Got A Rock you Want Identified? Post it here! gimme a good picture or 3 or 4!

This was found in a creek in Arkansas... 20200428_111335.webp


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Found in SE Arizona. Buried with Indian Pottery.image1.webpimage1.webpimage2.webpimage3.webpimage5.webpimage4.webp

I have a quite a few. Will have to get few good shots of them and will come back

What is this?

Need some help in identifying these rocks. Found them somewhere in Michigan’s lower peninsula near my house. This is my first time ever posting ... surprisingly there was not an app to answer my question! Have a bunch more cool finds that need IDs should this inquiry pan out🙂


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I'm new to this forum - hello all, and thank you in advance.

This isn't the most visually appealing rock, but I can't figure it out. I found it in a creek in central NJ (Hunterdon County appx 2 miles east of the Delaware river) - it's either the Stockton, or Kingwood, quadrangle. I was able to break the rock with the point end of a rock hammer - it sparks and smells like flint, but I thought flint was more grey to dark grey?? Any thoughts? It looks like what I would expect the end result to look like if I took a pile of mud and cooked it on high in the oven - almost like a baked clay - but it's very hard, and the air bubbles, to my knowledge, wouldn't be consistent with it being sedimentary. Thanks everyone.


Hello, please help me ID this rock. I have no idea!

rock 1.webprock 2.webprock 3.webp

Thank you in advance!

Is this gold and silver in this rock?

I found this rock... is this gold, silver or both
It’s not magnetic.

Thank you20154E78-FD16-4C03-B514-C5044D0EBDDB.webp513A3874-CD54-4D82-91B2-06F0ADBDF2F8.webpC20CE22A-F194-4C82-9034-BFEA61C5CCA3.webpF7904884-E7C8-4E75-AA7F-1555CCED86D6.webp

Ok guys ! I have a rock that looks like a meteorite and is dense and heavy. I need help identifying what it could be. It's measurements are approx. 3"x2"x1.75" and it leaves a mark on the toilet lid. It's very magnetic and weighs 18.64 oz. also I found this either around Muleshoe, Tx or around white river lake, Tx . I can't remember bc I found it around 6 yrs ago and actually forgot about it until I ran across a box of my rocks! ��

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I found this in Charleston SC near the Ashley River any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks,


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Hello..I live on a 72 acre ranch on the central coast of california.
A few different mining companies,contractors,and landscapers pay to offload their excess excavations we then use the rock for various build projects depending on the type of rock.
My husband and is decided to build a pond in our personal garden so i started gathering some of the more colorful stones and now im just curious as to what I'm looking at!

Need some help in identifying these rocks. Found them somewhere in Michigan’s lower peninsula near my house. This is my first time ever posting ... surprisingly there was not an app to answer my question! Have a bunch more cool finds that need IDs should this inquiry pan out🙂

Those are from an ancient sea or bay bed. They are clam print fossil etc. center of U.S. used to b part of the ocean, then a huge bay. Eventually it pushed up into the land we now love. The bay extended from where you are all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. The stones are lime calcified bay/sea bottom.

Hi, totally new and trying to learn. I was out horn hunting came across something that didn't look normal. I was hoping you can tell me if it is something and worth going in for more! Thanks!!View attachment 1834867


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Curiosity is killing me.


Hey new to this site and I seen your thread. I found this in Albuquerque New Mexico last year. Did you have any ideas?

Hey guys if you have any rocks you want identified,, or are having a problem with the composition, Post it with questions, and a brief summary of where you got it..I'm down to help!

And I love to play Stump the Chump!:coffee2:

Is this forum still active I found a rock or something I need to identify.

Is this forum still active I found a rock or something I need to identify.
1st - I noticed this was your very first post - so, Welcome Aboard! You didn't list your state (or country) in your profile. So, you might consider jumping over to Sub-Forum: Select Your Area.... for information (i.e., clubs, hunts, finds, legends, maps, etc.) directly related to your state (or country). You might also consider adding your state (or country) to your displayed profile (SETTINGS -> EDIT PROFILE) - members may have more success helping you (your location may help, etc.)...

2nd - yuppa - we are active!

Also they are not magnetic. Using muriatic acid to try to separate the crystal from the rock.

Hey guys if you have any rocks you want identified,, or are having a problem with the composition, Post it with questions, and a brief summary of where you got it..I'm down to help!

And I love to play Stump the Chump!:coffee2:

I got somethin to "stump" you lol. Also i have plenty of glacial deposit rocks and minerals i would really appreciate your Knowladge being used to identify as much as you will until you tell me to stop asking. Lol. anyway here is the only one i know what it is. I will be taking pics of all the unknown pretty ones today. Guess this ( hint hint ) gemstone..20200526_013026-1.webp20200526_013337.webp

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