Hi All, sorry I dont have a picture, but I have some questions, apologise if there is a better discussion thread to post this.
I'm hoping you are able to provide some insight for me on deep exploration
drilling for base metals. I'm involved in some exploratory deep
diamond drilling into a prospect which is brand new, never been explored before. We drilled 4 holes, with the deepest hole being about 600m deep. The Geology that we were hoping to encounter is that of IOCG bearing Geology, but my understanding is very limited on what that
means. The Geology that we have interpreted to have intersected is hematite altered granite, so my first question is, what is that and is
that a characteristic you would expect for systems containing base metals like copper and gold. This geology was adjacent to highly
magnetic diorite units, so second question, what does that mean? To expand on that a little, the target we drilled into was based off a
massive +1000 nT magnetic anomoly which is normally associated with
base metal discoveries.
Does the geology I have described so far give
any indication on the likeliness of a base metal discovery? I have
more follow up questions if possible, but i would really appreciate
some insight on the above
