushed hard..its not in cubic form and does not flake apart..after reading the description of arsenopyrite I heated the sample with mapp gas (outside) and low and behold it became magnetic,,and crumbled apart. When I pan the fine ground sample there is some kinda shiny stuff that is very very heavy but very very small. Does not shiny like gold but almost..hard to tell when it is ground so small..there is a small ammount of gold in the sample...any tests or suggestions would be great, thanks.

OK so time to take a trip to Home Depot, get the 30% HCL (muriatic Acid) fill a plastic jar and put your crushed samples into it.. It will remove anything but gold, silver and the Noble metals (IE platinum etc etc..) pour off the hcl with mineralization and smelt it dow (outside) or go furthere after the HCL etch and go to Aqua regia (nitric acid (ammazon )1 part to 3 parts HCL (muriatic acid) and I add a part of Bleach (chloric acid) helps the will eat the Gold and Platinum (do this in a very well ventilated area (Iuse a hood) and wear protection.) after the Aqua REgia reaction the silver will still be left in the bottom so puur and strain thru coffe filters all of the aqua containing your gold. get UREA from Home depot sold for rose gardens 45% is great) add this to the aqua regia thus getting rid of the excess nitric acid (Add enough till it stops bubbling) go to your local brewers supply and get Metabisulfite (NOT SULFATE) drop in in a water mixture and stir (WELL VENTILLATED) add this to your once again strained and filtered Aqua regia and watch the gold drop out. it will take 24 to 48 hours for all of the gold to drop. this will be 99.99997% pure gold strain and remove it using coffe filters again. to get out your plat compounds youll need to order Oxilate acid (Amazon) this will drop out your platinum.... or you can go with a Smelting furnace.. hit me up if you need design plans for one!

OK Dusted ive been digging under this Quartz vein were it turns that red,orange color ive been crushing it but no gold. What do you think of this orange material and should i keep digging here or maybe down left or right farther? Im a rookie I need a clue.View attachment 872478View attachment 872479View attachment 872480

HB might be right but if you were continuing into the area follow the Split vein in the center running NW or 11:30 off your ^6 oclock position. the mineralization is good but Feldspar is a bugger and I would look for some Green or Dark Black and follow it.

Here's a couple more. The black "rock" is attracted to a magnet. Ignore the pink paint on the smaller rock, it was found in the low tide area of a drydock and caught a little primer...

Volcanic Stalagtites in #1 and #2 is PoiPoi (hawaian word for cake lava) It would be high in iron content,, very high.. Love both samples.. I would clean em with toothpaste and a toothebrush,, and keep them for conversation pieces.. #1 would sell very well to a rock dealer or online.

Working on posting pics of the rock described aboveView attachment 874259 hope it works. Sent it off for an assay

Primarily Iron , Lead, Silver copper and a little gold! yes very naice Sample! how did the Assay turn out? Post It when you get a chance!

Found this quite heavy rock in a campground in Michigan City, Indiana, where it stood out from the rest of the drainage rock that appeared to be igneous (or perhaps a slag by-product?) and very porous, with a few black obsidian pieces mixed in. I was attracted by the surface on one side of this rock, which looked like woven fabric. View attachment 876230 View attachment 876231 View attachment 876232 I'd love to know what it is, though my spouse made me leave it there in case it was uranium or something similarly radioactive!

Basalt with Arbestos crystals in it.. not rare not really dangerous unless you clean it with a wire brush,, I would use sulfuric acid then DO NOT LICK THE ROCK,, wash hands with every touch and place it in a Plastic sealed box from hobby lobby.. NAICE find!

Dustedyou - are you still willing to identify rocks if I send pictures? Wish I could be enjoying a breakfast there at Weck's and watching the balloons.

Yessir,, I am a little under the weather atm but I'm working on it.. have to have surgery soon,, but Post away there will be help on these Items when Im out but I will be back to answer !!

There are no balloons right now, the wind is a steady 35 mph, with gusts up to 50.

bloody Accidents this week with all the baloons! bahaaha NM drivers and add in touristas!

These have all been etched with Cyanide (a use still today) carefull and wash your hands.. Cyanic Acid dissapates into pretty harmless chemicals over time.. but you never know..

It's safe I found it in the creek fully under water

It's safe I found it in the creek fully under water

sweet... Take a look at the mine entrance look for the Crusher area.. I found 6+ OZ at a crusher once.. Sweet and keep a going! GL and may you find a river of GOLD!

sweet... Take a look at the mine entrance look for the Crusher area.. I found 6+ OZ at a crusher once.. Sweet and keep a going! GL and may you find a river of GOLD!

I'm finding gold all around not in a uniform area or in streaks

Thanks Dustedyou and I am so glad you are back. I posted in Gold Prospecting a post name ( dug out of ground and unwashed ) I would like for you to check out for me if you can or I can post pictures in this feed for you to see. Hit a quartz vein in a bank with backhoe and busted some rocks and gold colored chunks and nuggets and powder fell down and the clay was full of this stuff, so I put some photos on there and hade not washed them at the time but have washed them since then. When I pick them up to handle the bits of gold colored stuff fall of in my hand if im not careful. Looks like to me buttery globs on the rocks. Not sparkley and did a color test and color was yellow shiny. It has a dull yellow shine.

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