Got A Rock you Want Identified? Post it here! gimme a good picture or 3 or 4!

I have some green rock, its solid, some with black spots. Copper based, but what could be here?View attachment 781620

Black spots are usually hornblende, I have seen granodiorite look like that..or could be serpentine or something along those lines. Lots of chloride based minerals look that. Not gonna be gold bearing most likely unless its in contact with hydrothermal veins

In my area got a lot of green tint granodiorite...

While wading a river in the cascade range I found what I thought was a large piece or stump of petrified wood but after digging it out of an undercut back, rolling it across the river and getting a buddy to help pack it to my pickup and bring it home I’m doubting it is but I really want to know what it is. Weighs about 350# and 3’ in diameter, I see lots of quartz I believe so I cut a chunk out of it of which I will post a photo. 798FD5DF-DC61-456A-9A0F-48FB8F0FD089.webpED04A6D9-3D2B-4E90-998E-95E6DBB1075A.webp2ECE84FB-ED7F-4310-9BB9-9EA3119FC3C7.webp9EC1CBC6-5E7B-44DE-8C61-E07FDB689B4F.webp60172775-2C28-41EE-9676-D693E4FB7CC0.webp

Need info

Need infoIMG_20190824_213144236.webpIMG_20190824_213144236.webpIMG_20190824_212436886_HDR.webpIMG_20190824_213144236.webp

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Yellow transparent quartz I think

I got a yellow rock feels like glass Given to me as a gift, they did not know what it was. I am hoping you can help. It is about 1.5 inch by 1.5 inch. Weighs about 90 grams.


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Can you please help to identify the rock that this Native American celt is made of. I have several celts that are made of this black rock. I have been told that it was possible, basalt. gniess or diorite. It is quite heavy for its size and some of the celts that arent quite as polished appear to be greyish under the polish. All from Ontario Canada,

Thank youresized 6.webpresized8.webp


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Found this rock in western Washington. Have no idea what it may be. 3179C381-1F38-493D-A578-70830EEBB259.webp3179C381-1F38-493D-A578-70830EEBB259.webp3179C381-1F38-493D-A578-70830EEBB259.webp3179C381-1F38-493D-A578-70830EEBB259.webp3179C381-1F38-493D-A578-70830EEBB259.webp

image.webp image.webpMy father in law and I came across this at work and have no clue what it is. I figured one of you guys would. Could you help us?

I found this probably around 1978-82...I thought it was Amethyst, but never seen any this dark of purple. The picture isn't great at all. It looks like the tip of a bigger crystal, when you hold it to the light, you can see red speckles in it. You can see the red specks somewhat in one of these. All the sides but one is slick as glass...


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Any thoughts on the rock material here...Ontaio Canada find. Thanks. Red


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Oh, my God!!!!! Run.....they're alien eggs ready to eat your face!!!!!!

Can anyone tell me what this is. I found it in verbena alIMG_20190822_010250448.webpIMG_20190822_010250448.webpIMG_20190822_014441405.webpIMG_20190822_014441405.webp

Hey there, I was hoping you could identify this rock20190901_121517.webp20190901_121517.webp


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Found it in a granite quarry on top of the ground. Magnetic and heavy, 550g. Any ideas?


Probably not a meteorite according to this quote: "Bubbles or holes
Many people believe that meteorites have the appearance of being molten, perhaps having a frothy appearance or bubbles on their surfaces. However, this is not the case. The outer portion of a meteorite, the fusion crust, is either smooth or has the characteristic regmaglypts (thumb prints) described earlier. However, many terrestrial igneous rocks are porous and have holes in them. These holes or 'vesicles' were produced by bubbles of gas that formed in the magma as it was erupted. If you find a rock that is porous or contains vesicles it is a terrestrial rock."

More info and the source of the above quote. [url][/url]

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